Lord of Pets

Chapter 215: Black Tiger and Gale Bull Cart


Bai Wushang arrived at the meeting point and saw many faces.

There is no shortage of academy elites who have strong spirit power and follow the peak of mature bodies.

Although that's a minority.

More, it is late and mid-term.

Bai Wushang figured out that most of the students here were in the second and third grades.

There are two or three, even a little familiar, who seem to have met in the medical clinic.

After a while.

Saw two real acquaintances.


The green-haired girl An Xiaorou greeted her carelessly.

When the words fell, she approached Bai Wushang's side, circled around him, wrinkled her nose and said suspiciously:

"How do you feel, your soul power is a lot deeper...promoted to the middle stage?"

Bai Wushang nodded and smiled: "Yes, thanks to the ruins, I exchanged for materials to accelerate my cultivation."

"Not bad..."

An Xiaorou muttered.

In the past month, she has been diligent in all aspects.

But no real progress has been made.

The main reason is that the time since she last broke the rank is limited.

More precipitation is required.

The second acquaintance was Bai Wushang's contemporaneous student, Luo Youyuan.

The other party wore a blue shirt and rode on a black patterned leopard, which became more and more ethereal.

He smiled slightly and saluted with fists: "Brother Bai, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"It's been a while."

Bai Wushang followed the greeting and glanced at the Black Panther's attribute panel calmly.

This leopard is a pet beast in the early stage of maturity.

- Shadow Leopard!

The natural evolution of the Jaguar.

On the original wind attribute, add dark attribute.

It is still the leader in the field of speed, and it is a match for the antlers.

Moreover, in terms of combat effectiveness in the same period, it is bound to be stronger.

The wind horse can only rely on kicks and some spell control skills.

The shadow leopard has stealth, plus sharp teeth and giant claws.

Sharpness varies.

However, there is a little regret.

Luo Youyuan's second pet "Shadow Leopard" did not trigger perfect evolution.

Only get excellent evolution to reach elite 3 stars, which is slightly inferior.

Bai Wushang asked himself, maybe his level of training is a relatively normal level.

Above the ordinary master, but it is not a special evildoer.

After all, wanting every step to be perfect is not easy.

How many people and how many beasts.

Can you hold all the resources and talents in your hands?

Bai Wushang didn't have it before.

Even in the past, he could not become an autonomous awakener.

This is a matter of chance, and it is difficult to generalize.

You speak my word.

Learn a little bit about the intelligence of the two comrades-in-arms.

As a member of the law enforcement team, An Xiaorou happens to be in a gap.

Passively undertook this task of collecting Goblin.

As for Luo Youyuan.

He has not been temporarily attached to any department.

In the name of an individual, voluntarily sign up to participate.


At this moment, a low, terrifying howl that seemed to tear his heart came from a distance.

The 29 people present stopped talking.

The beasts that he protects with him are even more trembling.

Some stations are unsteady and awkward.


The little rabbit stuck his head out and glanced, then saw a big tiger.

It was a pure black tiger with a body length of 13 meters.

There are no patterns or spots, only the eyes and big mouth are red as blood, which is breathtaking.

Unlike ordinary tigers, although this black tiger is large, it does not feel strong and vigorous.

Because it is not a pure flesh and blood life form, the whole body is like a black gas structure.

When running and rushing, wisps of black mist drifted backwards, but they would not disperse, always clinging to the surroundings.

When the foot stopped, those black mists were like ghosts, interweaving into different patterns.

Twisted grimace, grinning skeleton, crazy monster...

Anyway, shocking, scalp numb.

Many people have an uncontrollable feeling of fear in their hearts.

This kind of power does not only originate from higher levels of life.

It also belongs to the characteristics of the tiger itself.

This is a black tiger!

【Name】: Heisha Tiger (Contract)

[Race]: Abyss Realm, Half-Ghost, Black Evil Tiger Race

[Life level]: The initial stage of the complete body

[Blood quality]: Elite 9 stars

[Status]: Mild fatigue/indifference

【Wisdom】: Moderate

[Characteristics]: Mighty Sha/Tiger Power/Soul Armor

[Skills]: Galloping, Air Treading, Smashing Palm, Sonic Roar, Intimidation, Dark Tornado, Suffocating Breath, Mouth of Devouring, Black Tiger Clone...

【Gourmet Cell】: 247

I saw this beast with a familiar look.

Bai Wushang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes moved upwards, landing on the Master.

There was a hint of surprise on his face, and even a hint of surprise.

"Brother Mu..."

That's right, the owner of this black evil tiger is Mu Tianxing, whom Bai Wushang had the intention to visit but never met.

At the same time, he is also the eighth seat of Shanhai Academy - Tiger King!

The rest of the identity tags, such as Mu Xiaoxiao's cousin, the parent-child of the current head of the first-class Mu family, the future powerful successor... and so on.

"It turns out that this task, the person leading the team is him..."

Bai Wushang was stunned and saluted.

The other party seemed to be aware of it, his black eyes glowing with starlight, like a sharp sword, looked straight at him.

After seeing Bai's innocent appearance, the aura slowed down a little, and he nodded lightly.

Immediately, he turned his head and shouted towards the crowd:

"Alan, Oda, Dalong! You are responsible for counting the number of people."

"Then, group them on the spot, fifteen people in one column!"

A two-meter strong man wearing a metal vest with bare arms asked earnestly, "Temporary, or solid?"

Mu Tianxing straddled the back of the black evil tiger, on an energy armor.

On the side of the finger, there was a faint vision of dust flying and the earth trembling, which became clearer.

"For this mission, we took the ox cart with strong wind, so we were temporarily divided into groups... Well, it's here!"

Bai Wushang followed everyone's line of sight.

Two giant bullock carts are galloping side by side, roaring and galloping.

Eight fiery red long-haired strong cows, humming humming white smoke, hooves and feet flying, brave and ferocious panoramic view.

Each one is eight reels, with a small rectangular house on it.

Not to mention the material of gold and jade, just the three-color pattern spread all over the car, the cost is not much lower.

It must be expensive!

"My dear, I was able to rent a Gale Bull Cart! The Tiger King should have used the privilege of the ten heroes to jump in the queue..."

An Xiaorou whispered, but there was no dissatisfaction, but she was quite happy.

Afterwards, she patiently explained it to Bai Wushang:

"This thing is a public resource of the academy. It is a special domesticated extraordinary creature, and it is mixed with special equipment."

"You can think of it as a whole, a set of combined Noble Phantasms."

"Theoretically, when the administrative department of the college is tasked, it can apply for certain support and assistance, such as the Gale Bull Car."

"But! It's super hot! It's hard to borrow!"

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