Lord of Pets

Chapter 1,402: Sheep Head Asks for Help

At one end of the sky, Garuda's body is only five or six meters high. It is extremely difficult for low-level creatures to penetrate through the layers of laws and spy on his expression.

But his voice, from beginning to end, chose the way of soul vibration, which was not only transmitted to the origin of natural disasters, but also shared with extraordinary beings, as well as all the evil spirits of the beginning.

"Lord Natural Disaster...Is there nothing you can do against him?"

"It can't be true, right? The Garuda of the Angel Clan not only swallowed a quarter of Lord Calamity's body, but even further refined it and smelted it into part of his own combat power?"

The Evil Fang Queen, the Headless Predator, the Mechanical Mother Insect King...the evil souls are overwhelmed by the rivers and seas, and they are at a loss as never before in their lives.

How can this be believed? ! How can it be understood? !

It doesn't matter if an extraordinary ant obtains the rules of the Hunting Demon Group by sheer luck. Lord Natural Disaster is one of the two evil kings, and his rules are beyond the reach of ordinary myths.

Even if it is a sub-top evil god, even if it has the same origin, if it really wants to disobey Master Natural Disaster, it will be crushed and killed with just a raised hand, and there will be no mercy at all.

How did Garuda carry such a law? Shouldn't it self-destruct on the spot, or become a puppet demon body serving the evil god, lingering in the form of a source of super pollution? !

The evil god was shocked and extraordinary.

Even if there were many speculations before, when Garuda said with his own hands that he really achieved the rank of God King with the help of a quarter of the origin of the natural disaster, this kind of impact from the heart still made the ancestor They were so shocked that they felt like they were in a dream.

"Does this mean that as a god king, Garuda may even surpass the three giants of the dragon clan and always have unique properties?!"

"It's too perverted. If the sacred soul is not so real, I am really worried that Garuda will join the evil god's camp. By then, what obstacles will the evil spirit clan have? Gods will kill gods when they block them, and demons will kill demons when they block them. Who can move forward in an indomitable manner? Can it be stopped?!"

Bayi Candy slapped her chest, frightened.

Eight Wings of Fighting, Eight Wings of Steel Elbow, Eight Wings of Wrath... The most militant group of divine angels burst out with enthusiasm on their faces. When they looked up at Garuda, they felt as if they were worshiping gods.

The strength of the God of Angels means the rise of the ethnic group.

Whether it is the current year of war or the infinitely promising future, the Angel Clan has a great chance to catch up with the Dragon Clan, Giant Clan, and Deep Sea Whirlpool Clan, and become the number one God Clan in the Supreme High School!

Although this honor was not achieved by them personally, all angels were conceived by the Divine Pond. They were born from the same roots and were given the supreme respect and respect. Of course, they were entitled to enjoy it together.


The origin of the natural disaster laughed, his evil face full of ferocity.

"A one-on-one fight in the arena of life and death?"

"You control some of my laws, and you dare to speak so brazenly... to take control of me?"

"Boom!" The body of the twelve-winged evil angel god of doomsday was suddenly suffused with will-o'-the-wisp fire and burned blazingly.

In the dark green flames, the voice of the origin of the natural disaster became more and more ferocious, like a murderous beast about to attack.

"This is just the body of a god king. If it is burned, it will be burned!"

"I want to see if your confidence can match your strength!"

"Be careful. If you are defeated and swallowed by me, my laws will return to their original form, and your doomsday calamity will be repaid tenfold and a hundredfold!"

At the gate of the broken world, a super war that shocked the whole world broke out.

As strong as Mirenda, he cannot intervene in the "fateful battle". He can only raise his magic gun, stalk the evil mind master, and kill the next best.

On the other side of the door, Bai Wushang rode the Hunshi Dragon God and unknowingly entered the twelfth domain from the Borderless Land.

His chest was like a hanging boulder, and his face was as cold as a scabbard, revealing bottomless murderous intent.

——It’s so tragic!

As far as the eye could see, the place that was originally a sect or dynasty was littered with scraps of flesh and blood.

There was silence all around, except for the rising black smoke, there was no one that could be called a living creature.

This was an act of genocide that was enough to break the Emperor's cognition. The perpetrator must have endless cruelty and murder, and issued the ultimate order of "total destruction" and "total destruction".

As for the gaps in the river of reincarnation, Bai Wushang can identify them with the spatial perception he has mastered. Even the ancestor-level mythical species dare not touch them rashly, as there is a huge risk of having their bodies cut into pieces.

He and the Hunshi Dragon God studied carefully and found that no law could stop it. At most, it could intervene to slow down the expansion of the gap, but there was no way to completely stop it.

In other words, it's just a matter of time, and all these gaps in the sky and the earth will bloom.

At that time, extraordinary beings that were defeated in the past will be bred in it, the weakest will also be the supreme, and more will be in the ancestor class, madly executing the killing orders.

"There are too many and they are too widely distributed. We travel all the way and rarely pass through the peaceful land. The world seems to be in pieces, falling into a countdown bit by bit..."

The Hunshi Dragon God's eyes are sinister. Even in the most cruel ancient times, he has never seen such a dangerous and desperate situation.

He doubted that even if the three dragon giants were reborn, they might not be able to prevent the doomsday disaster that had already erupted.

"It's far from the time to give up. If we can go deep into the river of reincarnation, we might be able to find the pale hand and stop it."

"But a quarter of the original natural disasters are still so difficult to deal with. The Pale Hand was only sealed, maybe deliberately. One hundred thousand years have passed, and He may have returned to its full glory, otherwise it would not have exposed its purpose in such a big way."

The Hunshi Dragon God had no confidence and murmured to himself:

"If sacrificing our lives can prevent the end of the world, the old dragon is willing to do so."

"But I am afraid. I am like a moth flying into a flame. I am completely unable to prevent the disaster. In the end, I will be enslaved by the evil tribe, become a puppet, and live the rest of my life in humiliation..."

"I still have the power of miracles here, and they can still fight."

Bai Wushang knew the seriousness of the situation, but when he thought about the miraculous leaders such as the Sun Priest Rabbit, Emperor Rat, and Futian Splitting Tiger, and when he thought that somewhere in the extraordinary corner, there might be a hidden backhand ready to attack, he was very interested in turning defeat into victory. , the desire to turn things around, especially above the Dragon God.

"Indeed, I was sealed and the world shield was reborn. Although this is the background, it may not be the whole story."

"Ancestor Destiny, to be honest, he is a big yin. He is calculating this and that all day long. The brain cells that die all year round can make tens of thousands of extraordinary circles..."

Bai Wushang nodded in agreement. He would always remember the deep gaze of the Dragon of Destiny, as if it was trying to peel him apart inside and out. Goosebumps spread all over his body.

"Lord, change the course and go to the right."

The sun mark on the little rabbit's eyebrows suddenly lit up, conveying the solemn voice of the priest rabbit:

"The sheep's head is calling us. The self-sealed heaven must still be under attack."

"Think about it, since the Pale Hand has laid out its plan, it will definitely not let go of the heaven. If it can destroy the divine pool, it can cut off the foundation of the angel clan, and if it can destroy the pillar of heaven, it can release another quarter of the origin of natural disasters... these In return, the Evil God will definitely be moved."

"Pale Hands, want to repeat history?"

Bai Wushang recalled the first Heaven-Qing War, in which the Kingdom of Elemental Gods was destroyed, and all the elemental elves, from the Queen to the clan members, were defeated.

The second time, if he had not hesitated to unlock Garuda's contract and release Garuda's original form, one can imagine where the Titan Palace would have ended up.

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