Lord of Pets

Chapter 682: The Holy Dragon Asks the Heart

"I survived through all kinds of things, and the price I paid is destined to become a lingering shadow."

"Like my soul power, this is the result of breaking through and rebuilding after I woke up."

"But what's the matter? I don't remember that Longting has relevant precepts that can abolish my identity."

Bai Wushang spoke leisurely and got straight to the point:

"Time flies, and old friends have passed away. Since I am alive and continuing a new life, I should continue to move forward and pursue the path of a saint."

"To tell the truth, the reason I came back this time is for the "Holy Son". "

"I want to apply to enter the inner island of Longhuang Island, look for new opportunities, and climb to a higher level of status and rights."

"What?!" A bald-headed saint, who always closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in mid-air, looked shocked: "You want to conduct the test of the Holy Son?"

Bai Wushang smiled slightly, responding to everything with silent silence and a confident smile.

The bald sage still didn't open his eyes, but he seemed to be able to sense everything in the outside world and asked in confusion:

"Although I haven't seen your pet beast yet, any one of the Holy Sons of the Dragon Court has an unparalleled grace. Only one of thirty or fifty saints has the chance to be born."

"Don't mention that you are downgraded to Earth Master now. Even if you return to Heavenly Master and are promoted to the peak of Heavenly Master, you may not have a 10% chance of winning. Do you want to take such a risk?"

"Lord Dragon, I am a person who has died once. I have experienced the great horror between life and death over and over again."

Bai Wushang's tone was calm and he sounded careless.

But the more this happened, the five saints showed more or less solemnity.

This experience of facing death head-on but surviving in the end is a super-high-level opportunity and is extremely precious.

They have all gone through it and realized it, and only in this way can they achieve the status of saints.

Bai Wushang continued:

"Soul power is not a problem. With the blessing of experience and treasures, the speed of rebuilding will not be too slow."

"The risk of death from the inner island is not a problem. I am willing to bear all uncontrollable factors because this is my choice."

The bald saint slowly calmed down.

Put your hands together and give blessings in ancient dragon language.

An Suyi stood there, emerging from the dust like a clear lotus, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then raised a finger and pointed at his feet.

"There are many forms of assessment for the Holy Son. For a Saint, if he insists on choosing the inner island of Dragon King Island to conduct it, we have no right to ask more questions or stop him."

"But if you come back from ten thousand years ago, even if there are seniors who know you alive in the Dragon Court, they will definitely be sleeping in the ancient tombs, sealed and sleeping by themselves, and they will not dare to come to the world easily."

"Based on just one word and this token, your identity is still in doubt."

"According to the procedure, the heart should be questioned by the Holy Dragon, judged by the Holy Artifact, and double verified. Do you dare to agree?"

"Naturally." Bai Wushang was mentally prepared.

An Suyi nodded, and the book of oath filled with the power of the holy way appeared out of thin air. For a moment, a strong wind blew, and as the pages of the book turned, a translucent dragon came out.


The giant dragon is huge, up to a hundred meters long, and its cry is milky. It looks like a babbling baby and looks very cute.

But Bai Wushang didn't dare to look down upon him in the slightest.

This is the spiritual dragon.

Through the expansion of the dragon soul's information, Bai Wushang knew that this was an extremely ancient holy dragon species, derived from the split bloodline of the second-generation ancestral dragon "Dragon of Fantasy". He was a king at birth and a supreme king when he reached adulthood.

That old guy, the Black Jade Demonic Dragon, was really brave when he was young, and he dared to steal the Holy Dragon's treasure!

Bai Wushang had murmured and lamented about this before, but now he was actually facing this spiritual dragon in the initial stage of the Supreme Body and a legendary level 4 star. He was neither surprised nor happy, and his expression was calm.

The psychic dragon has powerful soul power and can peek into the emotions of the weak. After paying a certain price, it can even break down the target's thinking fragments and integrate them into corresponding memory fragments.

Among all the holy dragon species, perhaps the bloodline quality of this dragon species can only be in the middle and lower reaches, but in terms of contract difficulty, it is infinitely equal to the strongest holy dragons like the Azure Dragon.

A woman in a war skirt can have such a dragon pet, either because she has a great background, or she has excellent strength and capital, or it may be a combination of the two.

But Bai Wushang had nothing to panic about.

Even if this is the golden dragon soul, it is one of the most troublesome situations expected.

However, his current disguise cannot be said to be perfect. At least with the blessing of the ancestral artifact, it is impossible for a mere saint or holy dragon to see through it.

Both physically and spiritually.

Because of the power of the ancestral artifact, the target is a high-level divine dragon species.

This giant spiritual dragon in the early stage of the Supreme Body can no longer even think about mastering the power of the soul.


In full view of everyone, the spiritual dragon swallowed the snow-haired man in one gulp.

The target is in the belly, and its soul perception can be used at 120%, and then it can activate skills such as "Psychic Shock", "Psychic Snooping" and "Emotional Communication" to get twice the result with half the effort.

Bai Wu was sad and had no other distractions, just imagining some random scenes.

Such as lying in a pool of blood hanging by a thread, such as the natal pet accidentally eating poisonous weeds and achieving a rare degeneration process, such as falling into the ice abyss and being frozen little by little, such as crawling out of the broken glacier to rescue the frozen giant. Thunder Demon Dragon, then one person and one beast shuttled through the world of ice and snow, struggling to escape the attacks of countless hunters...

Not to mention, this psychic dragon is very smart and has rich interrogation experience.

It would change its tricks and ask Bai Wushang about miscellaneous trivial matters to determine the authenticity of the pieced together memories.

At the most difficult time, the dragon soul in the ancestral artifact had to help, deliberately leaving some insignificant problems, but covering up and erasing all the important parts.

This kind of true and false, false and true, is in line with normal human thoughts.

The psychic dragon was not suspicious.

Half an hour later, it vomited Bai Wushang out and got back into the beast space neatly.

Although he was spying on the Earth Master with his holy status, using all his skills and conducting all kinds of careful thinking and questioning was no less than examining the body of a highly intelligent king.

This is not a small burden on it, and it needs a good rest to relieve fatigue.

An Suyi nodded slightly, giving more approval.

Then she solemnly unleashed the Holy Spirit's soul power and summoned a sacred weapon from the palace she had crossed over from.

This is a mirror with an unofficial name - the Demon Mirror!

In fact, Longting calls it the "Evil-Breaking Mirror."

Get rid of all falsehoods and deconstruct all illusions. At the same time, it can also analyze the target's flesh, soul, breath, blood and other attributes to ensure that the identity is reliable.

Its most important function is to prevent evil-contaminated creatures from approaching, or to block aliens who change their human form and try to sneak into the Dragon Court.

Of course, if you have evil thoughts, bad intentions, or evil intentions towards the Zulong Court, under the light of this mirror, you will be like a low-level zombie exposed to the scorching sun, with smoke all over your body, and you will fall into a very miserable and painful struggle. among.

"Okay, Zulongting recognizes your identity and welcomes you back."

An Suyi finally showed a very faint smile.

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