Lord of Pets

Chapter 229: Ancient Thunder Species, Electric Blade Mantis!

"Electric Blade Mantis..."

Xiaoci silently engraved the pronunciation of this word in his heart.

No big surprise.

For the rest of his life, this race will always be bound to it.

Bai Wushang swept over Xiaoci's attribute panel again.

【Name】: Electric Blade Mantis (Contract)

[Race]: Monster World, Arthropod, Electric Blade Mantis, Ancient Thunder

【Life level】: Early stage of mature body

[Blood quality]: Elite 5 stars

[Status]: Power Reserve (147%) / Dazed / Joy / Memory / Health / Charging...

【Wisdom】: high

[Characteristics]: Lightning Force/Lightning Electromagnetic Field/Charging/Thunderwing/Lightning Blade

[Skills]: Lightning flash, one-word slash, cross-cut, lightning strike

[Gourmet Cells]: × (host contract partner, unable to hunt)

"I really can't believe it, the ancient thunder species, the electric blade mantis..."

Bai Wushang still hasn't recovered completely.

The surface seems calm, but the bottom of my heart is cloudy and elusive.


From the beginning, he knew it.

Xiao Ci will acquire an ancient Zerg bloodline.

This is a very high probability event based on all knowledge reserves, including the assistance of the Cognitive Eye.

But when the facts are settled, and the truth is laid in a way beyond imagination.

Bai Wushang hid a trace of apprehension in his eyes and drifted away in the wind.

What followed was joy from the heart.

Not only for the small speech, but also for myself.

The species "Electric Blade Mantis" has a great background!

Compared with the "earth snail".

To be honest, Bai Wushang believes that this is not an order of magnitude, and there is a clear potential gap.

Because the upper limit of the bloodline that the ground snail can trace back is only the "dragon-backed snail" of the immortal body.

However, the information recorded in all aspects of the electric blade mantis is scarce, but there is very little.

However, it once appeared in the "Sacred Beasts"!

Rumor has it that there was a self-awakened person who was fortunate enough to summon the "Thunder Shield Chrysalis" as a beast contract.

That was the original larval form of the Electric Blade Mantis.

Then, step by step, continue to cultivate.

In the end, the Supreme Body was cultivated, and the bloodline quality was promoted to Legend.

Its racial name is "Void Thunder Knife Mantis"!

That is an uncompromising holy seat!

A beast of this class, whoever has one, is equivalent to the Chilong Emperor.

Have the right to open a national faction and establish your own dynasty!

Let me ask, how did Bai Wushang calm down?

Of course, the introduction in the book is limited.

There is no mention of the specific morphological changes and ability changes in each stage.

Including the natural evolution chain of Thunder Shield Pupa, it is not clear whether it is guaranteed to have four stages at the bottom, or has more five stages.

Just to state one thing,

"Void Thunder Knife Mantis" does not rely entirely on natural evolution to become supreme.

It is in the immortal body, or the king body.

It is possible to expand the new ascending channel through other evolutionary methods, and it is successful.

No matter what the method is, whether it can be reproduced or reproduced.

This alone is enough to widen the gap with the earth snail.

Because, this represents at least one possibility.

Xiaoci, there is a chance to be promoted to a holy beast!

No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are in the middle.

At this moment, Bai Wushang was happy, elated, and could not be more satisfied.

"Tower! Tower! Tower!"

On the other side, the leader of the sacrifice was still in a state of rage and hatred.

Its red eyes swept in all directions.

Then, screaming madly.

Those juvenile goblins who had fallen to the ground and shivered because of the thunder and lightning roared in the sky.

One by one, they barely stood up.


The sacrificial leader pointed his finger at a dry, thin red goblin.

With a bang, the latter exploded, turning into a blood mist that enveloped a large area.

Then, the blue eyes and white eyes in that area, the pupils were densely bloodshot.

The skin of the whole body refracts a sickly red, as if squeezed hard, the blood vessels will completely burst.

"Crazy Goblin..."

Bai Wushang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This type of variant has general combat power.

But it can inspire nearby individuals and strengthen their output.

For tribes, this is an important existence after sacrifice.

But the leader's brutal and explosive behavior is clearly using his blood as a direct medium of transmission.

Turn a continuous amplification ability into a one-time enhanced mutation.

Doing so will undoubtedly pollute the will of the weak goblins.

In a short period of time, it will become a slaughtering warrior who is not afraid of death.

Correspondingly, there are many sequelae.

To put it mildly, it will be difficult to advance and evolve in the future, and the difficulty will be doubled.

Seriously, it is likely to become stupid, or become a real "madman".

"Want to kill us by any means?"

Bai Wushang held his breath and held his breath, not dazzled by the joy.

Xiaoci has just completed the evolution and is in the process of coordinating before and after, I am afraid it is difficult to exert all his strength.

This battle is far from over!

The outcome is undecided, we still need to go all out, and we cannot afford to take it lightly!


The armored goblin charged over again.

A Zhou violently punched and threw a head back.

The other end, relying on the thick leather and armor, launched a collision, forcibly forcing the Three-Eyed Demon Ape back a few steps, coughing up a wisp of blood.

More variants are coming up.

Not only against Bai Wushang and Aju, but also against the silver-gray mantis.

However, what made the scalps of countless goblins numb was that all the larvae rushed near the praying mantis, and they felt a kind of trembling.

That is derived from the instinct of flesh and blood, and the awe of high lightning power.

But... part tainted by fanaticism, part forced forward, part overreach, part opportunistic.

They are betting their lives and attacking like crazy!

Bai Wushang passed the gap between the battles and kept observing the situation.

seeing is believing.

As for the Electric Blade Mantis, he also has a limited understanding of many abilities and needs to be re-tested.

Of course, Xiaoci was born smoothly, and Bai Wushang was more confident.

Think of those characteristics and abilities, even if you can only use two or three percent.

It can also exert unparalleled lethality on this battlefield!

When mediating, try hard to grind and consume.

There is absolutely a chance to completely obliterate this goblin tribe!

"Stab, stab—"

Dozens of juvenile goblins attempted to approach the silver-gray mantis.

But without exception, just step into the area where the purple arc flashes.

I couldn't stop the spasms and trembling, I couldn't last a few seconds at all.

Some foamed at the mouth and were half dead;

Some die suddenly and lose all activity;

Some screamed again and again, were in great pain, and were still struggling...


Xiao Ci watched silently.

Just smashing the blue electric snake is more like an instinctive reaction in a special state.

Now, the only master of this body is itself.

Every move, including every sense, is a new experience.

It was amazed, ups and downs, mixed with flavors.

He seems to have become extraordinarily powerful.

The whole body is full of inexhaustible power.

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