Lord of Pets

Chapter 917: Nine Tribulations of the Sage

After a simple test, Bai Wushang found that the actual situation was exactly the same as what he had imagined.

Ye Duo'er, who has a king's body, is difficult to describe with a single power.

She can be an attacker, she can be an assassin.

You can also become a doctor or an assistant.

This undoubtedly significantly broadens the team's capabilities.

From now on, many problems will not necessarily be solved by beating and killing.

Monsters who are not strong enough and have too high a level cannot even retain their independent self in front of Ye Duo'er, and will be manipulated by her emotions and will change their will.

This is a very scary thing.

As a great holy beast, the spiritual dragon also has similar abilities.

It can be a whole level difference, compare before and after.

The name of the Soul Beloved Lord can probably be recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Rare and Rare Beasts", with a full page of graphic and text introductions.

Finish the matter of Ye Duo'er's evolution.

Bai Wushang began to immerse himself in his own world.

There was only one thing before him now.

——Crush the level!

"Sage Level" is the sixth level of Master's training, and like "Nirvana Body", it has mysteries.

If you can't pass, your soul power will regress at worst, or you will die if you don't pass.

It is also possible that he is half dead and must find top-notch medicine to regulate his body before he can have a second chance to break through.

Otherwise, what will appear in front of you is a thick city wall with no possibility of breaking through in your life.

Longting has a large number of investigative reports to support this conclusion.

Every once in a while, there are scientific masters who travel to various domains to search for them.

Human beings who have reached the pinnacle of the Heavenly Masters but have no hope of becoming a master account for at least 80% of those at the same level.

The main factors include insufficient Qi and blood, hidden physical injuries, weak will, unreasonable training methods... and so on.

Although Bai Wushang didn't think he would fail.

But he could predict that his "Nine Tribulations of the Sage" would be dozens of times more dangerous than an ordinary Master.

It may even be close to the peak of difficulty. Throughout history, it is difficult to find three or five people who are looking forward to it.

I found a secluded place deep in the mountains and old forests.

After setting up warning traps and defensive devices, Bai Wushang sent out all the pet beasts to patrol a thousand meters around him to guard against any abnormal movement.

Then, he drank the last sip of Chonghun Longyang Wine.

The sweet and mellow wine passed through the throat and fell into the stomach.

The world of Soul Sea set off a huge wave.

Five small sun-like vortexes of soul power were rotating clockwise at an unprecedented speed in his life.

Like a strong wind or a heavy rain, it hits an invisible wall.

Bai Wushang heard his heart beating like a drum.

The fresh blood plasma flowing in the blood vessels is pouring into the head with an overwhelming momentum.

"finally come……"

Bai Wushang suddenly stood up, walked with his head held high, and looked up at the sky.

A dark cloud floated over...

Xiao Ci sensed the friendly atmosphere and rolled her eyes. A pair of alien sword blades rubbed left and right, making a clanging sound accidentally.

The little rabbit standing on the shoulder of the broken-winged angel turned his head instantly, raised his big paws, and glared at him unceremoniously.

Da Chongchong quickly shrank his neck and lowered his head with a guilty conscience, forcing himself to distract himself and not want to look at the sky.

"The first one is "Thunder Tribulation"? "

Bai Wushang noticed the little guys' little movements, but he was not affected by the noise at all.

His eyes were fixed on the growing dark clouds above his head, and when he observed the dark blue electric light that flashed from time to time, he had a thought in his heart: "Sure enough, this is true."

Look, it's as he expected.

Ordinary masters who have survived all nine sage tribulations may not necessarily encounter "thunder tribulation".

Bai Wushang is coming up.

And in just thirty seconds, the dark clouds covered the sky, like an evil dragon dancing in the sky, exuding a destructive aura. With the blessing of the guardian sword energy, resistance, brilliant battle body, and fairy jade body, Still feeling scared.

What does this mean?

This thunder calamity is not that thunder calamity.

It adjusts the difficulty based on Bai Wushang's state, and this difficulty is no longer something ordinary Celestial Masters can describe with the word "endurance."

It should be said that if you touch it - you will die!

It is very likely that a hero-level master will die if he does not have enough protective magic weapons!


The sky is roaring and thunder is raging.

Bai Wushang, who had taken off his unparalleled battle suit early and did not dare to use improper means to protect him in order to prevent the disaster from intensifying to the point of losing control, took a deep breath and prepared for it.

While waiting, a dark blue ring-shaped lightning as thick as an ox struck down from the dark clouds and hit his body instantly.

"I¥% # ......"

Bai Wushang hadn't used foul language in a long time.

This extremely violent thunder actually hit him on the head, knocking him into the ground dozens of meters deep.

It was as if a prehistoric giant beast fell from the sky in excitement and slapped the hardest part of his body.

The thunder and lightning didn't knock him out, the terrifying impact was just a hair away!

Bai Wushang couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

But his hands and feet were numb, and he fully activated super regeneration and natural plunder, and fully absorbed the natural energy in the soil around him.

The nine kalpas of the sage, each kalpa is different.

According to the standard procedure, the Master divided it into the lower three tribulations, the middle three tribulations, and the upper three tribulations, corresponding to different categories.

The overall difficulty will only increase, not decrease, compared to extraordinary creatures that lack the natural evolutionary chain.

Of course, being a master has its benefits.

Once you can pass the nine tests, you will become a hero.

You can get two uncontracted black soul seals at one time.

In other words, the "sage" in the middle can still provide a contract position for the master.

This is a huge advantage that other extraordinary species of the same level do not possess.


When the first thunderbolt struck, Bai Wushang's whole body was sore, numb, and painful, and one-third of his skin was charred, which was quickly repaired through a series of self-healing abilities.

This appetizer was much weaker than Seraph's, and he could handle it by himself.

Following this, the dark clouds above his head began to dissipate, and the soil under his feet suddenly became hot.

"Huh? After "Lightning Strike", could it be "Fen Lie"? "

Bai Wushang jumped up and jumped out of the pit, with the wings of dragon flame already on his back.

He didn't run away, he just changed his position and adjusted his breathing.

Ten seconds.

A red pillar of flame spurted out from the soles of his feet, like a stick protruding from the soil, pushing him directly into the sky.

In the eyes of the little rabbit, he only saw his master groaning, and the only clothes on his body were turned into ashes. His whole body was covered by the pillar of fire, and his hair and fine hair... withered and fell off in an instant.


A green onion fell upside down, and its owner fell back into the pit.

It was so dark that it looked like it had just come out of a coal mine, and it looked so embarrassed with bared teeth.

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