Lord of Pets

Chapter 408: Black Yao Gargoyle

The first day passed quickly.

Counting Li Xujian, Lan Qian, and Bai Wushang, they fought five times in total.

The most difficult thing is to defeat a third-year senior named Zhang Qingwu and advance to the fourth step.

The opponent's beast power is on a par with the blue-haired girl.

But because of the type of relationship, and mastering a lower-level blood successor talent, named.

After activation, you can attach a layer of python leather to yourself and any pet beast.

This leather coat is extremely tender and smooth, and the vines cannot be entangled with repeated grabs.

I'm not afraid of the smashing and tearing of the wooden dragon's claws, because with a little bit of movement, it can remove most of the strength, which is very difficult to deal with.

With this blood following talent, Zhang Qingwu and Bai Wushang fought for nearly ten minutes.

In the end, Sen Soul was slightly injured, and because he couldn't attack for a long time, his fear and irritability climbed to the extreme, and he went completely berserk.

The entire battlefield was turned upside down, and Zhang Qingwu flew out of the bounds with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and was judged as negative by Wang Ming.

"Made, it's so exciting! Junior Brother Bai is mighty! This is the fourth seat! Awesome!"

"...I have to accept it. Brother Zhang who holds the Blood Ji is not his opponent. Who else can sanction this junior?"

"With all due respect, this dragon-blooded tree demon is a little too violent, but according to its rarity and potential value, it is still the top of the academy... Bai Wushang can subdue such a beast, it's really amazing!"

Watching a great fight, after the big win, the whole room was cheering.

Even the woman in the golden dress who was overlooking from the second stairway was rubbing her hands and laughing, full of interest.

Bai Wushang took a deep breath, but there was a strong sense of luck in his heart.

At least two times just now, he was in danger of losing.

Once, Zhang Qingwu saw the right moment and suddenly changed his path to attack, and Sen Soul almost didn't stop him.

The other time, Mori's soul was completely runaway, and his senses returned to zero.

Even if the instinct is still working, he subconsciously protects the Master.

But there is no rules to speak of, but it exposes more defensive loopholes.

At that time, if Zhang Qingwu is brave enough, he will fight to the death.

There is a small probability that it can be eliminated before being eliminated.

Take the lead to hit him hard, and even kill him.

After all, there is no suitable life-saving secret technique, and it is impossible to control the battle rhythm of Sen Soul.

Relying on recklessness alone has too many disadvantages.

In this way, Bai Wushang summed up his review, supplemented his meat, and sat in silence on the fourth step for half the night.

Some people left the auditorium, some people entered, back and forth, and the heat did not diminish in the slightest.

After all, this is a three-day competition for the top ten champions. The first day alone can't explain much, and the final curtain has not fallen.

As time goes by, the closer to the late stage, the more intense the competition.

Some people fail on the first day, it does not necessarily mean that he missed the top ten.

As long as it doesn't hurt the fundamentals and doesn't shake the foundation, there is a chance to be ashamed.

Not only that.

There are also several potential competitors, who obviously have enough strength.

But for various reasons, they are not at the academy now, and I don't know if they can get back before the deadline.

For example, Bai Wushang didn't see Zhu Qin.

According to his assumption, in the past half a year, the Scarlet Flame Witch has every chance to be promoted to a profound general.

And once she is promoted to the profound general, the Great Flame Sparrow, who has evolved from her superior blood, will definitely be able to leapfrog battle.

At least Chen Hui, who is currently standing on the eighth step, is definitely not her opponent by relying only on the initial stage of the three-headed complete body.

In the final analysis, the current position does not represent the final ranking, and there are still many uncertain variables.

Bai Wushang went all the way to the fourth step, so he naturally felt a strong sense of crisis and pressure.

This is second only to Yu Liang, Xia Wanlong, and Jiang Lingyue.

Is the college really empty? Not so much.

Just from what Bai Wushang had heard before, there were two or three characters who were rumored to be very powerful, and they were special powerhouses second only to the ten heroes.

He has not yet appeared, his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown.

Therefore, the suspense is full, and the judgment of all the results seems to be a bit premature.

Bai Wushang didn't wait too long.

In the evening of the second day, there was a harsh sound of breaking the air.

A black shadow wrapped in thick fog, smashed to the ground, and stood in front of him.

"Aha, catch up, catch up, are you the ruthless person who killed the evil spirit in the beginning?"

The visitor was a man, 1.85 meters tall, with a thin body, and shouted carelessly.

He was wearing a samurai uniform, from head to toe, including hair and pupils, were pure black, very individual.

Bai Wushang froze slightly.

This person's soul power aura is very close to his own, and he is actually a late stage master at the profound general level!

What caught his attention even more was the humanoid monster that climbed up from the man's feet and stood up expressionlessly.

It looks like a bat, but its body is made of black rock;

More than three meters high, with horns on its head and fan ears on its cheeks;

The mouth is large, the fangs are thick and long, and the face is covered with folds, which looks cold, vicious and fierce;

Below the neck, the hands are thick and the legs are short, with ten fingers and claws, densely packed and shocking;

The wings are huge and can be stretched at will, and they are eight meters wide, but they are not soft at all, and they are extremely thick and rigid.

This is a black shinning gargoyle, a late stage complete body, commander level 1 star!

Strong, very strong!

"That's... Ghost King Yebuzao?"

Due to the continuous fighting, the audience, who was inevitably a little tired of aesthetics, suddenly cheered up again like a chicken blood.

"Last year, I lost to Song Jie, unfortunately ranked 11th on the Heroes list, second only to the super masters of the top ten heroes of Shanhai!"

"Since then, he has rarely been seen in the academy."

"It is said that he was not doing ascetic cultivation in Chongshen Mountain, or he ran to the inner ring of the endless sandy area by himself, and sharpened himself in the horror of life and death!"

"Yeah, I also heard from the grapevine that he has the strength to be among the top ten, but he has not been able to challenge him for a long time."

"Now I finally made a move, but I didn't expect that the target of the first battle was the legendary freshman Bai Wushang?"

Many students who are not afraid of big things, but are afraid that they will not be lively enough, can't help shouting and raising their heads.

Jiang Lingyue, Xia Wanlong, etc., all rely on their own strength, and they made it up little by little, everyone can see it.

Therefore, there are generally estimates of their strength. Anyway, they are strong and strong.

Bai Wushang is different.

So far, there have been less than ten battles.

From the beginning to the end, only one dragon blood tree demon was seen, and several powerful pet beasts that he once held have not been seen.

And except for two or three games that are a little troublesome, the others are all crushing postures, almost instant kills.

There was even a master who was too weak to admit defeat, and the three pet beasts were rolled into a twist by the tree demon.

Bai Wushang has used his strength to prove himself completely and thoroughly.

But that's not enough.

He is now in Shanhai College, and his image among all the new and old students is that of being powerful and mysterious.

It is like a vast ocean, with no depth at all.

Such a character with strong suspense in itself and at the center of the storm.

Face to face with the ghost king Yebuzhan who has been cultivating for a year.

What kind of spark should it collide with?

Exciting just thinking about it...

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