Lord of Pets

Chapter 1,152: Hunting the Demon Ancestor


The blood lion opened its bloody mouth, and behind it was a wave of blood.

Amidst the violent roar, Bai Wushang made a muffled sound and drove the god to retreat.

As expected, the religious crown cannot protect against the attacks of evil spirits!

His mental interference, or the forcible interference of his furious will, is nothing compared to the debilitating gluttony.

In other words, Bai Wushang's spiritual body is powerful, and the characteristics of pet beasts that feed him back are endless.

Any other person, even the Judgment Dragon Rider at the peak of the Holy Master, might not be able to withstand such an impact.


The fallen god pointed out, but the blood lion didn't dare to take a direct hit, and flickered to avoid it.

His anger became even worse, with hysterical madness, and he was on the verge of losing control:

"My rage doesn't work on you?!"

"Even if you are a half-step legend, you don't dare to challenge me in this state. You will definitely be aroused by my emotions and get lost in the madness..."

"who are you?!"

"Where does the evil spirit power in you come from?!"

The blood lion was furious, swung its tearing claws, and a thick blood-red thunder struck down from a height of 10,000 feet, anticipating the fallen angel's advance route.


Garuda did not dodge, and black death light gathered at his fingertips.

Just mentioning it casually, the thunder collapsed.

The shattering arcs raged wildly, but could no longer damage his flesh and blood.


The blood lion was stimulated and went completely crazy.

The crimson fire of anger burned throughout his body, and when he opened his mouth and breathed out, it was a beam of impact that shattered the sky and the earth.

At this time, the battlefield was in a mess. It was even more damaged than outside Shanhai City, which was more in line with the scene of the end of the world.


The six-winged fallen angel has flames at the tips of his claws.

Its color is jet black, consistent with the feathers.

But when it fused with the arm, it mutated into purple, and grabbed the blood lion's belly arrogantly and roughly.


With one successful blow, the purple claw melted and attached to the surface of the chest.

The blood lion just hit him with a slap, and he thought he could at least knock the fallen angel away.

The hot burning sensation transmitted in the reverse direction actually ignited his soul, forcing him to recycle it at a faster speed.

"Grandpa Angel...the transition between offense and defense is as smooth as silk...not bad!"

The little rabbit couldn't intervene on the battlefield when the fallen angels were fighting with all their strength, because they would be treated as enemies.

But it is ready to summon the little devil at any time, and plans to work together to serve the angry king.

However, after waiting for fifteen minutes, there was still no winner between the fallen angels and the blood lions.

From beginning to end, the blood lion was suppressed.

It is obvious that his attacks, except mental pollution, can hurt fallen angels.

But over and over again, the blood lion was beaten nine times before it could succeed once.


"A mere angel! A mere human! How dare you tease me like this!!"

The blood lion went crazy and transformed into an irrational prehistoric evil beast. It gave up all skills and bit and pounced on food with pure instinct.

Fallen angels... are more calm!

His expression was calm from beginning to end, and it seemed that what he was focusing on was not the enemy, but a country chicken imprisoned in a cage.

How to kill, how to eat, all in one thought.

"I wonder if Long Wuji has entered the mythology. At the same level, what is the chance of winning between him and Garuda?"

Bai Wushang subconsciously thought about it, for no other reason.

With the help of the God Angel bound by Rosius and Sun Priest Rabbit, the combat power is beyond the limit.

Looking at the realm of the Supreme, or half-step myth, the incarnation of the ancestor.

No matter how evil he is, I'm afraid I can only live under his fence and look at him in fear.

"I said it! It's best to take action, why don't you listen!"

Hua Moyu's voice suddenly sounded, full of weakness and pain, as well as uncontrollable anger.

"Your body died once, and the remaining soul finally split and gradually regained consciousness."

"Relying on the indelible characteristics of evil spirits, they want to be tyrannical... This is no different from a stupid dog!"

"Bang!" The blood lion's burning fire of anger continued to dim and was on the verge of extinguishing.

This time, He did not continue to do evil, nor did He show his teeth and scream anything.

Instead, he stared at the fallen angel, then glanced at Bai Wushang, turned around and was about to dive underground.

"Hey! Little evil spirit, where can you run away!"

The little rabbit has a flash of light and is very fast. He reaches the target area first and activates the immobilization skill Amaterasu no Jutsu.

The blood lion seemed to have enough toughness in its violent state. Its speed only stagnated slightly, and it immediately changed its direction, still thinking of escaping.

A big black iron fist came up from the bottom and hit his nose. With Hua Moyu's heart-rending scream, the blood lion flew backwards, and the evil god's projection body that was barely holding on almost exploded.

"Jie Jie, I underestimated you..."

"When we meet again next time, I will definitely take back this shame twice as much..."

"Stinky lion..." Little Rabbit muttered, a little worried on his face.

It knows that evil spirits are cunning and possess near-immortality.

Even the former Divine Rabbit Sister had to use a specific seal to trap and kill dozens or hundreds of times in order to kill the King of Gluttony.

Today, Hua Moyu will definitely die.

But after his death, the parasitic King of Fury will most likely be reborn. As long as a trace of his origin remains intact, he will not wither and die.

This is the most troublesome part of the evil spirits in the beginning. They kill but do not die, die but do not freeze, and freeze but do not die. They are as difficult to deal with as maggots on the tarsal bones.


The little rabbit's neck was hairy, and he suddenly jumped far away.

The Demon Rabbit also reacted quickly, blasting his own energy body with one punch, and returned to the soul crystal in the form of a ghost.

Then, everyone stared at each other.

Looking at Garuda who smashed the evil god's projection with his kick, he just grabbed Hua Moyu with a casual move.

Without giving him a chance to breathe or speak, he simply snapped his neck with two clicks.

Visible to the naked eye, the ghostly face shrieked and fell off, turning into smoke and about to escape around.

Garuda was indifferent, but the purple light in his eyes suddenly shone brightly, causing a palm-sized bow and arrow mark on his neck, and the six wings on his back slowly stretched.


Silently, the hurricane rolled up, sending up wind and sand all over the sky.

For a moment, Bai Wushang thought that Garuda had turned black, and that even his only holy soul would fall into evil ways, changing from the outside in and turning into an evil angel.

But the fact is that the scattered smoke is put back together.

The corresponding grimace of the King of Fury revealed an expression of horror that he had never seen in his life.

He uncontrollably prostrated himself in front of the bow mark, twisted, curled up, trembled, and merged into Garuda's body.

"No! Hunting Demon Ancestor! How could you have his laws..."

The screams stopped abruptly.

Wait until the six-winged fallen angel Garuda reopens his shining purple eyes.

A second mark appeared on his neck.

It is bright red in color, looks like a lion, and is burning with anger.

The cursed king of wrath was actually swallowed by Garuda, ending his soul in an extremely dramatic way!


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