Lord of Pets

Chapter 464: Radish Chestnut and Balanced Meatballs

In the room, the mutated red horse was next to the Dark Gold Demon Ape, and the red ponytail behind the buttocks swung high from left to right.

Coupled with that indescribable frightened face, Erha's characteristics became more and more obvious.

A little further away, Fang Rui's second summoned iron-eating beast collapsed in the corner.

After experiencing the initial fear, its attention was unsatisfactorily attracted by the green mangosteen fed by its owner.

First, I sniffed the bamboo piles, and then picked out the ones that fit my heart the most, that is, the ones that looked the most delicious.

Remove the soil and withered parts, straighten out the orientation of the bamboo leaves, and break them off.

Just now, I slowly put it into my mouth, sending it one by one and gnawing it one by one.

Of course, what the iron-eating beast likes most is the tender and juicy bamboo stems.

If the bamboo is too thick, the outer skin will be torn off with teeth first;

If it is too thin, it will be lazy and shove it directly into the mouth.

It seems to be chewing slowly, but it is not the case, the cheeks have never stopped.

While eating, he quietly looked at the Dark Golden Giant Ape with his small eyes hidden in the dark circles.

When Bai Wushang swiped it occasionally, he would only feel the big face plate of the iron-eating beast, with its fluffy fluffy hair, and the mixed colors of black and white.

There is no ferocious, brutal and wild charm like the bears, ice bears, and war bears.

From the inside out, he is naive, exuding the aura of "lazy", "carefree" and "heartless".

"I have two recipes for you to choose from."

After thinking for a while, Bai Wushang mentioned the business:

"One is called 'Radish Chestnut'. Once it is cooked, eat one grain a day for 20 consecutive days."

"It can enhance gastrointestinal function, and it is more efficient for nutrient absorption in food, especially suitable for iron-eating beasts with amazing appetite."

"The other is called 'Frightened Tea Bird Egg', which is suitable for mutated red horses."

"After eating it, there is a certain probability that you will be able to comprehend the general skill 'Fright Eyes'.


"Coupled with silly girl's mental mutation, when it is activated at a critical time, it will have miraculous effects."

"Can you still comprehend skills?!"

Fang Rui was surprised and said sincerely:

"Senior Bai, can I have both?"

"Another recipe, I am willing to provide a reward, do you think 30,000 gold coins is enough?"

Bai Wushang glanced at him and said thoughtfully, "It seems... you are richer than I thought."

For the newly promoted master, even the self-awakened person who has reached the peak of the spirit level.

Daily expenses, hundreds or thousands of gold coins, are already relatively rich.

You must know that a relatively tasteless bloodline fruit, the recovery price of the mall did not reach 10,000 gold coins.

The other party can simply and neatly ask for 30,000, which is definitely not the son of an ordinary rich family.

Moreover, whether Bai Wushang traded "Frightened Tea Bird Eggs" or "Radish Chestnuts", his net profit was above 90%.

It's a huge profit!

"Where..." Fang Rui scratched his head, "Although my family is only a second-class family, it is good at business."

"The pocket money I secretly saved over the years...is still enough for me to spend a while..."

"I see, you wait for me here for two hours."

Bai Wushang did not continue to ask, but after listening to his tone, he clearly agreed.

In fact, this transaction, even if the face value is 30,000 gold coins, is still a loss for him with the same time benefit.

Going out hunting, killing one or two normal complete bodies at random, is more than that.

However, Fang Rui has the potential to become a long-term customer and continuously provide the capital chain.

Mature-level recipes can’t be bought for 350,000, so you have to start with six figures.

So Bai Wushang went to the mall again, took a few minutes to make a list, and quickly collected all the materials.

Changed a quiet room, two-pronged approach, cooking two recipes at the same time.

This is something that is far from being able to be done at the spirit level stage.

On the one hand, the increase in soul power is now too great, and the control is more handy than in the past, and it is more than enough to deal with first-order recipes.

On the other hand, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of equipment are used to assist cooking, which helps to improve the cooking speed and success rate.

But then again, there were actually more than two recipes that Bai Wushang could give Fang Rui.

Last time, the third-order recipes were drawn 100 times, and more than 3,000 food cells were reserved, just to draw the first-order recipes.

It's not that I deliberately prepare for the top three freshmen.

Bai Wushang could completely delay, and promised to give them better soul-servant-level delicacies.

Anyway, according to the qualifications of the self-awakened person, it should be able to advance in a month or two.

But in the first-order God of Cooking treasure chest, there is at least one kind of food mystery technique, which has never been drawn.

Bai Wushang was just taking the idle cells to catch this slippery little fish, hoping to catch it as soon as possible.


All is well.

Both recipes were 90 percent done as expected.

"Frightened Tea Bird Egg" triggers the profound meaning of food - "probability increase", which achieves a 100% chance of comprehension on the original basis.

In this way, "Frightened Eyes" is not particularly strong, but a general skill with wide applicability and high fault tolerance.

After Chima masters it, with the spiritual power of its own, it should be able to obtain a multiplier enhancement effect like the original Galaxy.

As for the profound meaning of food triggered by "radish and chestnut", it is called "breathing".

The function is to slightly improve the excretion function, and the time for impurities and waste to remain in the body is further shortened.

With it, this iron-eating beast named "Pillar" must have been eating mama incense for the past three weeks, and his body has been in great shape.

Just like the castrated version of the "growth factor", as long as Fang Rui, the master, breaks through to the Soul Servant level earlier, maybe the iron-eating beast can evolve directly and be promoted to the "big iron-eating beast".

After finishing the freshman trial, Bai Wushang found Duan Yixuan, who ranked first, and Wu Jun, who ranked third, through the Shijie information channel.

The former was neither humble nor arrogant, and accepted his gift with gratitude.

The recipe Bai Wushang made for her, called "Balanced Meatballs", was for Dali Rabbit.

After taking it for seven consecutive days, it will fall into a state of "disorder", triggering a full-body sensory dislocation.

But this is only a temporary negative effect, once you try to overcome and try to curb the strange feeling through training.

Vigorous Rabbit's control over the body will be slightly improved.

In other words, this recipe can improve its coordination and potentially improve combat skills!

When Duan Yixuan first learned about the efficacy of the recipe, her obvious surprise flashed away.

Extraordinary food is not personally contacted, not personally tried.

It's just hearsay, it really lacks concepts and lacks imagination.

This has successfully refreshed Duan Yixuan's understanding of the extraordinary world, and at the same time has more expectations for Shanhai College.

However, this orange-haired junior always kept a distance from Bai Wushang, and even the topic deliberately stayed on a shallow conversation.

Not arrogant, nor arrogant.

Bai Wushang believed that she had already found her own way, she had already clarified her own direction, and had her own ideas and beliefs.

It's not that I reject external forces, abandon external forces, and are really sticking to the rules and stubborn.

It's just that for her, the priority of external help is always herself.

Even if there is nothing, she will look forward and walk forward.

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