Lord of Pets

Chapter 832: Gourmet? Horror!

The effect of the hidden spirit jade pendant can only reach the hero level.

So Bai Wushang couldn't guard against the Red Dragon Emperor, but he could guard against Luo Chen.

But having said that, the head of a courtyard has been with Shanhai for countless years, what kind of scene has he not experienced?

After Yu Liang, Bai Wushang continued to set new records. Didn't he already have some psychological training?

But...the Heavenly Master! ? This is too outrageous! !

After all the hard work, he has been practicing for less than three years, and he is already on par with those aging old school veterans! ?

Are their lifelong efforts so vulnerable? !

Luo Chen's perception system was confused for a moment.

Those students who were filled with curiosity, longing, and admiration suddenly stopped running.

They were shocked just now that Bai Wushang's soul power level was actually a long way ahead of Yaodao and Chiyan. While they were stunned, their tense heartstrings dropped slightly.

The seniors are not lying, the legendary No. 0 seat really has this strength!

Then what? In less than two seconds, I haven't recovered from the news. Are you telling me that this is a lie?

The earth master is just a disguise, has the true realm reached the heavenly master?

Doesn't this mean that there is at least a whole gap between Bai Wushang and Jiang Lingyue and Zhu Qin?

This this……

Is this really humanly possible?

Could it be that he is the reincarnation of a saint? Descendants of the emperor?

The arena where five thousand people were seated suddenly fell silent.

The sound of breathing that followed seemed to suck out the cold air.

Some of the stupider beasts looked at their masters suspiciously, their eyes full of confusion.

Is this an attack? Why is your whole body shaking?

It's still a range attack, everyone looks the same... This is a bit scary!

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Bai Wushang took his time and landed on the edge of the spiral battlefield, folding the wings of dragon flame on his back.

"Everyone, long time no see. Is everything okay?"

"Although I miss the days of fighting side by side a little bit, now, the hospitality is hard to refuse. If I don't go on stage to join the battle, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave here..."

"So?" Ji Yuying was not afraid of anything, and she was an insider for a long time. She laughed and threatened: "Are you going to bully weak women like me with the power of a heavenly master? This is too much!"

"Wushang, you...how did you get promoted to Heavenly Master?"

Chen Hui had no intention of refuting the fact that he was classified into the "weak women" camp. He sat blankly on the back of the giant Tianyin Bat, his entire face numb.

"In more than a year, I have been able to reach the peak of the Xuanjiang level. It is already a product of great luck. Either you don't show up, or you show up, it is shocking. This kind of growth rate, let alone Shanhai Academy, looking at the Daqian Dynasty, There may not be anyone who can compare with you, right?"

"I have also experienced a lot..." Bai Wushang shook his head and changed the subject, "How about we save the reminiscing until after the end?"

"In this battle, I will not take the absolute level, nor will I personally participate, let alone one-on-one."

"You all come together. As long as you can defeat this tyrant rabbit like me, you will win."

"Jigu! Jiggu!"

Little Rabbit, who had received Bai Wushang's warning in advance, got out of the bed and nodded his head seriously.

By the way, its ordinary white fluff shone little by little, becoming crystal clear and pure white.

The dim eyes of the fairy moon also revealed the starry phenomenon again, like top-quality gems embedded in the eye sockets, overflowing with brilliance and dazzling.

Bloodline disguise, lifted!

The starry sky is calling, turn on!

The little rabbit closed his eyes briefly and murmured ancient syllables that he couldn't understand. After three seconds of charging, a beam of light flew out of its body and hung straight in the sky. When it spread out horizontally, it turned into stars all over the sky.

As starlight poured into the soul crystal on his neck, a shadow emerged, expanding in half a breath, completing the process of transforming the remnant spirit into a physical entity.


The four-tailed ice flame fox lowered its head and lifted its toes off the ground, ready to jump away at any time.

The gilded flame bird was similar to it, and fearing that it was not safe enough, he led his master to raise it another fifty meters.

"T-Tyrant Rabbit?" Ma Ruoying took a step back, a flash of horror flashed across her pupils: "An ancient cruel species, Tyrant Rabbit?"

