Lord of Pets

Chapter 974: Bailong Camp


Deathly silence.

Up and down the martial arts stage, there were unofficial reserve soldiers and disabled veterans, their tongues were frozen, their mouths were wide open, and their eyes were wide.

The rabbit-faced commander actually took less than ten minutes to sweep through ten hero-level masters!

Two of them, in their eyes, are powerful generals who are superior to ordinary people!

It failed so miserably! So fast! Isn't this too fierce?

Miao Xiulian, Ye Wan, and Ye Chopsticks, who were expelled from the beginning, woke up early under the powerful healing technique.

There was no embarrassment, embarrassment, bitter smile, or helplessness on their faces. They were completely occupied by joy and admiration.

The battle of the Rabbit-faced Commander is too devastating, his posture is unstoppable, and his rhythm is as smooth as silk.

It's obvious that anyone can tell that he occasionally hits hard, but never maims or kills him. He does it just right.

This is at least twice as difficult as slaughtering without any worries!

"This commander-in-chief is invincible..."

Yun Chong crawled out of the mud pit in embarrassment, with a gray face but a deep fanaticism on his face.

His original expectation was that he didn't want to encounter a commander who was too weak, so the general range would be enough.

But this newcomer has shown such strong combat power before he officially takes office.

Following such a commander-in-chief and sharing the leftovers at will would be a huge benefit, right? !

Yun Chong was full of thoughts.

Yan Wu on the side is hot-tempered and straightforward.

Only the enthusiasm on his face was even higher than that of Yun Chong who had lost his arm.

"The general has met the commander-in-chief!"

There is no kneeling ceremony between masters.

However, Yan Wu was in a high mood and didn't care about this at all. He knelt down on one knee and bowed heavily to Bai Wushang.

"Please get up, no need to be polite." Bai Wushang's dragon wings danced in the air, he landed quickly and helped him up.

"May I ask the commander in chief, what is the name of the newly built barracks?" Yan Wu stood up and his voice was as sonorous and powerful as a bell.

This question suddenly woke up the soldiers from their daze.

Everyone cast their gazes, and even the wild beasts sensed a different atmosphere and passively became quiet.

"In the border battle, the core support comes from Longting, and all the military departments are named after it to show respect."

"So, my troops took this flag and named it...White Dragon Camp!"

"White Dragon Camp?" Chi Shu whispered, thinking of several kinds of holy dragons with white bodies in his memory, and even an undead dragon with white bones.

However, after a little reflection, these thoughts still cannot be used as conclusive clues to pinpoint the background of the rabbit-faced commander.

"Bailongying... this word is like frost, like light, like morning..."

"In addition, the word has a symbolic meaning... I am willing to follow the commander of the White Dragon, Yunchong, to jointly defend the territory of the human race and drive out the brutal orcs!"

"I, Aqi, am currently a Xianyun Yehe. I am here to participate in the battle, not for fame or treasures. I simply want to study the physiological structure and biological habits of the orcs. I hope to dissect more varieties of orcs after every battle. Make adequate preparations for writing relevant scientific research scrolls in the future..."

In the audience, those with a little ability are brave enough to recommend themselves.

Although he was able to come to the reserve barracks, he had already passed the first-level screening of the Ancestral Dragon Court.

But they are soldiers and obey the rules.

The commander-in-chief who holds great power has absolute say in who he wants and who he does not want.

In particular, more than half of the group of people who only have earth masters in the realm of soul power are explaining their own advantages for fear of becoming eliminated.

Bai Wushang did not interrupt immediately, but silently patrolled and listened silently.

He was speechless for the words that were flattering and complimentary.

Is there a possibility that Qi is simply because... his surname is Bai?

If we insist on making a connection, the whiteness of the little rabbit can also be used as a supplementary reason.

But talking about hope, peace, justice... is a bit far.

Fortunately, the scattered sounds gave him an initial impression of this group of people.

For example, the middle-aged man who was just judged to be "slutty in combat" and dressed in slovenly clothes is beyond recognition. He is actually a top scholar of a certain dynasty in the tenth domain. He has been keen on the method of beast hybridization since he was a child. As an adult, he has great ambitions for orcs. He has a great curiosity and is always in the midst of feverish research.

He is not a combat talent at all. Just to obtain more orc samples and to get closer to the orc tribe's real way of survival, he is willing to take huge risks and go to the border battlefield to grab research materials on the spot.

Bai Wushang 100% didn't want to miss this kind of tribe.

There is nothing wrong with ranking him below Gong Yangzhi and Jiang Nanjue as the third focus.

There is also Sama Star, this green-skinned girl with dreadlocks, who is also the only hero who did not take the stage to fight just now.

Her soul power... late stage hero level! At the same level as Yunchong and Yan Wu!

But her combat power is probably the lowest in the same field, because the blood inheritance talent is related to the fact that among the pet beasts in the contract, five are auxiliary types, and only two are barely used for self-protection.

Such a Master, alone, is of infinitely low value.

Only when you are in a team, especially in a barracks with frequent battles and a large number of people, you must be an ace medical officer and can save a lot of medicinal resources.

Bai Wushang took a rough look around and started to "order troops".

He wants all 11 heroes. They are core-level combat units that can help him solve problems.

There are 74 Celestial Masters, excluding the five who are too disabled and are not suitable for high-intensity combat.

Bai Wushang also relied on Ye Duo'er's cooperation to get rid of four masters who were suspected of being opportunistic and having impure intentions.

Then, focus on selecting 23 people from the position of earth master.

Without exception, they are all at the peak level, and are expected to break through the limits and climb to a new level within a certain period of time.

At this point, the Bailong camp was completed, with a total of 100 people.

"Gong Yangzhi, Jiangnan Jue, you two are the strongest and have better knowledge than others. I will give you the title. If necessary, you can lead the entire army on my behalf."

"Aqi, Sama Xing, Si Chunliang, Ying Xiaohua... the seven of you have special talents, and you will be included in the group and enjoy priority protection."

"The rest of the people are mixed and grouped according to the beast's combat power and proficient offensive and defensive methods. Each group is led by a hero as the captain, and the numbers are in order from to to."


The soldiers who officially had a sense of belonging were vaguely aware that the rabbit-faced commander seemed not only to have superior military power, but also to have the demeanor of a general in all aspects, and they were increasingly looking forward to the day when he went out to fight.

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