Lord of Pets

Chapter 231: 10 word cutting


The silver-gray mantis exhaled lightly and raised the pair of scythes on his chest again.

The purple arc is beating wildly, giving people a feeling of extreme fury.

It seemed as if the sky would burst and the earth would be destroyed in the next second.

But...Xiao Ci's mood instead quieted down.

Hold your breath and let go of all distractions.

Then, it moved.

Instead of triggering "Lightning Flash", he charged towards the goblin army with pure physical power.

Even so, its speed is not comparable to A Zhou.

Can only sigh.

Bai Wushang made a deliberate comparison. I am afraid that the antler wind horse in the later stage of the mature body will run at full strength without triggering the "Great Wind Sudden", and it is nothing more than that.

On the one hand, the speed bonus granted by thunder and lightning is second to none among all attributes.

On the other hand, the ability positioning of the electric blade mantis race is undoubtedly agile attack type.

It is a natural assassin, killer!

However, it is different from the extraordinary creatures like Shadow Leopard that are good at hiding and launching surprise attacks.

Due to the existence of "thunder wings", once the electric-blade mantis is in a high-speed movement state, it is difficult to cover its whereabouts.

If it can't kill with one hit, then it is an upright thunderbolt swordsman, with top explosive power and lethality.

In contrast, the flaws are endurance and defense, which are weak points that can be determined without testing.

This beast has obvious advantages and disadvantages.

However, Bai Wushang was convinced that Xiaoci's weak point could be worse.

It is still not comparable to ordinary extraordinary creatures.

After all, it is an ancient species, and it triggers perfect evolution, and its foundation is very solid.

What is lacking is just experience and time.

With a little training, Xiaoci's killing ability will definitely surpass that of Aju, and by a large margin!

After all,

One is a comprehensive flesh-and-blood warrior with balanced attributes and stable enough.

The other is a natural bladed assassin, with the additional thunder attribute.

Therefore, it is not difficult to predict that the peak output position in Bai Wushang's pet team is about to change hands!


Silver-gray mantises rammed through the goblin pack.

With two "Lightning Blades" over two meters in length, no juvenile Goblin could stop it from attacking.

Even mutant goblins.

Except for the level of battle armor, the rest must be at the cost of life, in order to contain it a little.

But what's the use?

What the electric blade refers to, whether it is flesh and blood, or a bone stick and a bone blade.

Cut in half, the incision is smooth and clean, with almost no resistance.

What's more, some goblins were lucky, they were not killed by one stroke, they just broke their arms and legs.

However, the part where the purple arc sticks the most is the blade.

As long as there is touch, as long as there is touch.

The terrifying power of lightning will invade the body.

Mildly deep paralysis, unable to move;

In severe cases, the organs will be destroyed, the organs will fail, and they will fall into death bit by bit.

This is no longer the concept of tigers entering the flock.

It is like a dragon, among a group of chickens, lambs, and calves.

Of course, the effect of the lightning electromagnetic field is also extremely remarkable.

Not just barrier protection, but more of a small mobile harvesting spell.

As far as Ziguang can reach, there must be screams and a lot of disabilities.

In one minute, more than 50 goblins died in the hands of Xiaoci!

This is still the result of half-fumbling and half-trying, learning to be familiar with its own abilities!


The chief priest couldn't stand it any longer.

Continue to consume like this, and they must die.

The two armors also sensed something was wrong, and the momentum of the attack became more and more violent, and all kinds of injuries were exchanged for injuries.

They couldn't catch up with the Electric Blade Mantis, so the pressure was still concentrated on Bai Wushang and the Three-eyed Demon Ape.


The silver-gray praying mantis turned around and focused on the injured armor.

After simple development and application, Xiaoci has established a basic understanding of its own ability type.

Of course, it is still in the adaptation period.

But as an ancient species, as a higher intelligent creature, how could its talent be so low?

That's why the silver-eyed devil can despise it, the others, why?


Xiaoci still did not use "Lightning Flash".

In extreme speed mode, it is temporarily a bit uncontrollable.

On the contrary, it is a normal state, and it has better control over the ability to control the body.

The purple light is swift and violent, between the electric light and flint, and between the violent dives.

The silver-gray mantis crossed countless blue and white eyes, and rushed in front of the one-armed armor.

Bai Wushang just felt like thunder pierced his ears, and then his eyes flashed.

When I looked again, on the earth covered by dark clouds, a purple "cross" crossed and collided first and then left.

Extraordinarily dazzling, extraordinarily dazzling.

All in all, what a gorgeous one.

Black-green blood spurted out for a moment, then covered in charred black.

Then, the one-armed armor that was cut into four pieces with two knives, the color in the pupil quickly dimmed.

In the end, he fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no pain on his face, only consternation.

Because it died too fast, it was too late to react, and it fell into darkness completely.


The other battle armor was extremely frightened.

The relationship between them is very likely to be husband and wife.

In theory, if it is a brother, it is easy to go against the goal, and it will not have such a deep emotion.

Therefore, the living armor is furious.

Desperately, he tried to drive back the Three-Eyed Demon Ape, and then slaughtered the silver-gray mantis.

But how could Aju miss the opportunity and let the enemy go so easily?

With a roar, the muscle pump stretched to the extreme, and he punched heavily.

- Quadruple punch! !

This punch is the right time.

For a moment, the battle armor goblins, who were in chaos, showed a clear gap in defense.

Without any hesitation, A Zhou greeted him directly.

If it wasn't for the fear of losing all combat power, or because it was a group fight.

A Zhou firmly controlled his fist power and forbade the use of five times the highest level, and this was the stalemate until now.

Now Xiaoci solved a battle armor and took the lead in breaking the confrontation situation.

With a breakthrough, the Three-Eyed Demon Ape naturally did not want to be outdone, concentrated all its strength, and exploded in a directional manner.


The second armor, half of its head exploded.

Like a rag doll, it fell to the ground miserably.

The chest cavity is up and down, getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that it is impossible to survive.

Aju jumped forward again, breaking his neck with one foot, and completely ending its fate.

Then he raised his head and looked at the leader of the sacrifice with icy eyes.

Losing the armor, the strength of the remaining variants is not a concern.

Time for the final reckoning!


A blue electric snake, a cyan hurricane, and a thick water column.

He jumped up again and swept towards Bai Wushang.

The weak goblins along the way were completely powerless to resist, and were either torn apart or smashed to pieces.

A Zhou's face changed slightly, as if he was facing a great enemy.

These three skills with different attributes, combined to attack, can not be underestimated.

If you're not careful, it's scarred and has a serious decline in physical strength, and it's likely to fall over.

Bai Wushang was also fully alert.

But at this moment, a more domineering, majestic, and incomparable violent aura rose.

Instantly overwhelmed the audience, became the focus, and attracted everyone's attention.

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