"In the "Record of Sacred Beasts", someone once cultivated it into a super rabbit-shaped creature called the "Martial Emperor Rabbit"? "

"Yes." Bai Wushang smiled slightly, "But it is not a real flesh-and-blood creature, it is embodied by a special summoning skill."

"You all work together, and if you can defeat it within fifteen minutes, victory belongs to you."

"What's the difference?" Ji Yuying snorted, "We only have two earth masters here. The others are all mysterious generals, all of them are complete. Even if we fight ten against one, we can't cooperate. How is it possible? Defeat this big black guy!"

Bai Wushang smiled helplessly, what should we do? This is already the weakest combat unit in his pet team.

You wouldn't tie your hands and feet and take the initiative to be beaten, right?

"How about...forget it?" Chen Hui opened his mouth and sighed: "I probably know why you didn't want to fight in the first place."

"With such a huge realm, there is really no point in competing."

"Wu Shang, why don't you change your title? Don't call him Gourmet, call him Horror. I feel that for more than a year, it has been very difficult for Senior Yu Liang to be promoted to Earth Master in the later stages. You are the last to come first, and you can directly stand in front of Heavenly Master." ...I really have nothing to say, except for being convinced!"

"Haha, horror guy? This is a great name, I will be the first to vote for it!"

Ji Yuying smiled, the crescent moon crescent, she was very happy.

The little rabbit was unhappy. He clenched his little paws and scratched Her Royal Highness's face from a distance, exercising the right to invalidate a vote.

Seeing the slightly joyful conversation broke up the solid atmosphere.

Duan Yixuan, An Xiaorou, including Ge Jun, who had never been in contact with him, and others looked at Bai Wushang with mixed expressions.

However, they were obviously on Chen Hui's side, and what little will they had to fight was completely crushed by Tyrant Rabbit.

Are you kidding me? A group of perfect beings might not even be able to break through the Tyrant Rabbit's defense.

If Bai Wushang misses, if the referee fails to save him in time, and the pet beast dies in the battle - the price is too high!

Weighing the pros and cons is really unnecessary.

"I want to... fight!"

When everyone said "no", Zhu Qin opened her lips slightly and expressed her attitude directly with practical actions.

The gilded flame bird flew across the sky, dropping flame grenades one after another, covering the location where the Tyrant Rabbit stood.

"I also want to fight..."

Jiang Lingyue drew out the Ice Wheel Blade again and looked at everyone.

"The outcome of this battle is not important. What is important is that I can fight against the ancient cruel species and understand the abilities of this ancient creature... This is an opportunity, and I don't want to miss it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a blade of light struck out, and Jiang Lingyue leaped into the air and rushed towards Tyrant Rabbit.

"I'll be in charge of the front, Chi Yan, you wait for the opportunity to contain it and find as many flaws as possible."

"Okay." Zhu Qin nodded, his voice concise and very clean.

Seeing the chief Shan Hai and the second rank join forces in a few words, many people's hearts were stabbed.

Chen Hui stood solemnly and took a deep breath.

It is not without reason that these two people can surpass their predecessors and mentors and reach a higher realm.

He felt that there was no need to fight, but what the other party was thinking about was whether this battle would help him.

With a little shame and embarrassment, Chen Hui patted the giant Tianyin Bat under his seat and said:

"Abat, let's go too! Make sure we don't hold you back and use long-range skills to contain him!"

"Hiss!" The big bat flashed with lightning and moved around the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Interesting, is this the role of role models?"

Ji Yuying blinked her eyes with clear eyes, neither touched by Zhu Qin and Jiang Lingyue's actions, nor affected by Chen Hui's words.

However, she also rushed out, and the pterodactyl beneath her seat roared and aimed at the Tyrant Rabbit's head for a sneak attack.

"Xiaoxiao, come on, you think of this big rabbit as your brother. It's not a loss if you beat him once! You'll make a small profit if you beat him twice! You'll feel good if you beat him three times!"

"Oh...oh!" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, woke up from his dazed state, a playful smile appeared on his face, and began to direct the Rainbow Swallowtail to attack.

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