Lord of Pets

Chapter 984: Injured Luang Bo Bird

Above the dam, heavily armed soldiers stood scattered.

They looked at the five skinny old men in front of the central tent with awe.

I saw them standing in a row, slicing their right palms open with their nails.

While the blood was pouring, five blood-red daggers condensed and took shape, firmly held in their hands.

Then, in a slightly cruel scene, the five people wielded their daggers at the same time and stabbed into the body of the small beast hanging on their body.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!..."

Five screams filled with pain.

Golden poisonous centipede, wood poisonous gecko, water poisonous snake, fire poisonous scorpion, earth poisonous toad.

The five-headed late-stage monarch-level, 9-star overlord-level pet beast could no longer maintain its shrunken state, and its body became translucent, with bulging blood vessels clearly visible.

They're getting bigger, they're merging.

The sharpness of metal, the decay of wood, the moisture of sea water, the heat of flames, the stench of soil... five completely different breaths blended together, and a powerful life force came into being.


It was a blue python a hundred meters long, with scales arranged symmetrically in a hexagonal shape.

Its energy and blood are so strong that it is not inferior to mountains or sea of ​​stars.

But its breath is too cold, like ice, which makes people's skin crawl.

"Is this the form of the King of Five Poisons - the Water Snake King?"

Mo Xiuci clicked his tongue in surprise, with a look of amazement on his face.

The five inherited pet beasts of the Five Elders of Mingdu are based on the five elements and highlight the attributes of poison.

However, their fusion and transformation, and their combat effectiveness comparable to the legendary 2-star pure-blooded holy beasts of the same period, does not mean that they have the elemental attributes of the five elements.

Rather, each time, according to the environment and needs, a subject is selected and strengthened to a single attribute.

The commander of the Shadow Dragon Battalion sent five elders of the Dark Poison to come over for support, because they considered the fusion of the five poisons, with the water poisonous snake as the main body, and would definitely have the ability to kill everyone underwater.

"After the fusion is successful, we will not summon other pet beasts unless necessary to avoid the interruption of the 'Five Hearts Connection' state."

Ming Da smiled lightly and naturally took over the right to speak:

"Commander Molong, you and I will serve as the vanguard later, as the dual core of destroying the Pillar of Sacrifice."

"Commander White Dragon, your level is low. Even if you have a large number of high-quality pet beasts, if you really encounter a group of high-level orcs, you may be troubled by your inability to do what you want."

"So in this battle, you might as well avoid the edge for the time being and be patient."

"As the deputy, I give priority to coordinating the rest of the people, and try to let everyone go and come back together... What do you think?"

"Yes." Bai Wushang said simply.

The meaning of Ming Du Wu Lao's words may be quite different and biased from his perspective.

But it is generally correct and is an objective fact.

Bai Wushang is also happy to have his leisure time. Some people are willing to be the coach among coaches, and some are willing to bear the greatest risks and pressures. He will only show respect and cooperate fully.

"Let's go, let's go!"

The fat pigeon that had been waiting aside for a long time roared excitedly, flapped its wings and flew up.

With a popping sound, it was like an exploding water bomb, swirling in mist, transforming into a graceful and gorgeous extraordinary life form.

Red dragon head, blue bird wings, white fish scales, and white fish tail.

The characteristics of ethnic splicing are vividly displayed in it.

But as the world has seen, the semi-holy beast species Luang Bo Bird is a very good-looking species.

There is power when the neck is raised, dexterity when flapping the wings, and cunning and wisdom represented by highly intelligent creatures when blinking at each other.

"I can lead people! It's so fast!"

"Does anyone want to ride me? Come on! Come on!"

The big bird with a wingspan of twenty meters wags its tail proudly, looking expectant.

Everyone on the dam, look at me and I look at you.

They looked at each other, speechless for a while.

"Master Bobo, you have noble blood and you are the commander's mount. We are not suitable for partnership."

The only general in Hailong camp who was preparing to participate in World War II started to dissuade him:

"You are suitable for acting alone. If we work with you, it will only drag you down and limit the use of your abilities."

"Oh, that's right..." Long Bo Bird's expression was dim to the naked eye, and he seemed a little hurt.

But it immediately thought of something, and swooped up to Bai Wushang's head, tilted its neck and asked again:

"What about you? You seem to be the only one who can swim! The kind that doesn't last long!"

"While the master is unconscious, I'll listen to you first. I'll beat whoever you say I'll beat. What's this idea?"

"Jigu!" In the armor, a group of furry little dots began to roll in protest.

Bai Wushang tilted his lips and declined politely:

"I have a substitute riding beast now. When I first entered the water, I thought it would be smooth sailing."

"As for listening to me... there is no need for the moment. Just like me, you are responsible for killing the enemy and protecting the participants."

"If the Five Elders or Commander Molong need additional support, we will go together to help..."

"Oh... okay..." Long Bo Bird muttered in a low voice like a deflated rubber ball, "After all, he is a semi-holy beast, why doesn't anyone want him..."

Mo Xiuci laughed: "Okay, okay, everyone performs their duties and waits for their orders."

"Feng Guan, Egret, come out, it's our turn to kill people."

Two light doors opened, and two life forms exuding the aura of holy beasts occupied people's attention.

Bai Wushang took a closer look and saw that Mo Xiuci was probably equivalent to Gongyang Jue who was a successful practitioner.

The two strongest pet beasts are both legendary 1-star, late-stage king-level secondary holy beasts.

One is named "Feng Guan Split Horse" and the other is named "Egret Weasel Dragon".

The former has water attributes and can adapt to areas with strong water elements.

Although the latter does not have water attributes, like Senpo, it has super adaptability and can exert relatively complete combat effectiveness underwater.

"Duo'er." Bai Wushang also called his substitute riding beast.

The next second, a ghostly woman with an ink style walked out of the shadows holding an umbrella.

She just raised her eyebrows, and a wet monster crawled out of the tent nearby.

"I've met the master..." The monster has a human face that looks like an immortal, but from the neck down, it has the structure of an eel.

Late-stage king body, 9-star overlord level—the soft and charming fish lady!

"Hey, the ability to forcefully tame an orc general and make them kill each other is really enviable."

Mo Xiuci said with emotion, and the others nodded subconsciously.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes looking at the soul's beloved, Ye Duo'er.

Bai Wushang smiled lightly.

Although relying on the skill "Soul Slavery", Ye Duo'er successfully controlled the soft fish girl and made her commit suicide immediately.

But strictly speaking, the real mellow fish girl was already dead at the moment the skill was activated.


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