Lord of Pets

Chapter 803: Qiankun Chessboard

The earth-yellow wall that suddenly descended in front of him successfully blocked the Yanwu Lion King.

The colliding black and white chess pieces are behind you. If you dodge sideways at this time, you will definitely suffer the aftermath.

As a last resort, General Cang unleashed his flaming tearing claws.


The seemingly hard earth-yellow wall could not withstand this non-fatal ordinary skill.

However, General Cang, who succeeded in the attack, tried his best to increase his running speed, but still could not get rid of the pale yellow light mist that overflowed after the wall shattered.

When it was possessed by the light mist, a pale yellow light streak visible to the naked eye adhered to its back, forming a sharp contrast with the yellow mud inflammation on its tail, which was also yellow.

"Be careful, the test is over, unless necessary, it is better to be injured than to break the wall!"

Bai Wushang reminded remotely.

The northwest clan's blood inheritance talent, Silent Wall, has average defense effect and is not difficult to destroy.

Its characteristics are concentrated in the field of "silence". Regardless of distance or close range, as long as the wall is broken, the rebounding wordless light will automatically track the attacker.

The energy properties of this kind of beam are very special, and it is difficult to offset the power of the opposing elements.

Once attached, it will initially hinder the speed at which the pet can release its skills.

When there are too many superimpositions and it is particularly severe, an extremely rare silence effect will appear, making it impossible to use skills for a short period of time.

This is a magical field control skill. Where the wall is, it is an implicit restriction.

Many ignorant masters who did not have the information allowed their pet beasts to destroy the wall at will. When the wordless light erupted, it was the timing of Beichuan's decisive attack.

Of course, the Silent Wall is powerful, but it is not perfect, and there are weaknesses to be found.

The best targets to restrain it are hand-to-hand creatures that don't rely much on skills and have strong innate physiques.

Even if you are unable to use skills for a short period of time, with your stocky body, it is not easy to be as brittle as tissue paper and kill you instantly with one hit.

The problem is... this is only part of Beichuan's overall field control!

The virtual and real chessboard that appears by crushing the terrain is the only way to fight for his natal pet beast, the overlord-level 8-star, early-stage Immortal Body "Tianyan Snake", and is called "Qiankun Chessboard".

This ability relies on the "Qiankun Tianyuan Snake". As the king of the legendary 9-star holy beast, when it exerts its full power, it is said that it can seal off a large city and frame millions of people on the chessboard.

Now it is a greatly weakened version, with a width and height of only more than 1,500 meters.

This distance, compared to the extraordinary creatures that can easily reach tens of meters, and the instantaneous burst of speed, is actually not huge.

But it stretches on.

Moreover, with the communication between Beichuan and Tianyan Snake, the Qiankun chessboard is always in a state of uncertainty.

Its target is not Bai Wushang's pet beast, but several main battle pets surrounding it, cooperating to advance.

The place covered by the chessboard is a black and white battlefield. Every time the chess pieces collide, it has the power to move mountains and seas, and the movement caused is far beyond the limit of a normal Celestial Master-level master.

"Gu! Gu!"

A humanoid beast was striding forward, its head and limbs were made of flesh and blood, and its abdomen was made of bones. In terms of grotesqueness, it was comparable to an extremely demonic ape in the ultimate stage.

It was grinning, leaning forward as it ran, arms splayed behind its back.

Every time he stopped taking a step, the golden light wheel embedded on his back would rotate and fly out, cutting randomly within the line of sight, forcing the split-crown tree demon to look like a formidable enemy.

This is the Golden Wheel Demon King!

An ancient cutting species with an indestructible body that constantly swallows metal-enhanced companion instruments!

Where the golden wheel is, it is the Shura strangulation ground. Even Azhou does not dare to block with his body at will, and needs to avoid it as much as possible.

There is no other reason, the golden wheel is sharp, and this golden wheel demon king has a bloodline quality of overlord level 7 stars!

It must be an immortal body that has climbed through super evolution, making up for the regrets of the period when the complete body evolved into the ultimate body, and returning to its proper bloodline strength.

Senpo has summoned eight guard trees to form a defensive posture, thorn traps, vine leaf sharp knives, timed seeds... the long-range skills that can be thrown should not be thrown out like energy.

But it does not dare to take root deeply, and can only insert some of its roots into the ground briefly to absorb nutrients from the earth.

More roots are needed to make the tree legs move.

There's no way around it. Beishichuan's strength in controlling the field far exceeds the upper limit of its ability.

The Senluo domain, including the furthest extension of the vines, already lags far behind the Qiankun chessboard and has been shrouded in reverse.

Once it takes root and forms a stubborn stance, it is a complete and utter living target.

Not only will a large number of silent walls fall from the sky, but the Golden Wheel Demon King, known for its "cutting", will also target it and kill it with all its strength.

This sheer sharpness is more likely to threaten Senpo's safety than Xiao Ci and Cang Jiang combined.

Because the Crackcrown Tree Demon is huge, it is easier to hit.

No matter how many vines there are, they can't withstand the golden wheel flying wildly a few times, and they will be cut into pieces.

The only thing that can temporarily remain invincible is the vast sea of ​​vitality, which can be restored with the help of the source of life to achieve a longer-lasting pull.

The Golden Wheel Demon King is a bit of a counterweight to the Split Crown Tree Demon.

With the addition of Beichuan and Tianyanshe, the original advantageous projects have disappeared.

Ah Zhou, who originally tried to attack the Golden Wheel Demon King and help Sen Po alleviate his disadvantage, encountered two tough obstacles.

One of them has an oval-shaped rock body. When it is still, it is no different from a stone pillar. It is extremely ordinary.

But its base actually has seven small, slit eyes.

Every move will turn into pale light and shadow, shuttling through the gaps between the silent wall and the black and white chess pieces like a howling wind.

Cang Jiang and A Zhou were each approached by him once, one was hit in the back and the other was hit in the chest. They both vomited blood and were injured.

However, when he retaliated with the Dragon Fist and Heavy Flame Lion King Fist, he could only scrape off a small amount of stone powder from his body. He stared at the opponent as he jumped away alive, flying around to plan the next sneak attack.

This is the "Fossil Tumbler", a 6-star Overlord Level, an ancient balanced species.

Its ability is the same as that of the Golden Wheel Demon King, which tends to be single-minded and pursues "miracles with great force" on a "hard" foundation.

Shangguan Junjie, who was watching the battle from a distance, smiled slightly and said to himself:

"Brother Chuan and Tianyan Snake control the overall situation. The Golden Wheel Demon King and the Fossil Tumbler, one cuts and slashes with indestructible gears, and the other rampages with an unbreakable body, acting as two alternative controls."

"The master who fights against him will definitely have a huge headache, because the limited dodge space is even narrower. Brother Chuan can choose to violently surround and kill, or he can do what he is doing now, face a strong enemy and fight steadily, forcing the opponent into a trap step by step. The battle of beasts'."

Dawn on the other side is also lamenting:

"The Golden Wheel Demon King and the Fossil Tumbler, in terms of rarity, will not be lower than the ancient thunder species, the ancient wood dragon species, or the ancient alien fire species."

"Bai Wushang's "balance"... No, it should be said that anyone can easily fall into passivity in the face of "absolute field control". "

"Once the initiative to attack is no longer in one's own hands, if it continues to be delayed and consumed, it will be eaten away bit by bit. It can be called an unsolvable fighting method."

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