Lord of Pets

Chapter 359: Shadow of Ghosts

Bai Wushang's previous position in the team was in the upper middle class, second only to Zhu Qin and Dai Muhe, and faintly equal to Gongsun Yun and others.

But more often, he does not participate in the command.

As a result, everyone's abilities are close, and the so-called "master brain" is not needed.

Second, even if it is a strong alliance, it cannot be trusted, and there are many details that cannot be generalized.

But now, facing the black robe, Bai Wushang was surprised to find that he might be the one who knew the most.

Among the ten people present, he was the only one who had contact with the blackened Song Jie and possessed some specious information.

Before Song Jie distorted the young dragon electric bird, the two were also in a contract state;

After casting the Forbidden Secret, the contract is broken, but it can still be manipulated and used for it.

This situation is exactly the same as it is now, the vicious triangular silver weasel... No, it should be said to be a rotten blood weasel.

It is already in a "wild" state, but under the control of the black robe, he willfully attacked and killed the ground pets such as the Huobao Bear, the Three-eyed Demon Ape, and the War Armor Elephant.

Its life level has not changed, it is still the peak of maturity;

But the quality of the bloodline has increased by three stars, and it has already defeated the super-large flame bird.

On the premise that the auxiliary pet "Moon Ling Rabbit" is not counted, it is above all the pets present.

Maybe the rotten blood weasel has not much life expectancy, and his life is not long.

But at this moment, in this stage, it is the most powerful predator on the ground, and it can penetrate Aju's magic armor with any strike, making it close to invincibility.

Bai Wushang saw it in his eyes, and knew that with the strength of the team, it would take a lot of effort to kill this aberration.

And Chive's other pet beast, the water cannon snake, was separated by a long distance, and its pupils were also darkening.

It doesn't seem to require closeness, nor special spellcasting.

Just attaching to the fat master can pollute the beasts on the contract side.

When this process is completely over, I am afraid it will not escape the fate of distortion, and will lose itself in pain and despair.

So, considering this, Bai Wushang summoned Zhu Qin and entrusted her to kill him.

This is not the time to use anger, there is no one to save leeks, and once the situation deteriorates again, everyone will face a desperate situation.

In exchange for being possessed and distorted, teammates will definitely make the same choice.

The red-haired girl was very neat and tidy. The Fire Jade Demon Spider matched the blood and the turbine, plus a few secret flame control techniques, and the water cannon snake was killed in three or two strokes.

She doesn't like to talk too much, but it doesn't mean that there is a defect in her personal ability.

Especially when it comes to all aspects of combat, her awareness and ideas are also top-notch, and she doesn't need too much elaboration and explanation.

The blackened chives seemed to feel something, snorted coldly, jumped on the back of a gem eagle king, and took the initiative to attack.

"I played with you guys for a while, I really thought I was so powerful, the little dolls of the human race~~~"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black mist spread over his body. With the cooperation of the Eagle King, he swept across a pile of puppet monsters in the sky and the ground.

Even, many humans and beasts with sleeping poisonous powder in their bodies,

They all woke up one after another, the dark color in their eyes was even better, and the faint flames of black flowed out.

"Mental Crazy Tide... It's probably a group gain skill, which is suitable for the original spiritual pollution..."

Through the eyes of cognition, Bai Wushang immediately understood the changes:

"My own healthy pets are not affected. It seems that the ability of the black robe also has 'rules', and it is not enough to do whatever you want..."

"But he said just now-'the little doll of the human race', can I infer that his true identity is an alien?"

There are thousands of thoughts in his mind, but in reality, Bai Wushang is a frequent occurrence of secret techniques, and together with the Electric Blade Mantis to fight against the group of enemies.

"I'm the main attack, Dai, Bai, Sun, you all help me."

This is the fluctuation of Zhu Qin's thoughts, and it is rare to send out a long sentence that directly defines the way of fighting.

"Okay!" Dai Muhe and the others agreed immediately without thinking about it.

Now that he has returned to before liberation, almost one third of the puppet master, who has fought hard for a long time to control, has escaped the predicament.

Under the influence of the mental madness, the speed is faster and the style of play is even more fatal.

This pressure came up in an instant, like a thick cloud covering the heads of everyone.

Without killing Hei Robe and completely eliminating him, this mental pollution seems to be impossible to remove;

But how to kill it, not to mention the purple electric dragon eagle to kill Song Jie, what is the role of the black robe in the middle?

Only now, he has penetrated into Jiuhuang's body from Xin Ling, and he can't tell whether it is a surrogate death or Jin Chan's shelling;

It is still two points of spirit and flesh, and it is necessary to find a special "life gate" to truly threaten his life.

Bai Wushang and others could only be forced to fight, groping wildly during the battle, waiting for an opportunity to find a breakthrough.

Twenty minutes later, thanks to Zhu Qin and Dai Muhe having enough cards, they seized a fleeting opportunity to knock the black robe down from the sky.

Then Zhu Qin pushed Xue Ji's talent to the extreme, even with the flames on Da Yanque's body dancing wildly, and finally chopped off a "fire-grazing wing" and slapped it on the body of the blackened chives.

When the fire was burning, the Electric Blade Mantis followed closely.

With all his strength, Ben Lei Double Knives and Cross Cut, with a mighty power, as if the gods were angry, cut the leek with scorch marks on the remnant body again.

This is not over, the frost snapping turtle on the ground waited for a long time, stomped hard, and the dark blue frost stretched like a snake, wrapping the corpse mixed with fire and lightning.

Its original intention was to freeze the corpse, but what was a little embarrassing was that its power of ice could not extinguish the flame at all, so it worked in vain.

In the end, I just watched helplessly, the corpse was scorched and burned, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

"Everyone be careful! Especially Chi Yan and Dai Muhe, you have Xue Ji and are the best prey for the black robe."

"If he's not dead, maybe he will target you!"

"Yeah, if your body and pet beasts are controlled by him, it will definitely be the heaviest blow to the team, and it may directly lead to the outcome of the outcome..."

The exchanges in the sea of ​​consciousness continued one after another, and everyone held their breaths, activating the greatest defensive force within their abilities.

For example, Bai Wushang, he knew that he was pregnant with blood and was also one of the high-risk targets, and it might even be easier to succeed.

Directly drives Xiaoci to stretch the height to 100 meters, activates the spiritual shield, and at the same time listens to six directions and sees all directions, so as not to change.

Zhu Qin, Gongsun Yun, and Chen Hui are very different, and all four have flying pets.

Even Dai Muhe fluttered his white wings and flew not far away, faintly forming a pentagon with everyone, guarding and helping each other.


A dark, ghostly figure rushed out of the shadow on the top floor of a certain building, and with just a slight shake, appeared right in front of Bai Wushang.

"Little devil, this defense is as thin as a piece of paper, you should still be my blood food~~"

The shadow never spoke, but there was an inexplicable mental signal that penetrated Bai Wushang's brain, allowing him to understand the other party's thoughts in an instant.

For a moment, darkness covers the eyes, and the world loses its color.

Infinite fear breeds in the bottom of my heart, and then I feel infinite hunger.

It seems that I have been hungry for countless days and nights, and my mind is full of flowers, birds, fish, beasts, fresh fruits and green vegetables... As long as I can eat it, I can't help myself.

"Grumbling! Grumbling!"

A faint, anxious voice called out, trying to break the illusion and pulling Bai Wushang back to reality.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a crimson figure standing in front of him, sweeping across the shadow with a mighty thunder.

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