Lord of Pets

Chapter 657: Yinlong Aisle

In the mist, a little pig chased to the place where the foreign object fell, arching its nose and making a snorting sound.

Bai Wushang confirmed that there was no danger, and under the protection of Azhou and Senpo, he slowly approached.

As a vine flew out and rolled up the luminous object, he showed a surprised expression.

This is a lantern!

The companion magic weapon of the Lantern Banshee, the Soul-Sealing Lamp!

Unexpectedly, it did not dissipate with the death of the banshee, but condensed into a real physical substance.

After thinking about it, Bai Wushang motioned to Senpo to shake the vines.

Sure enough, in the area illuminated by the blood-red lantern, the fog retreated, which had a good dispersing effect.

"This thing is good. If there are other similar monsters, you can collect a few more and use them as lighting..."

Ji Cangyun and Ji Ranran maintained a vigilant posture, surrounded Bai Wushang, briefly observed, and then made comments.

Bai Wushang nodded and didn't say much. He just let Senpo hold it in his hand. He could use the extension of the vines to gain additional real vision at any time.

"Go right, the fog on the left is too heavy, go to the right first..."

Before Ji Cangyun finished speaking, he frowned and looked behind him intently.

"Listen, there seems to be some strange sound?"


There was a strange sound, something was approaching, many in number.

Wu Xuan, who was behind the team, suddenly changed his expression.

"Bugs! Lots and lots of bugs, go away!"

A group of fist-sized weird bugs with black carapace and red jaws, like an army of ants, swarmed out from the ground not far away and quickly climbed towards the crowd.

Bai Wushang glanced at it, his heart pounding.

According to the information provided by the Eye of Cognition, this creature is called "Dragon Blood Maggot". Each one is an ultimate body, but the quality of its bloodline is very weak. It only has 1 star at the Commander level and is a low-level creature in this life level.

But - there are too many!

Not ten, not a hundred, probably more than a thousand!


The Dragon of Thorns did not move, and the Sea Emperor Flaming Tooth Lion changed its position and rushed towards the back of the team.

At this time, running away randomly is the most wrong approach. A certain line of defense must be built to buy some time.

The light blue fire is rippling like water, the fire spreads, the seven-star earth flame pillar, the fierce fire ball, the fire circle technique... various flame skills are sprayed continuously. Wherever the bugs gather the most, they will be taken care of first.

Leng Miyue's Ice Wheel Flower threw out three rotating frost gears. Insect blood splashed everywhere it passed, and there was frost, but the disgusting fishy smell was still overwhelming and unpleasant.


In the swarm of insects, several larger and weirder insect kings suddenly jumped out, either using their hard carapace to destroy the strangled gears, or chasing after them at a faster speed, their purple pupils full of coldness. .

"Be careful!" Ji Cangyun shouted, activating a large amount of bloodline power.

As a result, the dragon's flames turned into rolling waves and rolled back, forming a powerful obstacle and successfully forcing back the charging insect king at the forefront.

Zero remained silent while the Wind Flame Sabertail Snake and Thunderclaw Savage Dragon beside him turned around and used wind blades, flame knives, and thunder dragon fists to smash into the sea of ​​insects, cooperating with Ji Cangyun's actions.

The real force was Ji Ranran's dragon-bearded armored turtle, which formed a huge vortex directly behind him, absorbing at least one-third of the dragon-blooded maggots, and the number was still increasing dramatically.

Extreme control skills, deep sea vortex!

This is a control skill that can limit large-volume and large-tonnage monsters like the Ton Spider. When turned counterclockwise, it becomes a chasm, blocking the middle between the team and the sea of ​​​​insects.

"Puff puff--"

The Ice-Splitting Tooth Dragon and the Lihuo Maple Dragon worked together to shoot down the most ferocious flying bug they were chasing.

The group of people was steady and not chaotic. After opening a large distance again, they slowed down. They breathed a sigh of relief and stopped briefly to rest.

"It's really exciting. After a while, all kinds of monsters came out to act like monsters. Are they greedy for our flesh and blood, or do they just like killing?"

Wuhuang vomited while providing healing skills to the pet beast, because the excitement of continuous fighting was slightly relieved.

But Bai Wushang's next words pulled him back again.

"Another big guy is here...this time, it should be a dragon!"

Just as he was talking, there was a noisy cry, and a brown bird dragon with webbed palms on one end, a lower body shaped like an ostrich, and an upper body with dragon scales, fluttering its vestigial wings, rushed over blankly.


The vine spear broke through the air, easily penetrated its body, penetrated its head in one breath, and nailed it to the spot.

"This is a sinful dragon..." Ji Ranran touched her neck. The dragon seal was glowing and felt warm.

But this was not the monster she hunted, such as the lantern succubus. The power of the Dragon Familiar obtained by her final death was divided between Bai Wushang and Leng Miyue.

This means that the team mission of hunting and clearing the Sin Dragon has been triggered.

"The species cannot be identified. Everything here is difficult to use conventional dragon knowledge..."

Ji Cangyun said with some regret.

If you can hunt based on existing intelligence, your operational efficiency will be twice the result with half the effort.

But there is no if.

Adventure and exploration will definitely be the main theme of Sinlong City.

"This is probably the weakest sin dragon." Bai Wushang tentatively guessed.

According to the existing information, they will definitely not be able to encounter the real Dragon of Sin.

Even if it is a sin dragon that is several levels weaker and slightly more powerful, it is unlikely that there will be one.

More likely, they may be the descendants of sin dragons, or hybrid offspring, or they may be evil dragon species or strange creatures that mutate due to the power of sin dragons.

This is more consistent with cognition and difficulty.

Of course, the other side of the danger comes from the environment.

Just as Bai Wushang and others moved forward again, specifically exploring along the area where the fog was thinner, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

In the field of vision, a group of dragon-shaped shadows that look like snakes but not snakes, like lizards but not like lizards, line up, one after another, wandering from left to right.

Their aura was so cold that Bai Wushang and others felt as if they were approaching an iceberg, and the biting chill penetrated their hearts.

And this kind of coldness cannot be resisted by the cold resistance given by chilled storage. It goes straight to the soul and is full of shivers.

"It's not a living thing, it's not a ghost, and it doesn't mean to attack us. This is the Yin... Yin Dragon Passage?"

Wu Xuan held his breath and concentrated for a long time. Although he was under huge pressure, he had not seen danger for a long time and couldn't help racking his brains to come up with an adjective.

There is a folk legend about the "passage of Yin soldiers", the same darkness, the same emptiness, the same neat queue, the same invisible head and tail, and the number is difficult to estimate.

Except that it's not a Yin soldier, but a dragon-shaped phantom, everything else is exactly the same.

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