Lord of Pets

Chapter 986: Forbidden Summons·Blood Turtle General

"King Kebik, it is a great blessing to be able to see all the moths rushing to this place before the fire of life is extinguished!"

In the abyss-like silence, a beam of fire lit up.

Then came the second bunch, the third bunch...

Soon, the central area sealed by the violent waterspout became transparent and bright.

The Five Elders of Mingdu, who were always at the forefront of the team, and the commander of Molong Camp, Mo Xiuci, pursed their lips unconsciously.

The meridians on his neck bulged, his chest rose and fell violently, and his mood was difficult to calm down.

The commander of the Frost Dragon Battalion and the general of the Hailong Battalion at the rear... all focused their attention on one place.

Some people were furious, others were shocked.

There were also people who felt chills on their backs, which gave rise to unspeakable fear.

Bai Wushang held his breath and concentrated.

Right next to the five-hundred-meter-high sacrificial pillar, thousands of humanoid figures were kneeling densely.

Fish people, frog people, goose people, duck people, snake people...

——They are all orcs!

Those with huge bodies are suspected to be kings, and those with petite bodies are suspected to be ultimates.

But they are all dead! The flesh and blood are shriveled and the soul is empty, just an empty shell kneeling there.

The being who just made a cold laugh was kneeling in the innermost circle of the sacrificial pillar, a catfish man.

It is very old, its skin has lost its elasticity and luster, its eyes are dull and lifeless, and it is on its deathbed.

Bai Wushang stared at the "rice"-shaped symbol between its eyebrows, his mind racing as he understood its identity.

——This is the guardian of the Sacrificial Pillar!

Each sacrificial pillar is accompanied and guarded by powerful orcs.

They will not participate in front-line battles, but will only silently host the summoning ceremony and continuously receive support troops from the Beast God Mountain.

"Sacrifice ceremony?" This term appeared in Bai Wushang's consciousness.

At the same time, Mo Xiuci, the Five Elders of Mingdu... everyone noticed something was wrong and adopted a more aggressive fighting method, trying to break through the blockade of the last twenty orc kings.


The catfish man grinned sharply, coughing up blood while laughing:

"The God of Beastmen has already given an order. If you find a human master who is special enough, such as a contract with a group of holy beasts, or someone with a variety of blood inheritance talents... you can take the most extreme method and perform a "forbidden summons." "

"After all, the Pillar of Sacrifice can be rebuilt."

"If we can use our lives to wipe out the future strong men of the human race, this is the highest honor. As a sacrifice, we will die without regrets!"

"The target is me?" Bai Wushang was startled and showed an unsmiling smile.

"The orcs have been dormant for thousands of years, and they have made considerable progress."

"If I don't come, won't your efforts be in vain?"

"My life is short, so what's the harm in taking a gamble?"

The catfish man laughed, his smile twisted, and he said wantonly:

"Kneel down and welcome death. The orcs will live forever! The orcs will live forever!"

"I, Kebik, would like to use my flesh and blood and soul to welcome the arrival of the envoy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the catfish figure seemed to have been strangled by the neck, and his whole body twitched.

Ye Duo'er, who had already lurked next to it and was about to inflict a blow, was shocked to realize that a great terror was coming and had to run away.

"Boom - boom - boom!"

Under the fervent eyes of the remaining orc kings, the sacrificial pillar collapsed.

It's as if an old house that has aged well has suffered an earthquake and can no longer maintain its appearance.

The catfish man's exhausted breath suddenly stopped.

Another life form that is difficult to distinguish, but as strong as mountains and seas, appears in everyone's perception.

"Be careful!" Mo Xiuxi's eyes were bright. Through the bright red whirlpool gap, he saw a group of shadows standing up from the ground.

Its body is so big that it exceeds one hundred and fifty meters. Even the King of Five Poisons feels like a little brother in front of it.

"What kind of monster is this summoning? What an amazing aura of a holy beast!"

The commander of Xunlong Camp could not calm down and exclaimed.

For no other reason, the monster looked like a giant, with long legs and arms and bulging muscles.

But the main body of its torso is covered with a super thick turtle shell, which is covered with blood-red moss. You can faintly see distorted human faces crawling around on it.

Water arrow dolphins, rock-eating crocodiles, giant-eyed frog kings...the pet beasts surrounding the outer circle of the team subconsciously retreated and contracted their formation.

The fear originating from the depths of their blood is like a volcano erupting, frightening them severely.

"Holy beast species... no! Abnormal holy beast species!"

Long Bo Bird screamed, "The orcs are playing dirty tricks, so bad! So bad!"

"Jigu!" the little rabbit echoed as he grabbed a lock of his master's hair and assumed a posture as if he were facing a powerful enemy.



The monster roared, charged forward, and kicked the Egret Weasel Dragon away without giving it a chance to react.

Mo Xiuci's expression changed drastically, and he used his secret body skills to change his position. He just escaped the strong wind that almost hit his face, and the feeling of surviving the disaster lingered.

"Oops, this monster is most likely a 'killing orc' bred by any means necessary."

"There is no need for intelligence or lifespan, and the attack power is maximized. It has infinitely reached the ultimate combat power of the king's body..."

Before he finished speaking, the monster kicked him again.

This time, General Hailongying's two pet beasts were unable to escape. One of them was kicked from the waist and the other was trampled to pieces.

If he hadn't relied on the treasure to block his life, he himself wouldn't have been able to survive and would have died in an instant.

"Quick! Find a way to seize control of the water element. Don't let it ignore the resistance of the water flow. With such a huge size and such huge power, it can exert its semi-sensitive attack pet characteristics!"

Boss Ming's voice was urgent, and the King of Five Poisons sitting there was already going against the flow of people and took the initiative to pounce forward.

It bit the monster's thigh, its fangs about to penetrate.

However, the tortoise shell on the monster's back suddenly grew more red moss, glowing with blood, forcing it back hundreds of meters.


"Are you going to take drugs after all?"

Bai Wushang listened to his beating heart, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

This monster is very unusual, equivalent to the "zombie dragon bird" that I have encountered before.

They are all extraordinary creatures hatched by any means, sacrificing potential, lifespan, and all dignity possessed by intelligent beings.

It may not survive more than a few months.

But as long as he is alive, he has the strength to dominate in the same realm and can be crowned the "King of Kings".

In the eye of cognition——

[Name]: Blood Turtle General (Wild)

[Race]: World of Monsters, Demihumans, Turtle Warriors, Holy Beast Species/Deformed Species

[Level of Life]: Peak of King Body

[Blood Quality]: Legend level 2 stars

[Status]: Killing/violence/madness/depletion of life...

[Wisdom]: Very low

[Characteristics]: Blood Turtle Heavy Armor/Blood Arms/Lord of Water...

[Skills]: Trample/Headbutt/Bash/Water Fist/Water Storm...

[Gourmet cells]: 66666


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