Lord of Pets

Chapter 1027: Taishi Whale and Jewelry Envoy

The speaker is the creature that emerged from the third golden crack.

When she saw it, Ji Yuying's eyes were shining.

It was a black crane. The feathers on its back were white and soft, and the wings were slightly pale.

Its size is not large, more than 100 meters.

But it has a long neck and slender legs.

Although she has the body of an animal, she is more beautiful than the women of the human race, and she is innately gorgeous.

Bai Wushang's eyes were burning, and there was a flash of light.

This is "Sky Crane", an ancient creature with a simple name but rich in mythology.

According to legend, it is the master of the sky, spreading its wings like wind and folding its wings like fire.

When standing still, you can also obtain the power of light, which combines the attributes of the three elements.

Of course, Bai Wushang had witnessed countless ancestral dragons and heard many more legendary stories.

The mythical 3-star Tianhe, who is in the middle stage of the ancestral body, is actually only on the same level as the Lobster Emperor and the Eagle Corpse Demon.

What he was even more amazed by was actually the fourth crack and the beast shadow that appeared in the fifth crack.

Because they are still not ancestral dragons.

There is a whale that covers the sky and a monster that looks like a giant but only has one leg.

The former is larger than the Lobster Emperor and can truly reach a thousand meters, making it a super giant.

What exudes from it is not the lightness of water waves, but the weight of a rock.

There were two orc kings, so I looked at it twice in shock.

Stoney vines grew out of the soles of their feet, cutting into their flesh like hinges, making them unable to move.

Then, two boulders fell from the sky.

Although the speed was not fast, the two orc kings could only watch helplessly as the rocks fell and smashed them to pieces. From bone to flesh, no part of them was intact. The fire of the soul was suddenly extinguished.

"What is this? Although it can fly, it has no wings..."

"Although it is a fish, it seems that it does not control the power of water, but more of rock and control..."

Ji Yuying stopped acting, pulled the trigger, broke free from the prison, and jumped from the pillar to the ground.

Bai Wushang followed behind, turning back three times with each step, still observing the whale.

If measured by the knowledge it possesses, it does not know this type of mythical creature.

But the eye of cognition will help him broaden his horizons, and then he will know that this is a supreme creature called "Taishi Whale".

"Woohoo, kill, kill, there are so many orcs, enough for me to eat for more than ten meals..."

The big whale's laughter is like that of a baby, crisp and clear with a hint of innocence and naughtiness.

It did not directly kill the three-headed orc god like the Dragon of Dawn or the Crane.

Instead, he squeaked his mouth, worked hard to move his intestines, and spit out a lot of "things" from his mouth with a "wow" sound.

"Tai Shigong, it's time for you to brush your teeth. The taste in your mouth almost sent us away!"

A woman with yellow armor and freckles on her face muttered dissatisfiedly while activating the secret water technique and bathing herself up and down.

She moved very quickly, as fast as the wind. After briefly cleaning the carrion and dirt on her body, she jumped on the back of the big squirrel on the side and began to look around to examine the situation on the battlefield.

"That's not the case. My digestive function is so good, there is no reason to have bad breath..."

Taishi Whale muttered and breathed out again, then slowly flew towards the Lobster Emperor, cooperating with Tianhe in a flanking attack.

The armored woman retched, pinched her nose in disgust, and the silver chain on her wrist jingled.

"Kill! All intruders will be killed without mercy!"

Xiong Ba showed his fierceness, bared his teeth and roared.

The current situation is completely chaotic, and the final ceremony has turned in such a dramatic way.

Xiong Ba didn't dare to think carefully about how much humiliation and mental harm the Rat Supreme, who was like rat excrement among the orc tribe, could bring to the orc tribe.

But if we don't take action now, we are really just sitting there waiting to die.

The hostile ancestors who appeared... five of them!

The only ones that can be identified are the Dragon of Justice and the Sky Crane. The other three, especially the No. 5 crack creature that has not yet taken action, seem to be more dangerous and powerful.

The Shark Emperor had no master and shouted bravely:

"Children! We have an absolute numerical advantage. Even if we suffer heavy casualties, we will definitely be able to bite off a piece of meat from their bodies..."

"Kill! The orcs will never back down. There is only one way to wash away their shame, and that is to cut off the enemy's head!"

"I'm sorry..." The woman in yellow armor suddenly interrupted, tilted her head and asked, "Excuse me...can you commit suicide?"

"If I struggle too much, the finished jewelry will not be beautiful, and it will cause me a lot of trouble..."

"Squeak! Squeak!" The big squirrel raised its head and called twice.

Bai Wushang raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Among the 108 Holy Dragon Envoys of the Ancestral Dragon Court, those who firmly rank among the top ten are called Judgment Dragon Riders.

They all have distinct characteristics, the weakest is the weakest, and there is also a king of holy beasts as a contracted beast.

For example, the Helm Bone Holy Envoy and the Xuanming Death Dragon.

For example, the Thunder Punishment Holy Envoy, the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Dragon, and the Ruins Demonic Dragon.

Being able to establish a connection with "jewelry", Bai Wushang immediately thought of one person.

The Holy Messenger of Jewelry——Shu Qing'er!

The blood inheritance talent she has mastered has the characteristics of "refining" and "collecting" and is highly recognizable.

"It seems that it is indeed her. Although Zulongting is a makeshift team this time, its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated..."

"This is probably the so-called foundation of the ancient top forces? If you force yourself to squeeze, there will always be someone available to call on?"

Bai Wushang summoned the Book of Oath, released Little Rabbit and Ye Duo'er, and prepared to participate in the battle. At the same time, he became more and more confident.

Jewelry Envoy Shu Qing'er is the Judgment Dragon Rider second only to Han Zimo, ranking fourth.

The king of the sacred beasts she contracted with is said to have three heads.

With such strength, he is destined to be the uncrowned king in the legendary realm.

"I'll kill her!"

Xiong Ba is fierce and murderous.

Although it failed to attack the ancestor, it was stuck between the Supreme and the ancestor.

But with the great beast god and half-step myth, it possesses divine power, and that is the invincible false god!

No matter how powerful the Holy Dragon King is, he may not be able to take a few severe beatings. If he is not careful, his body will explode and die.

"why why……"

"The Rat Sect turned out to be a fake... He has been deceiving me..."

Lobster Jade Girl's eyes were filled with tears. When she wiped away her tears, her beautiful face was covered with the texture of flames, making her look closer to the shape of a beast.

"I want to kill him...Rat Sect, no...stinky rat, get over here!"

"Made, you still blame me..."

The weak Faceless Rat King was furious:

"Obviously it's you, the overlord, who takes advantage of the fact that you have a mythical father who picks up yang and replenishes yin everywhere."

"I have endured my anger for so long and finally got free. Am I still going to have to pamper you, an ugly monster like you?"

"It's just rubbish. Apart from the bloodline genes, you are nothing..."

The Supreme is in a life-and-death battle, while the Emperor is in a verbal battle.

Observing that the black orc army was about to move, Bai Wushang and Ji Yuying looked at each other and took action in unison.


A wolf cub emerged from the mud hole and bit off the head of an orc king.

Sniffing the smell, raising his tail, he happily sneaked towards the area where Bai Wushang was active.


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