Lord of Pets

Chapter 845: The key to opening

Three months.

Three months have passed since Shanhai College was invaded by mechanical servants.

With the Ancestral Dragon Court and the patrol envoys jointly suppressing the situation, the situation here did not spread and was effectively controlled.

During this period, the college was rebuilt in an orderly manner.

Although the students cannot know the origin and end of this disaster, their mentality has more or less changed significantly.

Some students who come from well-off families and can be called nobles in Daqian are either deeply stimulated and unable to recover after facing the fear of death.

Or realize more intuitively that in the extraordinary world, the nature of the jungle and the strong has never changed. Once they are separated from the protection of their families and colleges, they are nothing.

If you can't become stronger, you can only wait to be bullied and have your destiny controlled by others.

Students with such thoughts have lost some of their edges and become mature overnight.

And other students with ordinary births and ordinary talents are facing great opportunities.

In order to prevent the evil spirits from coming back, at this stage, the new Guardian Dragon Palace is suspended in the sky, silently guarding everything within the range in a way that is undetectable by middle and low-level masters.

Shanhai College has entered closed management, with the endless sandy area as the boundary, restricting the movement of internal and external personnel.

However, limited freedom does not mean limited resources.

The comprehensive cultivation resources have actually increased more than ten times.

First of all, the mentor team has undergone a major change, and the base level is that of Silver Dragon Guard.

Those who can rank among the top fifty on the Heroic List can also participate in pet beast cultivation and actual combat training accompanied by a king-level master every week.

Such benefits were unimaginable in the past.

The students who originally planned to go to Chilong, but later changed their minds and came to Shanhai, felt grateful from the bottom of their hearts for their wiseness and martial prowess.

The most exciting thing is that His Majesty the Sekiryu Emperor has moved to the endless sandy area, providing five additional secret realms as training venues, and also promised to provide personal guidance to the ten heroes every month.

When the news first came out, Shanhai College, which was still in a state of chaos, was excited.

This is the master of one dynasty!

The true saint!

Being able to become his student was something I couldn't even dream of!

With such an opportunity at your fingertips, the difficulty of competition for the top ten seats has suddenly risen to the highest level in the history of Shanhai.

Coupled with the rich resources of the secret realm, even Jiang Lingyue and Zhu Qin temporarily gave up the idea of ​​graduating early and devoted themselves to growth silently.

"Oh, we haven't seen each other for three months. Is this handsome guy promoted to the mid-term?"

In the private training room, a lazy woman leaned against the door, with a vague smile on her lips.

"Yes." Bai Wushang took back his pet beast, activated his aromatic taste buds to heal the injury, and strode towards the other party.

"Those knowledge scrolls stimulate my soul every time I read them. The effect of soul power meditation is comparable to the top-notch Cave Paradise."

"That's for sure." Han Zimo stroked a strand of hair and said with a sweet smile: "This is a scroll made of sacred bones. A little bit of supernatural properties is not worth mentioning."

Bai Wushang nodded and got to the point: "Regarding the vampire clan, has the investigation yielded any results?"

"How should I put it? To a certain extent, this group is equivalent to little mice hiding in Tibet."

The drunken holy envoy, who had not drunk any alcohol, curled his lips and snorted softly:

"Their number is not rare, but there are a large number of branch clans surrounding the three ancestors."

"Even within the same clan, there may be battles between the main clan and branch clans. They are never monolithic."

"This means that Longting cannot point its sword at one place, and the Vampire Clan has no so-called base camp at all. They are all scattered and dormant."

"If there were three or five ancestral dragons who took action personally, the progress would be rapid. It would be impossible to make such a mark."

"It is a pity that at this stage, Longting has been affected by the outside world. In three months, we have not been able to find a definite whereabouts. We can only initially lock in a few areas with high possibility."

Han Zimo glanced at Bai Wushang and said bluntly:

"I don't want to wait any longer. I should use my thunder to sweep around and take out a few grand dukes first."

"Are you going? If you go, I will arrange a suitable venue for you..."

"Go!" Bai Wushang insisted.

Now he already knows that the Lost Coordinate is a very special space device, and the refining method has long been lost.

It is not created by evil spirits, but rather an acquired treasure tempered by innate spiritual materials.

Its role is very single, it only has this function.

However, linked creatures can freely enter and exit the door, and creatures outside the door, even the ancestors with space attributes, cannot enter easily.

The correct way to open it is.

The key corresponding to the metal ball is undoubtedly vampire blood.

However, based on the current intelligence, simply collecting blood would not only be inefficient, but would probably not be able to open the door 100%.

Unless the robotic arm is willing to show up, it's just a turtle shell hiding explosives. You can only defend it tightly and there is no way to counterattack it.

In the words of the Demon Elephant Dragon God, this device acted as a mobile fortress in ancient times. It would be a troublesome thing for any force to own it.

It also didn't expect that something that should have been abandoned by the times and disappeared in the long river of history could reappear again.

Fortunately, now that the metal ball can be equated with the lost coordinates.

The follow-up treatment method is no longer a random collision of flies, at least it has become traceable.

The Ancestral Dragon Court directly incorporates the vampire princess into its core target.

This vampire prince who has been sleeping for 30,000 years and has a mythical bloodline is the young ancestor who can be found currently who is in an active state and who is closest to the source of the vampire race.

Whether it is to obtain her blood for research, or to dig out the truth of history through the inheritance she received, it is the best way to solve the problem.

"Get ready. In three days, you will be responsible for taking down the vampires there. "

"Wear this bone ring. During the mission phase, you can get support from the Holy Dragon Guard. You can arrange it yourself."

"Twenty-one Ghost Street?" Bai Wushang thought, reaching out to take several items given by Han Zimo.

In addition to the small bone ring, there is also a brand new unparalleled battle suit, a gloomy mask, and a message scroll with gold edges.

Bai Wushang was quickly attracted by the contents of the scroll.

Twenty-One Ghost Street is not a street, but a special space that is shrouded in darkness all day long and never sees the sun.

There are a mixture of dragons and snakes inside, and there are many intelligent alien races inhabiting it. The overall power structure is still higher than that of the Daqian Dynasty.

But they have one thing in common - indulgence!

Lewdness, filth, blood, violence, killing...these attributes are all combined to create a paradise of desire!

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