Lord of Pets

Chapter 1077: Ghost Witch

Above the sky, there were dark clouds and a howling wind.

There is a cliff with heavy shadows, and harsh laughter lingers in the ears without stopping for a long time.

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

A ghost with a human head screamed wildly, and the greed and covetousness in its eyes guided it in all directions.

More ghosts bared their teeth and claws, turning into ferocious ghost hands or creeping ghost plants, surrounding their target.


Xing raised his hand to reveal the Storm Sword, which combined with the Fiery Sword to summon a flame tornado.

The army of resentful spirits rolled as black as ink, and a gap immediately appeared. Countless souls howled and disappeared in fear.

"Young ones, rush for me!"

"Eat her and you will become saints right where you are!"

A ghost witch stood in the southeast corner of the tide of resentful spirits, with a chilling smile on her sinister face.

While making promises that were made out of nothing, she drove away the escaping evil spirits, and her attacks were quite vicious.

The divine sword evaporates, and she devours, forcing the resentful spirits to rejoin the battle by any means necessary, at the expense of their lives, and consuming the physical strength of their prey.

"Ho! It's too slow! It's too slow!"

"Why do we need these wastes? We can do it ourselves!"

In the southwest corner, there is a flame wraith controlling a half-rotten fly, charging furiously in the tide of wraiths.

Along the way, a large number of ghosts died under its will-o'-the-wisp fire, but its momentum continued unabated and headed straight for the Sword Angel's face.

"I want at least half of her soul, and the rest belongs to you!"

"It's too much, I can only give you a third!"

The third corpse flew over, and it turned out to be a corpse snake, more than a hundred meters long.

The dark green soul light group inside is extremely familiar, belonging to the former corpse demon.

"Do you smell it? Behind that disgusting light, the fire of the soul is burning."

"After eating her, our strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, we will awaken more memories, and find ourselves again..."

The ghost witch screamed excitedly, danced in mid-air, and danced like a magic stick.

"Young ones, rush for me!"

"For your mother-in-law's new life in exchange for your death, you should be grateful instead of panicking!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

When she was in a frenzy, a soul whip appeared in the ghost witch's hand. The shadow of the whip was like a dragon, and it struck the resentful spirit's back over and over again.

The weak ones were beaten alive, and the color of the strong ones' souls suddenly changed to blood-red.

They're roaring, they're roaring.

The remaining flames of life burned towards the sword angel.

"Back off!"

Xing glanced at the six-winged totem holy angel who was as confused as a child, and shouted rudely.

Then she harnessed the sword of the sandstorm, raised up the yellow dragon scrolls all over the sky, and strangled the ghosts flying in the wind.


A shock wave shattered the guardian sword, and the flaming corpse fly smiled ferociously and attacked the sword angel from behind.

But the sudden rise of the Sword of the Sun and the glorious aura of the gods frightened the corpse fly, making it dare not take action without thinking.

It can also work hard under pressure.

But if the injury is too serious, it will no longer be a matter of dividing the prey, and it will be eaten by the other two ghosts.

In the world of resentful spirits, eating and being eaten are more cruel than flesh and blood creatures.

"You are really... impatient to live."

Bai Wushang arrived and looked down at the cold ghosts that blocked the sky. His expression was solemn but also a touch of sarcasm.

The little rabbit on the shoulder has long been angry and furious.

How long have they been out searching for the elixir?

The resentful spirit wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the angel sister and capture and devour her and the six-winged totem.

It's tolerable, but the little rabbit can't!

With a chirping sound, the Milky Way entered the state of a little saint. A burst of sunshine killed a large number of resentful spirits and gave a blazing light to the cliff where the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

"Don't hesitate, all of you come out!"

The Corpse Snake, the former Corpse Demon, headed toward the deserted place in the wilderness and shouted loudly:

"Kill them! Eat them! Let's divide them together!"

"If you think about taking advantage of others, then no one will get this piece of fat!"

"Jie Jie..." Silently, three more vengeful spirits at the early and middle stages of the Supreme Body appeared in Bai Wushang's field of vision, either in their true bodies or in the form of corpses.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly urging Da Chong Chong to go faster, and his left arm dissolved, giving birth to the Death Claw.

The last time I rushed to save the Six-Winged Totem, I was able to combine swords and rabbits to kill one and escape with the power of great light.

But this doesn't mean... Bai Wushang has no other means!

Wraiths, such creatures, are just relatively powerful and vicious variants of ghosts.

And his second life, the God of Death Winged Dragon Longye, covers the three major undead systems of bones, corpses, and souls.

As long as it is in this realm, it is the supreme god on the throne and wearing a crown, and has the definition of a commander innately.

Although it has not been born yet, it cannot come to Bai Wushang through the arrival of death.

But the fourth-level characteristics of retaliation, the mastery of the undead and the power of the gods, finally gave his human body a hint of death.


At this moment, Bai Wushang restrained his Glazed Wings and Hundred Refined Angelic Body.

Unblocking the latent bloodline will unleash the characteristics of Long Ye without any reservation.

Many resentful spirits who were originally afraid of the light and the power of the Sword Angel could no longer hold on and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Ah!" The corpse fly screamed, and Uu ran away like crazy while reading a book. From five or six kilometers away, he stared at Bai Wushang in uncertain weather.

"If you don't give up, come here and give it a try." Bai Wushang looked back coldly, provoking the Supreme Being as a hero.

It can be seen that the other party's true character is far less wild than it appears.

When the factors of fear increase and it feels that life is no longer completely under its control, it will also become afraid.


The golden thunder tore through the sky and fell towards the earth.

It was a big mantis, holding the Scythe of Heavenly Tribulation, and controlling the most tyrannical power of thunder in the world.

If we were to talk about Bai Wushang's team, besides Little Rabbit and Sword Angel, who else could threaten the Supreme through attacking from below and above through attribute restraint.

Then, it must be the Lord of Raging Thunder - Xiao Ci!


Lightning flashed twice, red thunder danced on the golden scythe, and a strong elephant appeared in the void, walking towards the ghost witch with four thick and long legs.

Five orders of heavenly calamity, behead the red elephant!

This style pursues the strongest explosive power, as fierce and fearless as an elephant.

At the critical moment, the ghost witch put away her soul whip, split her soul body, and flickered ten miles away.

Her expression is particularly wonderful, fearful, confused, disgusted, and uneasy.

But no amount of emotion can cover up the fear flowing from his words and actions.

She is more afraid of thunder than brilliance!

Burned by light, there is still a chance to escape and struggle.

But if she was completely covered by the thunder, she might not even be able to scream, and she would be destroyed physically and mentally in an instant.

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