Lord of Pets

Chapter 251: A promise

Inside the house, Mu Tianxing continued:

"It was also by accident that Dr. Yang met with Mu Chen's ancestor, and then conducted a very complicated experimental test."

"Ultimately combined with ancient documents, combined with all her knowledge and skills, plus the sky-high materials provided by the Mu family."

"After several months, a special medicine was developed."

Mu Tianxing's expression was solemn, "To be honest, as an earth teacher, tailor-made medicine for the Nirvana body is undoubtedly a fantasy."

"But she really succeeded, even if the actual effect is more inclined to 'drug introduction', there will be a lot of side effects, and a huge amount of pain will be attached."

"But the facts are in front of you, Mu Chen's ancestor's pet beast has successfully mutated and evolved, and has achieved unimaginable gains!"

Bai Wushang listened fascinatedly.

If extraordinary creatures have to be divided, they can be divided into two parts according to the level of life.

The Nirvana body is the crucial dividing line in the middle, and it is also a watershed and a stumbling block that blocks the advancement of thousands of creatures.

Below the nirvana body, it can probably be regarded as "ordinary".

Beyond nirvana, that is a complete upper creature, otherwise why is it called a "king"!

"The pet beast of Mu Chen's ancestors has nine deaths."

"But after the successful evolution, it actually acquired some unicorn bloodlines."

Speaking of this, Mu Tianxing, who has always been calm, couldn't help but click his tongue: "Even a very small amount is enough to make people fascinated."

Bai Wushang's eyes lit up.

An adult pure-blood unicorn is at least a supreme body, with the body of a holy beast.

The one with the highest bloodline can be ranked in mythology and has a strong legendary color.

The genes of this kind of species, even if only a small part is contaminated.

The beasts of the ancestors of the Mu family must not be too weak at the same stage.

"No matter how much luck there is, facts are facts."

"So the Mu family will strictly abide by the contract and give you a 'promise'."


Bai Wushang was clueless.

"Dr. Yang may not have told you. I think she meant that she should tell you in person after the Mu family has everything done."

Mu Tianxing said calmly, "The promotion to the royal family is now a fact, so I originally planned to finish the last mission and return to the academy to find you."

"But I didn't expect it to be so coincidental that I bumped into you in advance, that would be better."

Saying that, he raised a finger and smiled lightly:

"Do you have a big shifter on your body?"

Before waiting for Bai Wushang to respond, Mu Tianxing explained:

"That talisman is actually one of the 'deposits' requested by Dr. Yang, and it was specially given to you."

Bai Wushang's thoughts were instantly clear, and he recalled the scene when he got the Great Shifting Talisman.

Indeed, what Aunt Green said is: I have received a very large order.

At that time, his joy and shock couldn't be added, and at the same time, Aunt Lv didn't take the initiative to reveal what he meant, so he didn't ask any further questions.

"No wonder, there are not many forces that can take the big transfer talisman as a deposit."

"If it is the Mu family, it may be very precious to it, but it must be available and reasonable."

Bai Wushang came to his senses. It turned out that as early as that time, there was a cause and effect that implicated the three.

"It can be seen that although Dr. Yang met you by chance, she really wants to help you and create opportunities for you as much as possible."

Mu Tianxing restrained his smile and said solemnly: "Then now, the right to choose is in your hands."

"She helped Ancestor Mu Chen become a pet beast, which can be said to have helped the entire Mu family."

"I think you also know that the gap between the royal family and the first-class family is first and foremost cutting-edge combat power."

"Only after crossing this threshold can you have the most fundamental confidence."

"The rest of the clansmen, no matter how ordinary their aptitude is."

"With the support of the Chilong Emperor and the hunting ability of king-level pet beasts, the resources and status of the entire family will increase by leaps and bounds, and the speed of improving their strength will become faster."

"These are all thanks to Dr. Yang Luqi."

Mu Tianxing was very sincere and said slowly: "The Great Shifting Talisman is just a deposit."

"The content of the return in the real agreement is actually two different."

"First, provide better equipment, more money, and species-specific blood to assist Dr. Yang in his research."

"Second, it is to give you a promise, a promise from the royal family."

Bai Wushang vaguely realized that this was a big chance.

In my heart, my perception of Aunt Lv soared again, and I was both moved and sighed by it.

"Can you be more specific about this promise?" After thinking about it, he asked.

"To put it simply, the previous you, perhaps personally, would like to treat you as a junior, or even half of the Mu family's children."

"It can involve the interests of the entire family, and I must draw a clear line."

"Because in essence, you grew up in the Mu family, and it was just a transaction."

"So in the past ten years, you have no worries about food and clothing, and enjoy the best learning resources that the Mu family can give."

"However, when it comes to your true personal growth, your blood poison, and your future, the Mu family will not ask or help."

Bai Wushang's calmness sounds a bit cruel, but it's true.

The relationship between the Mu family and himself, the defining line in the middle, has always been there.

Otherwise, in the past ten years, only Mu Xiaoxiao has been a playmate, sister and friend.

The rest of the people are mostly nodding acquaintances.

But the others, including Big Brother Mu, before coming to the academy, and even before the secret conversation today.

The perception of it can only be said to be a preference, but it does not have a real connection.

Bai Wushang didn't have much resistance.

On the contrary, Mu Tianxing took the initiative to analyze and openly talk about it.

It made him feel bright and upright and a trustworthy person.

"This promise is still a deal."

"With this, the Mu family will help you to the greatest extent possible."

Mu Tianxing smiled lightly and said, "For example, if you want an ancient species, then the Mu family will try their best to find and capture it for you."

"For example, if you want to be promoted to a profound general in a short period of time, then the Mu family can directly provide you with high-quality resources of no less than 1 million gold coins to help you achieve the span."

"Of course, from my personal point of view, I don't recommend you choose this one."

"With the rapid growth of strength from external forces, after all, it is not very reliable, and there will be hidden dangers."

"Even if your lifespan is short, the road to master is not only for individuals, but also for your pet beasts."

"If there is not enough accumulation, repeated big leaps will only make them exhaust their potential prematurely."

"Or it may be empty of strength and lack of corresponding tempering, and it will be disadvantageous and not beneficial to exert one's temperament and combat power."

"In short, short-term strength, and sustained strength, I think you should be able to discern the gap."

"In other words, quickly breaking through to the mysterious general... For blood poison, it is still too weak, not the right solution."

Mu Tianxing changed his position and gave his own views and understanding.

Bai Wushang nodded lightly, agreeing with what he said, and then asked:

"Then, is there any new way or channel for the Mu family, who has been promoted to the seventh royal family, to help me deal with blood poison?"

"Even if it can't be eradicated, if it can be suppressed and relieved, or it can be controlled and extended, as long as it is effective, I am willing to try."

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