Lord of Pets

Chapter 226: Terrorist Recovery

Skill backlash, according to the severity, the damage suffered is also different.

But there is no doubt that the three-headed goblin sacrifice instantly bleeds from the seven orifices, and it doesn't look like a minor injury.

Especially the leader of the sacrifice, completely angry!

That kind of taste, heart-breaking, can't be more painful.

It has not been felt for a long time, such a huge setback!

Then, follow the direction of the electric spear.

The sacrificial leader found that there were traces of alien life activities on the top of a mountain on the side.

It's him!

it's him!

The culprit!

The leader of the sacrifice screamed in the sky.

This is giving orders.

This is also the charging horn of the attack.

"Kill! Kill him! Shred him! All attack!"

The goblin clan boiled over.

There was a commotion at first.

Some individuals have not yet reacted, and are still eagerly waiting for the favor of the king.

I hope that I can choose myself and give myself a chance to become stronger.

For this, it is willing to pay everything, including the price of life.

Then, under the violent urging of the mutant mature body, the ignorant figured out the reality.

No chance! ended!

An enemy attacked, causing the thundercloud to dissipate and the king to be injured.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Similar ritual activities are very important and sacred to goblins.

At the end of the year, only once or twice.

As long as you can cross that threshold and become a mature body, your strength will change dramatically.

So, disrupting the ritual is not just a form of humiliation.

more provocative,

It's contempt, it's irreparable shame.

"Lu! Lu! Lu!"

Like locusts crossing the border.

One after another, with blue eyes and white eyes, crowded, roared, and shouted, rushing towards the top of the mountain where Bai Wushang was.

Use both hands and feet to climb like crazy.

A group of goblins in the back, looking for stones on the spot, threw a rain of falling stones.

It didn't hurt much, and hitting the three-eyed demon Aju was like tickling.

Bai Wushang was a little embarrassed.

Fire armor is not a full-coverage type, so use a shield to assist in blocking, so as not to hit the key.

Of course, this is nothing compared to other dangers.

Five-headed muscular goblin, relying on his height and strength.

He directly grabbed the petite mutant goblin, like a discus, and threw it around Bai Wushuang.

Except for a small number of strengths that were not well controlled, the nose was bruised and the face was swollen, and the hands were broken and legs were broken.

The rest landed smoothly, then immediately got up and surrounded one person and three beasts.

"Aju, block it!"

Bai Wushang took a deep breath and tried to activate the insect wings, but failed!

Then he changed his strategy, raised his sword and shield, and stayed near the cocoon.

Xiaoci is at a critical point in the evolution of metamorphosis, as fast as tens of seconds and as slow as five or six minutes.

During this time, you must hold on!

Never miss out!

"It shouldn't be a problem. The strongest three-headed magic priests were all seriously injured."

"The rest of the combat power is at most on par with Aju, and the main victory is in quantity. It can still be done with a delay!"

Bai Wushang measured the comparison, his heart was hanging high, and he was full of energy.

A 9-star "Rogue Goblin" at the early stage of the two-headed adult body.

Taking advantage of the chaos, I do not know when to touch behind, trying to sneak attack.

Relying on spatial perception, Bai Wushang escaped calmly and wounded his head.


The other party covered his broken arm, pale in astonishment.

A big black fist slammed from the side, smashing its head.

"Kill the mutants first, especially the fast ones!"

Bai Wushang communicated with his mind and turned to look back at the cocoon.

A large number of thunder attribute elements gathered there, infiltrating from the inside out, flashing lightning.

Originally, no creature dared to approach the five-meter area.

Including A Zhou, who has lingering fears and awe of thunder and lightning instinct.

There is a mutant goblin who is not weak, but he does not believe in evil.

Swing the bone blade and step into the arc flashing area.

Immediately, currents staggered throughout the body, convulsions and tremors.

It fell to the ground like a mess of mud.

Dead is not dead.

Falling into "deep paralysis" and "serious injuries", basically losing all mobility.

This situation shocked both the goblins and Bai Wushang.

But not too much speculation.

The fierce fighting and the intriguing death-defying moves are still going on.

Although the white cocoon is the culprit of plundering the miniature thundercloud.

But the goblins couldn't see the famous hall, and there was a terrifying thunder and lightning spread there, which briefly turned into a "forbidden area".

Therefore, the remaining variants temporarily gave up the act of seeking death.

All attention was focused on Bai Wushang and the Three-Eyed Demon Ape.

Kill them first!

Aju is under the most pressure.

Even though goblins are stupid, they are not complete fools.

Being able to distinguish this black behemoth is even more powerful and tricky.

The variants that were thrown up at the beginning were desperately attacking and containing them.

When they were almost dead, the remaining mutants, as well as countless blue eyes and white eyes, climbed up from below.

The siege has just begun.

After two consecutive failures, Bai Wushang, who lost a lot of soul power, had to drink a bottle of soul power supplement.

Resisting a hard blow, in the middle of the battle, the secret technique "Insect Wing" was finally activated.

It has wings on its body, and its flexibility increases sharply.

Originally it was dangerous and dangerous, and it even had to rely on the frightened eyes of the little rabbit to barely escape the opponent's Bai Wushang, and the state changed instantly.

This change fundamentally eased Aju's worries.

It allows it to let go of its hands and feet and almost fully devote itself to fighting.

- Blood is boiling!

- Eyes of Calm!

- Rock Arm!

Three core gain skills, all activated!

In this case, it is mainly to buy time for Xiaoci.

So there is nothing to keep, all the skills that can be activated are fully activated, and the output is crazy!

A triple punch hits a hammer goblin.

A triple punch to kill a thief goblin.

The berserk Aju wielded his strength to the fullest, fighting dozens or hundreds of goblins all by himself.

But for the vast majority of variants, there is no way to take it.

The quality of the bloodline is too poor, and the advantage of the life level cannot be made up for.

In the end, it is necessary to rely on quantitative advantages to form suppression!


The sound of the heart beating, from light to heavy, from slow to urgent.

I couldn't hear it at first, because the rain was too heavy and the battle was too fierce.

However, with some indescribable desolate atmosphere, it spread.

Something is reviving, or rather... awake!

Bai Wushang looked at the white cocoon again.

A purple arc, like boiling water.

Jumping, boiling, flickering.

Whether it is the pet beast contract or the spatial perception derived from Xue Ji, they are feeding back a message to him.

There is a powerful life individual, about to show a new attitude!

"Lu! Lu!"

The three-headed goblin sacrifice also came to this low mountain.

However, they were seriously injured and did not directly participate in the killing, but issued orders while watching.

At this moment, all the mutant goblins, including some juvenile peak goblins, changed their expressions.

The eyes fell on the lightning cocoon.

Especially the worship leader.

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