Lord of Pets

Chapter 217: Beast Disaster Information and Additional Rewards

"Where is it?"

Mu Tianxing shook his head and said a little seriously:

"Okay, let's talk about the past when we're done with business."

"Your formation is fully activated, and every day is a huge expense, right? Hurry up and bring us in to discuss information."

"Good good."

Old Man Gang stroked his beard and smiled, and the trace of anxiety in his eyes disappeared briefly.

Step into the door of light.

The little rabbit is brilliant.

I saw bright red lanterns resembling a stove, and every household had them.

The overwhelmingly warm heat wave swept through everyone, as if returning to the hot desert.

Bai Wushang stopped and watched.

The houses in Xingtie Town are blue-grey in color and simple in texture.

Only the shape is unique.

Either large chimneys, windmills, low towers, and millstones.

Very warm, very life atmosphere.

Residents in twos and threes looked up and watched a group of young people headed by Mu Tianxing through the window.

Either look soothing, or look radiant and invigorate.

Bai Wushang remained silent and followed the team into a low building.

Then, there is a very large conference room that can accommodate fifty people.

Sitting one after another, the petite beasts that are too big are all put away, and the petite beasts are squeezed.

Old Man Gang sat in the middle on the left, frowning like a chrysanthemum, and said helplessly:

"I won't beat around the bush, the beast disaster started this morning at dawn."

"A large number of goblins rushed down the mountain range. Some of them acted indiscriminately, while others maintained their tribal dignity and attacked together."

"In short, if there were no outposts, if there were three mercenary groups stationed in the villages and towns, if there were no guardian formations... Xingtie Town, today would be miserable!"

Mu Tianxing lightly clasped the table top, making a faint sound of dong dong dong,

While thinking about it, he asked:

"When we came in just now, we didn't see any live goblins. Has this beast disaster ended?"

"I don't know, it's not clear yet."

On the right hand side of Old Man Gang sat a big one-eyed man, his spirit power was very sluggish.

But after careful sensing, it is not difficult to find that he and Mu Tianxing have similarities.

In other words, this person is likely to be a mysterious general!

"Introduction, this is Ah Sha, the head of the Iron Shark mercenary regiment."

Old Man Gang said calmly, "Thanks to him, our town can survive to this day, and we can survive this day tenaciously..."

The one-eyed man waved his hand, interrupted the chattering old man, and solemnly explained:

"Compared with the elites of Shanhai, my strength is not worth mentioning, old man, don't flatter me."

"Let's talk about Goblins. From 6:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening, there were five waves of invasion."

"Fortunately, in peacetime, I always emphasize that the village's combat power must be prepared, and I am afraid of encountering such a situation."

"Even so, it's still a bit overwhelming. Several brothers died and ten were seriously injured."

"Not to mention the pet beast. It's either injured or paralyzed, and the state is extremely poor."

Speaking of this, the one-eyed Khan Ah Shao sighed:

"To tell the truth, as long as there is another wave of shocks, we can't hold it anymore."

"You can only indent into the magic circle and fight to the death, or escape along the tunnel."

"Anyway, Xingtie Town is destined to exist in name only and be displaced. I don't know how many families can survive well..."

Mu Tianxing nodded lightly and asked again:

"According to the information you gave, the root cause of the beast plague is that the goblins are fighting each other because of the shortage of food?"

"This information... should be reliable."

Ah Sha replied, "We sent several flying pet beasts to search for the mountains, and everything we saw was like this."

"Whether it's a big tribe or a small tribe, they all fought fiercely."

"Actually, from the point of view of the same room fighting, this is a good thing."

"Those who rush to the foot of the mountain are really unpredictable disasters and can only be passively greeted."


Addressing several key questions, including the recent climate, environment, topography of the mountains...

Mu Tianxing and the three deacons asked questions one after another, expanding the channel information as much as possible.

Bai Wushang and the others listened quietly, and no one was impatient.

After all, with a little more information, you can make a profit without losing money.

Mentioning the progress of Qiao's relocation in Xingtie Town, Old Man Gang gave a wry smile:

"It's not that easy. We have invested decades of savings and arranged it to the greatest extent possible."

"At present, most of the middle-aged people in the town, the elderly and children have been transferred."

"But... it involves other matters, and the overall progress is only 30%."

"so slow……"

The ball-headed youth named Oda couldn't help muttering.

The one-eyed sweaty shark rubbed his temples and said embarrassedly:

"It's really slow, but if it's faster, it really means abandoning everything and running away."

"For the vast majority of people in the town, that's hard to accept, because it wasn't really that critical."

"Well, how do you choose and do, we won't interfere."

Mu Tianxing didn't entangle this issue too much, and changed the conversation:

"Since we have arrived, we will naturally fulfill the requirements of the agreement, help you slaughter the goblins, and relieve the pressure on the village as much as possible."

"It is planned that dawn will break tomorrow, that is, five hours later, mountaineering and search, and simultaneous hunting."

"The ideal state, maintain it for 7 to 10 days, depending on the progress of the killing."

"Then, here are some medicines and supplies that I provided in my own name, you should be able to use them."

He took out a large metal box, grabbed it with one hand, and placed it firmly on the ground.

"In Jie Shi, the defense of the village and town is still handed over to the mercenary group stationed in the town."

"So, hurry up and recover and improve your state."

"Ye Manman, Bai Wushang, Xu Xiaoke... Those of you who have healing pets or abilities should also take the lead and assist them in their conditioning."

"no problem."

Seeing Mu Tianxing, who was moving smoothly and distributing tasks in an orderly manner, Old Man Gang's face was ruddy, and the stone in his heart was more than half lighter.

He stood up tremblingly, pursed his lips, gritted his teeth and said firmly:

"Boy Mu, I'm not being polite to you, but Xingtie Town can't do anything else. You still have a hand in making iron."

"Well, on the basis of the original agreement, I will add one."

"After this goblin hunting mission, I asked Aran to forge five sets of Soul Servant-level weapons, or armor, and give them to you as an extra reward."

The muscular man's eyes lit up, and he grinned: "It's also possible to customize it! I'm the best at doing this!"

"Old man, you are really willing to invest your money. Aran is now the top crafter in town, right?"

"of course."

Old Man Gang raised his head, showing a little pride: "This is my own grandson, inheriting all my craftsmanship and inheritance!"

"If you work harder, maybe you can rush to the mysterious general and make equipment for higher-level pets!"

Mu Tianxing shook his head, "There's no need for that, the original reward is enough."

"You have to move your address, save some money."

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