Lord of Pets

Chapter 998: Dragon of Notes

? ? ?

A sudden flash of white light and a sudden flutter of feathers attracted everyone's attention.

The three-legged thunder crow was frightened and screamed.

The crystal clear feathers exploded instantly, and sizzling blue arcs of electricity spurted out from the quills, attacking the foreign objects that appeared beside them based on instinct.



The tricolor peacock on the other side is a little calmer.

But it just tried to remain calm, with the crest on its head raised high and the coverts behind its tail spread wide.

Containing three colors of red, green and yellow, the racial skill called "Three Color Divine Light" can be swept away without hesitation.


The little rabbit was not annoyed, even a little happy.

At this time, it was standing in the center of a row of birds.

Because they are all about the same size, there doesn't seem to be much of a contradiction.

However, its movements are too "arrogant". It holds a little crow in its left paw and a little peacock in its right paw, just like "I have three thousand beauties in the harem, and I will choose two of them to be pampered today."

Then, thunder and lightning thundered, and the three-color divine light was as heavy as a mountain.

When it fell on the snow-white soft hair, it was like encountering an insulator.

Not to mention any damage, not even a hair fell off.

The little rabbit blinked his big eyes and didn't care.

Bury your head into the little crow's wing nest, smell it, and smell it.

He turned his head again, aimed at the dull hair on the little peacock's head, and breathed hard, trying to bend it.

"What...what is going on?"

At this time, Ming Du Wu Lao, Kenan, Gu Ling, Mo Xiuci... all had dull faces.

A cheerful, seemingly harmless little rabbit.

He mingled openly among the birds, acting like an innocent, lively and curious baby.

If I remember correctly, the three-legged thunder crow and the three-color peacock... it seems that one is a semi-holy beast and the other is a pure-blood holy beast...

Just turned into a toy, cuddled and ravaged by little ones?

"Commander Bailong, what do you mean?" Ye Fei stood up with a sinister look in his eyes.

He had only heard about Bailongying, which was becoming famous, today.

Maybe he has extraordinary potential, maybe he has a deep background.

But no matter what, in front of so many people, bullying the Celestial Master as a hero and bullying the immortal as a king is a bit too much.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The silver-winged little Tianpeng, Coconut, saw his friend being "molested", so he flew up with a cry and swooped down.

It didn't hold back, and it hit hard with all the impact it could show when it was in its reduced state.

However, what was shocking was that the little rabbit still didn't let go of its two little paws, and just jumped up and down, leading the little crow and the little peacock, and suddenly appeared on the back of the silver-winged little Tianpeng.

No matter how fast the bright silver bird below stopped, it couldn't be shaken off its back.


Little Rabbit has a handsome mount that fits his size. He feels majestic and extremely satisfied.

The little crows and peacocks on the left and right, as well as the little roc below, were either panicked or confused, and there were hundreds of millions of doubts about the bird's life.

Being played by a little rabbit?

Is this reasonable? Should this be done?

Are they too weak, or is the other party too strong, unable to fight back at all?

Pan Xuan also frowned.

She said nothing, but her eyes, as clear as water waves, froze slightly when they fell on Miss Crow's arm.

In my impression, the Fruit Team, which was noisy internally and shared the same hatred externally, turned out to be polarized.

The three-legged thunder crow, the three-color peacock, and the silver-winged little Tianpeng are "falling in love and killing each other" with the little rabbit.

The little parrot was locked in the pet space, and its loud noises could not be heard.

But the little pterosaur, the little griffon, and the little wind sparrow raised their heads. After experiencing the initial explosion of hair, they actually remained motionless and had no intention of helping at all.

Even, I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Pan Xuan always felt that Miss Crow's natal pet, that magical little pterosaur, had surprise and overflowing admiration in her eyes.

"Do they know each other?" This was Pan Xuan's subconscious thought.

Miss Crow is generous to others and has an eccentric personality.

But if you are really angry, you will definitely grind your teeth and try to bite off a piece of meat from the bad guy.

Even if she is not strong enough, she is not a master who is willing to suffer losses.

The current situation is obviously not like this. Although Miss Crow's expression under the mask cannot be seen clearly, her energy has increased several times, and she has a "sense of excitement" that is about to come out.

"Little rabbit! Get down here!"

"Blueberries, coconuts, durians... they are all younger than you!"

"You bully them, be careful when they grow up and seek revenge on you!"

Miss Crow clenched her fists and tried to look as vicious as possible.

The little rabbit, flying around on a roc, reluctantly left the riding position and landed on the table with a squeak.

"Jigu!" The little guy cocked his ears and said hello in a friendly manner.

As soon as their little paws were loosened, the little crow and the little peacock were free and hurriedly fled back to Miss Crow.

The former is panicked and fearful, while the latter is wary and wary, with completely different demeanors.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Silver-winged Little Tianpeng's mind has not matured yet, so he almost gave up the shrinking technique and competed with the little one in his complete form.

Miss Crow held it in her arms, combing its messy hair with her fingers to soothe it.

But her eyes were fixed on the little rabbit for a moment, and she could faintly hear the sound of her teeth grinding:

"Little Rabbit! You are a 'senior', and you have no image of a senior at all! That's too much!"


Yinhe puffed up his belly and disagreed with this statement, shaking his head like a rattle.

A dispute between man and rabbit finally ended with the intervention of the small pterosaur.

The miniature "Dragon of Notes" jumps next to the little rabbit with a tiger head and a tiger head.

Once again, it was confirmed that this was the Silver-Eyed Demon King in my impression, the one who was so cute that even the Dragon Clan fell in love with him.

The black bean-sized eyes turned over and over again, and he turned around with great energy, calling out to his master.

"Huh?" Miss Crow's voice suddenly rose.

I'll serve you delicious food and drinks. Why, the wild flowers outside are more fragrant than those at home?

"Master, master, this is the big boss's rabbit, and his hands are full of delicious food!"

"Please forgive me for now. When I break into the enemy and get some delicious food back, I can save money on milk powder for my brothers and sisters!"

"This is my awareness as a big brother. A little sacrifice can be exchanged for hundreds of millions of rewards... You have to praise me, you can't despise me!"

The golden little pterosaur said shamelessly through the contract end.

Ji Yuying rolled her eyes, thinking that if so many people weren't watching, she could barely maintain the image of a lady.

Do you believe it or not, I will let the dragon fruit come out and bite you?

Its mouth can't stay idle for a moment, either demolishing the house or on the way to demolishing the house.

It seems good to pull out the dragon scales occasionally.


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