Lord of Pets

Chapter 959: Demigod Beast Species

On the Immortal Platform, Bai Wushang was dumbfounded, his mind was pounding like lightning, and he stood there speechless.

The evolved broken-winged angel continues the perfect shoulder-to-hip width ratio of its predecessor.

Her body is as light as the moonlight, her skin is as white as night cream, her face is as youthful as her teeth, and she is as graceful as a genius.

What a beautiful word!

And the four wings on her back.

It looks fluffy and soft, like freshly played cotton wool.

What was emitted was a dull, colorful divine light.

It is like the condensed essence of all the rare and rare stones in the world, such as moon beads, coral jade, amber stones, and green dandelion walls. It is radiant, magnificent and ever-changing. Its crystal clear crystal texture is ethereal and mysterious. Full of brilliance.

"Have... finally succeeded?"

Guan Lingzi sat down on the ground, rolled on the ground, and gasped in an indistinct manner.

Her weakness was visible to the naked eye. Not to mention the light green color of the entire tank, even the white color tended to be translucent. The initial majesty, indifference, calmness... were all crushed into mud.

"It's so perverted. He has integrated so many of my origins and swallowed so many of my treasures. Even the bloodline inheritance of the fierce god Chaos has been involved. The consciousness of heaven and earth has also evolved into the form of the divine eye. I can witness the ceremony from the sidelines... This little kid with broken wings Baby, if we don’t challenge the power of the God of Angels in the future, we will be sorry for our efforts..."

"Thank you to the two crowned ones." Xing put her right hand on her chest and made the most solemn bow.

And following her movements, the twenty-four divine swords flying around her side in disorder suddenly glowed brightly.

As if there is spirituality, among the white snakes spitting out messages and the swimming dragons shuttling, spewing frost and cold, spinning hurricanes, and cracking lightning... Each sword is a vision. When the twenty-four visions are superimposed, the space is flooded. The ripples that form in circles seem to be unable to bear the overflow of the power of the law.

"Incomplete divine power..."

"Legendary 3-star...demigod species..."

Bai Wushang still felt his mouth was dry.

He had indeed imagined the broken-winged angel Xing, a class that would stand after evolution.

But, the demigod species...

This broke through his psychological estimation and reached a very exaggerated level!

Because this means that Xinghan has one foot in the realm of mythology and belongs to a limited species of mythical beast!

She is a whole rank higher than the newly awakened ancient thunder tribulation species, the Lord of Raging Thunder!

Compared with the true holy beast species, the Hell Kirin Lion, the potential gap between the two is equally difficult to measure in multiples.

Only by describing it with the word "Tianchen" can it be somewhat defined.

——The demigod beast species, the four-winged glazed sword angel, has a natural evolutionary chain that leads directly to the supreme body.

She even has a natural evolutionary chain leading to the ancestral body!

There are just some problems between the Supreme and the Ancestor, which must be overcome before evolution can be unlocked.

This is the same as the Dragon of Science.

The semi-holy beast species, the Dragon of Science, is the "Holy Dragon of Machinery" with a royal body, and its ascending path is the supreme body.

But the type of their capabilities depends on research and creation.

You must have your own scientific crystallization, and only after meeting a certain quantity and quality, will it naturally trigger evolution and return to the true bloodline of the holy beast.

This is essentially different from "lesser holy beasts".

No matter how powerful the secondary holy beast is at the same level, there is no guarantee that it will reach the height of the supreme body in the future.

In the same way, according to Bai Wushang's cognitive judgment, the Lord of Raging Thunder, Xiao Ci, needs to absorb and refine more thunders of heavenly tribulation, and further activate the blood of ancient thunder tribulations, in order to achieve the development of the "semi-holy beast species". The span of "all holy beast species".

As for the four-winged glazed sword angel Xing, once she can meet the unknown pre-evolution conditions, she is destined to be a divine angel in the future.

Even if he is not satisfied, he has the incomplete aura of the mythical beast in advance, plus the characteristic skills that are comparable to a little rabbit, but seem to have comprehensive output.

Her ability to transcend levels and fight... is beyond imagination!

In the initial stage of the King's Body, it is easy to suppress the peak of the King's Body that is not of the bloodline of the Holy Beast.

"Congratulations!" Taking a breath, Bai Wushang smiled sincerely while thinking a lot.

Over the years, he had invested almost 99% of his efforts in solving Xing's bloodline problem.

But for Xing, before she met Bai Wushang, she fell from the clouds to the quagmire, from heaven to the abyss. Her body was stained with the dirt and dirt of the world, and her heart was riddled with holes and bruises.

It’s all over now!

A bird with an injured wing will eventually have another way of taking off when it heals.

She will be more stoic and stronger.

This is the story of a man who transformed from being extraordinary to being a human being, and finally was reborn through blood.

Bai Wushang has a life experience that is not inferior to this, so he can empathize with it.

"Thank you." The four-winged glazed sword angel turned around, and in the boy's heart made of spar, a faint warmth flashed, as well as a bottomless calmness and seriousness.

"From now on, I will be your sword..."

"...a real sword!"

"The number of swords is quite astonishing..."

Bai Wushang looked at the twenty-four divine swords galloping around Xing at will, savoring the rhythm of "surrounded by swords, like worshiping a god", and couldn't help but smile.

Then, a strange color appeared on his face, and he turned his head in silence, staring at the Book of Oaths that appeared out of thin air, and was slightly startled.

"Improved compatibility? But this scene..."

A crystal clear silk thread floated out from the eyebrows of the four-winged glazed sword angel, wrapped around his hand, and escaped into his blood vessels.

"The Female CEO's Almighty Soldier"

Bai Wushang clenched his fists and heard the noise of his flesh rattling. It was as if a Flame King Bullet was suppressed in his throat and he just wanted to spit it out.

After holding on for more than ten seconds, he still couldn't hold back and screamed wildly at the sky shrouded in the light of the sun!

What a power this is! What a destructive power!

In just a moment, Bai Wushang seemed to be burned, frozen, struck by thunder, and hit with a club...from skin to flesh, from bones to tendons, from organs to blood, all were subjected to incredible tempering and whipping.

But he is not in pain because there is richer life energy following closely.

Broken skin and flesh will be repaired immediately, and torn organs will be sewn up immediately.

The heart, which was already as strong as a giant dragon, beat even faster and more powerfully!

"Strengthening the physique again? And it's not the fourth level of feedback, but jumps directly to the fifth level?!"

Bai Wushang retained a clear enough will to realize Xing's side of the contract. It seemed that after he fulfilled his promise and realized the evolution from the immortal body to the king's body, the belief he had followed throughout his life had reached an unshakable level.

"Hiss...it's so itchy!"

The soreness and swelling on both sides of the backbone were unbearable, as if something was taking shape, and the pain was as if it had been electrocuted.

He turned around and stared dumbfoundedly at the two "glazed wings" that were relatively small but had the same origin and substance as apricot, growing from his back.

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