Lord of Pets

Chapter 203: Returning with a load

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the next five days.

Bai Wushang lived a little bit more comfortable.

It can be considered to be relaxed, and for the first two or three days, he will try his best to restore the state of the beast.

Half by medicine, half by the bunny.

During this period, Bai Wushang took the lead in absorbing the inheritance brand of "Insect Wing" and obtained further introduction information.

Pretty much the same as expected.

This secret technique can indeed obtain temporary flying ability.

However, it cannot be used on pets, and it is unilaterally limited to the use of the master.

The specific effect has to be tested after thorough mastery. It cannot be rushed or rushed.

Bai Wushang estimated that among the low-level soul power, flying skills were relatively rare.

The difficulty of learning, I am afraid, exceeds the number of fires.

Even if you go all out, a month's time seems extremely reluctant.

Apart from this, from the fourth day onwards, the crystal building rumbled like an earthquake.

On the one hand, Xue Zilin's secondary pet giant golden eagle, ahead of the big brother Dreadclaw Bear, completed the evolution ahead of schedule.

Although it is a pity, its bloodline quality cannot trigger perfection.

Because it happened to be stuck in the middle of a big stage.

If you want to go up, you must span 8 stars in order to cross that threshold and step into the commander level.

And this evolutionary model, which is above perfection, only exists in legends and is not realistic at all.

Therefore, the giant golden eagle has only achieved excellent evolution and climbed to the elite level of 9 stars.

Then, the earth snail woke up.

Bai Wushang didn't know exactly what happened.

But listen to the sound.

such a big movement,

Must be fighting.

To what extent? It is not too much to say that the sky is falling and the earth is shaking.

As a last resort, Jiang Feng, An Xiaorou and the others silently left the crystal building.

By the way, the four of them regrouped and explored the ruins for a few more laps.

Bai Wushang was quite happy, and earned more than 300 food cells, plus 20,000 gold coins.

Xiao Zong Zong was also very happy. He ate and drank in the past few days, and killed 5 insect eggs and 2 magic stones.

My belly got fat again.

A Zhou didn't even say that, for it, fighting = improving strength, fulfilling and happy.

The afternoon of the sixth day.

The crystal building that had been completely reduced to ruins exploded.

A big bird of gold and silver, with its head held high and its wings raised, fell in front of everyone like a torrential rain and gust of wind.

"Platinum carving head..."

Bai Wushang glanced at the attribute panel and nodded slightly.

This is the complete form of the giant golden eagle, which transitions from pure gold to two colors of gold and silver.

The direction of overall growth, including strength, speed, defense... is basically an all-round growth, not too biased towards a single attribute.

His body size has also doubled, his wingspan is fifteen meters, his eyes are sharper, and his feathers are sharper.

"Brother Lin, are you done?" Jiang Feng asked tentatively.

Xue Zilin pursed the corners of his mouth and sighed softly:

"I worked hard for nearly three days, but I still failed to meet my expectations."

"As a last resort, I forced a contract."

"It's so difficult?" An Xiaorou widened her eyes and wrote surprise on her face.

"It's been bullied badly by wild dogs. It doesn't believe anything I say...repressed by force, the kind that would rather die..."

Xue Zilin shook his head and said with emotion.

"At least your three days are not in vain, right?"

Sobina smiled slightly, "It's a little bit to have a little run-in, it's better than a zero-based one."

"That's true."

Xue Zilin restrained a trace of melancholy, and his face soothed a little, "I'll do my best in the follow-up, cultivate the relationship well, and the relationship between people and pets will improve."

The crowd asked some questions.

For example, the specific process, the character, temper, skill power of the earth snail...

It is rare to have a real ancient species around, and it would be a pity not to learn from some experience.


"Okay, the trip to the ruins is over, let's go back to the academy."

Xue Zilin's mood almost recovered, at least on the surface with a faint smile.

This time, everyone got enough chips and income.

It is conceivable that the next one or two months will be a common outbreak period for five people.

The strongest Xue Zilin, the Dreadclaw Bear is about to evolve.

As long as he has a deeper run-in with the earth snail, he may have a chance to hit the last ten heroes.

Sobina is a little weaker, but she is also qualified to compete on the Hero List and start a new journey.

Jiang Feng may soon be able to break through the peak of the Soul Servant class and get rid of the identity of the tail of the third-year crane.

Not to mention An Xiaorou, she is a talented and beautiful girl in the second grade, and it is a sure thing to go further.

Bai Wushang... He can do more.

After all, he is one person with three beasts, and he is still under all kinds of pressure.


On the way back, everyone did not waste time.

Simply and neatly, I went to the nearest safe area for repairs, sold a small amount of supplies, and exchanged for new saddles.

Then, the five people sat on the head of the white gold eagle and flew in the direction of Shanhai College at the fastest speed.

There are still surprises in this process.

Disasters such as sandstorms and Sharon rolls are not fortunate enough to encounter twice.

The monsters that live in groups and are not afraid of death have also encountered several rounds.

In the end, it took nearly two days, on the starry night, Bai Wushang and others re-entered the gate of the academy.

"It took 15 days for me, the captain, to be lucky enough to bring everyone back successfully."

Xue Zilin made a rare joke, and waved his hand with a smile: "Don't talk about it, don't let it go for the time being. If there is a chance, we will continue to form a team next time."

"I also slipped away, go back to catch up on sleep, and have a good class tomorrow, bye~"

An Xiaorou put on a wind horse with antlers, yawned, and disappeared into the distant street in the blink of a blue light.

Sobina looked at Bai Wushang with her beautiful eyes, her red lips were raised, and she smiled like a flower:

"I'm looking forward to it. As a freshman, how long will it take you to get on the seat of the top ten?"

"Sister Na, it's hard to say what didn't happen..."

Bai Wushang smiled and said, "However, I will try to fight for this goal, let's see."

"Okay, then I also set a small goal, within three months, I will be promoted to Xuan general!"

Sopinalian stepped forward, leaving a golden free and easy back, submerged in the darkness.

Jiang Feng patted Bai Wushang's shoulder and said a simple goodbye:

"No injury. Next, the soul power that should be charged with soul power, the pet beasts that should be bred for pet beasts... The days must be very full."

"Not much else to say, I also look forward to your growth. If you need help, feel free to contact me. Now everyone is a friend of life and death!"


Taking Jiang Feng's snow lion, Bai Wushang returned to Room 101, where he had not returned for a long time.

At this time, it was the early morning, when everything was silent.

Pressing the switch of the house light and looking at the dusty room, Bai Wushang had an inexplicable illusion of time and space being split.

For half a month, he basically lived in the wild, and when he returned to the human city, he still felt a little uncomfortable.


The little rabbit stuck out its head, and the big silvery-white eyes were shining and bright.

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