Lord of Pets

Chapter 1034: Is that all?

"What I saw was a human lizard head with two pairs of fat wings on its back!" Ji Yuying rubbed her eyes and confirmed again.

"Ah?" Shu Tong was confused, "What I saw was a leopard's head, a dwarf's body, and a pair of iron fists that used a pair of iron fists to blow away the Laughing and Laughing God..."

"Jigujigu!" The little rabbit said that he and his master saw the same fat pigs with big heads and big ears.

The God of Crying and Laughing was shocked by his own strength and flew far away, causing him to vomit a large mouthful of blood.

"This law is so magical..." Bai Wushang cursed.

Everyone said it was conclusive and unequivocal. It was definitely not a simple illusion, but a change in some supreme law.

I just don’t know what form it looks like from the first point of view of the God of Crying and Laughing, and how it was injured.

"Appeared! The ancient ancestor's "Thousand Phantom Bodies"! "

The Lobster Emperor obviously had more information, but he did not want to introduce it further. Instead, he shouted in a pious tone:

"Ancestor, we miss you day and night, eager to witness your miracles!"

"Today, these two ancestral dragons, plus these three bastards, invaded my army of orcs and tried to destroy millions of my people. It is unbearable, but what is unbearable!"

"Please our ancestors to impose the death penalty! To impose divine punishment! Kill the evil leaders here! Let them return to the dust and die in the burial place!"

"Please ancestors protect us!"

"Ancestor, please go on a killing spree!"

Among the orc army, there were those who were seriously injured and struggling weakly, and those who were frightened and hysterical. They all seemed to be grasping at the last straw and regarded it as the hope of survival.

"Kill my descendants..."

"Invasion of my tribe..."

The Crocodile God murmured to himself, the pink in his eyes turning like a whirlpool.

Its voice had completely changed, like muffled thunder streaking across the sky, rich and hoarse, and even more obviously confused.

After a few seconds, the confusion disintegrated, a little red dotted in the pupils, and the violent wind and waves swirled around it.

At just the right moment, the space around him bloomed with brilliance. Not only were countless cracks highlighted, but there were also hundreds of phantoms of the Crocodile God, reflected in the sky and the earth, every inch visible to the naked eye.

"My name... Inoyou!"

"As one of the extraordinary origins, who dares to insult my descendants?"

There was a loud bang, and the God of Crying and Laughing suddenly flew backwards, plowing the ground for hundreds of miles before stopping his retreat.

It climbed to its feet without a word.

At some point, the smile on the right side of his face disappeared and turned into a cry;

The crying face on the left side of his face began to show a devilish and evil smile, with murderous intent raging.

"Extraordinary origin...how come I've never heard of it?"

"I saw ancestral dragons, giants, and angels fighting inside and outside the realm gate to maintain the extraordinary ecological balance."

"The descendants who carry your blood are coveting short-term interests and greedy for the immediate situation. They are all short-sighted people."

"Are you worthy of being called "Origin"? "

"What's the use of Chaofan asking you to wait for the dregs?"

The God of Crying and Laughing is very resonant and every sentence is shocking.

But the will integrated into the body of the Crocodile God did not respond directly, and only five words came over and over again -

"Insult my descendants and die!"

Taishi Whale wiped away the blood, opened the rock barrier, and said with a twinkling look:

"Sure enough, it's not a normal soul, it's some kind of obsession."

"What should we do? In terms of perception, at this moment, its threatening power is infinitely close to the legendary 7-star, late-stage ancestral body "Thunder Dragon Mother". If we rush into it rashly, we are really at risk of falling..."

"So strong?" The Rat Supreme, who was watching secretly, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Bai Wushang was also secretly dumbfounded. If we had to measure it by level, wouldn't it be equivalent to a top-notch second-generation ancestral dragon?

With just a trace of residual thoughts and obsession, the Crocodile God became so powerful? !

"Hahaha, why should you be afraid? Didn't you feel great bumping into me just now?"

The Lobster Emperor fell to the ground and laughed, like a hyena. No matter how hot the flames on his body were, they could not match the coldness and killing in his eyes.

At the same time, the Jewel Holy Envoy rode a Lingbao Squirrel and distanced himself from several Orc Kings. He no longer showed a smile, and his eyes became sharp and alert.

The living sky-cracking snake man, the ghost fox king, the winged pig beast king...as well as the six-winged holy-eyed angel, the rock-helmeted iron-armed giant, and the blade war dragon who were rescued and fought together with their severely injured bodies...the spirits of both sides. God instantly reversed.

The latter had just escaped from trouble, and even though he was pleasantly surprised, due to his poor condition, his heart was still close to rock bottom.

Now, it seems that I have returned to the most desperate time, like a leaf of duckweed in the sea, facing the ravages of the storm and death again.

But the former wanted to scream in the sky, praising the ancient orc god and the crocodile god with the most gorgeous words that the orcs could think of.

"Is that all?" the Dragon of Justice suddenly asked.

"Is your trump card just this lingering thought?" The Dragon of Dawn raised its upper body, its huge wings stretched across the sky, and asked expressionlessly.

"What do you mean?" The Lobster Emperor, the only one who had retained his mind, felt nervous and asked subconsciously.

"Ancestral Dragon Court sent us to support the border battlefield, although it was hasty and full of uncertainties..."

The Dragon of Justice climbed up from the mud pit, swung its tail, and slowly flew up to 30,000 meters in the air, overlooking the Crocodile God and the Lobster Emperor below, and said with a serious smile:

"But...if there is a chance to kill it once, we can significantly reduce the subsequent resource investment and avoid the imbalance of high-end combat power ratio..."

"Such an opportunity...why did Zulongting miss it?"

The Dragon of Dawn chuckled, floated next to the Dragon of Justice, and explained to Taishi Whale, Tianhe, and the God of Crying and Laughing:

"It's not that we deliberately concealed it, it's just that the person said that her feathers are precious and should not be seen until the time comes."

"Now, even the obsession of the ancient orc god has come, and he wants to use this to kill us... Such a wishful thinking can only be crushed by that one for you."

"Ancestor, kill it quickly!" The Lobster Emperor had a bad idea, and the flames surged in front of him. While retreating, he tried his best to urge the Crocodile God to let it explode with 120% of its divine power.

"I dare to tell you with all my heart, but you don't dare to calm down and meet another God King?"

The Dragon of Dawn smiled, used the dragon claw on its right arm to push aside the reverse scales on its neck, and pulled out a cluster of bright red.

It was a feather, about two meters long.

As soon as it appeared, a ray of light rose into the sky, and the brilliant red light cut through the sky shrouded in poisonous mist, then penetrated the layers of barriers, illuminating the entire border battlefield.

"What a dazzling light..."

"What is this?! Why can't my Golden Vulture spread its wings and fall straight from the sky?!"

On the border battlefield, killing orcs were like frozen mud, losing the ability to move in an instant.

The Holy Dragon Guard and the leader of the corps, who belonged to the Ancestral Dragon Court, were also shocked. They looked at the bright red in the distance and couldn't believe it.


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