Lord of Pets

Chapter 940: Holy Fire Qilin Dharma Appearance!


The little rabbit stared at the back of the big turtle fiercely while grinding his big teeth.

Sure enough, we should still transcend...

There are only a few words that can be heard from this mouth!

"Okay, okay, I'll help you beat it next time..."

Bai Wushang couldn't help but laugh when he saw Tu Chou Chou closing his eyes and lying motionless on the ground to maintain the stability of his skills.

After a good fight, when this guy who is neither a tortoise nor a hare comes out, his style changes.

But the results... tended to be benign after all!

Xuanwu Guiyuanjie of Black Tortoise and Rabbit Immortal is its most powerful and strongest group defense skill.

Once this protective shield is opened, no matter how brutal the frost and storm outside are, at least there will be a brief period of silence and tranquility within the barrier.


The little rabbit jumped on top of the big turtle's head and gave it a symbolic kick.

It's so disgusting, it's almost bringing a shadow to Tu Sheng.

I have to do something to relieve my goosebumps!

After doing this, the little rabbit returned to the big lion and started to remove the toxins from his body and repair the injuries on his body.

"Hurry up, the barrier will be broken later, and General Cang will be in charge of output..."

Bai Wushang began to arrange tactics.

There are actually two ways to kill enemies here.

The most stupid thing is that the little rabbit enters the sun form, and there is a high probability that he can fight one against three and severely damage the three people and the three beasts.

Then, if there are survivors, such as Lu Linxi, Feathered Dragon, Big Lion, and Ye Duoer, they can just jointly perform last-ditch attacks.

But after Bai Wushang thought about it, he felt that this plan was not appropriate to use here.

First of all, in the previous levels, the little rabbit healed Ye Duo'er once and the big lion seven times, which must have hurt his vitality.

Secondly, passing level 21 will trigger changes in the Tongtian Road, and theoretically you will see the miraculous creature Jar Spirit Son.

Bai Wushang wanted to include the possibility of Sun Priest Rabbit coming out to "borrow the origin" into one of his budgets.

After the incarnation of the sun, the little rabbit is very weak. Coupled with the previous consumption, it is more or less inappropriate to fall asleep directly by then.

Bai Wushang decided to let the big lion come.

It also has an ultimate move that is not easily used on a daily basis.

Now, the time has come!


The Fiery Hell Kirin Lion nodded, his eyes blazing.

Under the heat of self-motivation and blood expansion, the fighting will is as condensed as a needle, and the sharp edge is revealed.

"Look at me...relax..."

Ye Duoer was suspended in front of the big lion, her skirt fluttering, reflecting her fair and jade face, her beauty tainted with dreamy colors.

The big lion did not doubt that he was there, and took the initiative to cooperate with the spiritual favored master in casting spells.

It comes with a strong desire to win and an unyielding belief in fighting.

So there is no need or need for other types of emotional blessings.

Ye Duoer simply sorted out distracting thoughts for it, making it more concentrated.

Then, temporarily fix this mental state to prevent the emergence of unnecessary emotions such as fear, worry, and fright due to external factors.

In this way, the big lion is physically healed, full of energy, and ready to go.


Little Rabbit ends the Star Healing spell, although the Sun Incarnation is not considered.

But that doesn't mean it will watch silently.

Gu Su

Skill - Full Moon Totem!

With a "wow" sound, the little guy escaped into the body of the big lion, and a crystal clear full moon rose above its head.

Taibai Yutu, who does not participate in output, is still a super auxiliary, no one else!

Especially after evolving to the King Body, in addition to the original three free choice effects, there is a fourth type -.

When this state is triggered, a circle will be formed around the fusion person. Once the prey enters the range, it will be slowed down by the tide turned into light elements, thereby increasing the fusion person's chance of "finding a flaw and striking the life gate".

Bai Wushang wasn't idle either. He summoned Little Rabbit after he completed his skill.

This is the "heavily spicy" pepper style among the four major pepper types of God of Cookery Spicy Seasoning.

It will give the caster faster reaction speed, stronger explosive power, and shorter casting time.

Even after use, there will be an obvious period of weakness.

But it doesn't matter, this is the twenty-one stone tablets, the last battle, the big lion just needs to fight with all his strength.

"Okay, that's enough."

Bai Wushang crushed the chili pepper and sprinkled the powder on the big lion's body.

Seeing that its black and red scales were covered with more flames, seeing its heavy breathing and its eyes spitting fire, he nodded lightly.


The Hell Kirin Lion raised his head and saw the dark green barrier quickly dimming and shattering with a crackling sound.

Witnessing the Black Tortoise and Rabbit Immortal, he spat out a mouthful of blood and sluggishly transformed from a physical body into a ghostly afterimage, automatically returning to the full moon.

It opens its mouth and roars!

With a bang, in the 300-meter-high flames, the big lion's body expanded, and it suddenly enlarged to a height of 100 meters.

Its real flesh and blood became hard to find, and seemed to be wrapped in layers of fiery fire elements in the center.

But its aura became less ferocious and more holy. For a moment, Bai Wushang's mind was stirred, and he vaguely saw an image of a pure-blooded unicorn looking up to the sky and roaring.

The ultimate skill - Holy Fire Qilin Dharma Appearance!

In the triggered state, Cangjiang turns into an energy body, and the power of the flames is increased by one and a half times, and the critical damage to evil creatures is doubled again!


The originally low roar suddenly became high-pitched.

The big lion Cangjiang, who is more in the shape of a unicorn, steps on white clouds, breathes holy fire, and slaps the martial arts frog that jumps over.

With the second palm, he shattered the bite of frost that concealed the poison. In one burst, he jumped a thousand meters away and trampled on the white centipede frost sheep.

That scene was extremely shocking. The power of ice and snow containing the aura of the holy way just touched the flames, but it couldn't hold on for even half a second and was directly burned into nothingness.

The white centipede sheep was struggling, and the master on its back was swinging the thunder hammer, wanting to give the big lion an excruciatingly painful experience like he had done a few minutes ago.


The holy fire unicorn, without looking at it.

Another palm strike was taken, and while pushing the giant hammer away, the upper body of the Master was burned into smoke.

As if the White Centipede Frost Sheep had been severely injured, it screamed miserably and at the same time, its body went limp, and the skills it could originally connect were a beat slower.


One person and one sheep, destroyed!

The big lion turned around and faced the three wind dragons pressing down above his head.

There was no dodge at all, and he jumped from below, like a giant sky-devouring beast, destroying tornadoes, cyan blades, and whirlpool wind shields along the way... Stepping on the auspicious clouds, he rushed straight in front of Lu Linxi and the feathered flying dragon.

Three minutes later, the flying dragon fell.

Four minutes later, Lu Linxi's armor was completely cracked, and the beast pupils on his head were pierced and turned into smoke.

Four and a half minutes later, the half-disabled martial arts frog, together with the illusory master in his mouth, were completely destroyed in the burning hell.

Bai Wushang... wins!

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