Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 19: One-Sided Slaughter, Ranking Up!

"It's over!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Teleport, send me out, woohoo..."

The three students who were besieged in front of a ruin were completely desperate at this time.

More than two hundred alien lords, this is an absolutely crushing force.

And they have not enough 100,000 points to enable emergency teleportation.

"I'm lucky this time, there are three wastes, and there are no points."

A Blade Clan with four sharp spikes behind them stared coldly at the three of them.

"Humans, hand over the things in your inner world, such as power stones, extraordinary equipment, or technological items."

"I am Baruch, I can give you a good time."

The lord of the Blade's Edge tribe, next to him stood several worm-like warriors, with eight sharp limbs exuding a cold glow.

At his feet were smaller, beetle-like, black swarms.

The swarm crawled all over, completely surrounding the surroundings, constantly squeezing the living space of the three of them.

"Otherwise, you will suffer endless torment from the heartworm and die." Baruch threatened.

He is the most powerful Blade Clan lord among the forty or so junior lords.

The Blade's Edge is a member of the Zerg, and its combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

Baruch and the other races lived in the Primordial Realm, and the Empire also gave them a way to survive.

The first is to kill students or force them to use emergency teleportation, so that they can obtain some record points in exchange for resources.

The second is to snatch it from the students.

Emperor Chixing, the strongest man in the empire, promised these aliens.

If you can kill a thousand times from the high-level area, there is hope to leave the original realm alive.

"Can you spare us?" a student trembled, "Anyway, you have forced so many students to use emergency teleportation."

"Yes, according to the rules of the empire, you don't have to hunt us down anymore."

Another student, as if seeing hope for survival, started negotiating.

"Even if I'm willing to let you go, can you go out alive?" Baruch sneered.

The hopes of the three students who had just risen were suddenly dashed.

Indeed, there are many lords here, and they will not miss the opportunity to earn record points.

Although Baruch temporarily became the commander of this group of aliens.

But it is only temporary, and he is also limited in strength.

It is impossible for the other alien lords to promise to let these students go.

"Baruch, why are you talking nonsense with them!"

At this time, the swarm dispersed, and a lord wearing a single-sided glasses came over.

"If you don't do it, let me do it!"

Baruch looked around, and the rest of the lords also came around.

They were all waiting for Baruch to kill the students.

They participated in the battle. Once the battle is over, the Primordial Realm will also judge and give the participants a small amount of record points.

"The left and right are all dead, fight with them!"

In desperation, a student rushed towards the swarm.

"If that's the case, then die!"

Baruch waved his hand coldly, and the swarm covered the three students.

Yet at this moment.



The ground suddenly shook and trembled.

Like an earthquake, amidst the ruins, the ground cracked open.

A vine sprung out of the ground,

Wrap the waists of the three students and pull them straight into the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

In an instant, the vines sent the three students to the rooftop of a high-rise building not far away.

"Huh? This is?"


All the alien lords looked at this scene in surprise.

At the same time, he also looked at the previously inconspicuous rooftop of a high-rise building.

At this time, there was a silver-white figure standing on the edge of the rooftop, looking down at many alien lords.

"One more person!"

"My detector didn't find it!"

"Damn, when did he hide there!"

"This is... a plant lord?"

Baruch's pupils shrank, instinctively, he felt a hint of crisis.

I don't know when the surroundings are covered with vines and plants.

The lord of the plant system is a rare encounter, and a thousand encounters!

Looking at the number and energy fluctuations of these vines, Baruch understands that he has encountered a genius in the empire!

On the rooftop, Zhao Xing watched the three pale students who were pulled up.

"Stay here and don't move."

"The Primordial Realm determines that your combat status is over, and you can teleport away normally."

The three students were ecstatic and nodded frantically.

At this time, there was a desperate situation, and under the great joy and sorrow, I couldn't speak.

Zhao Xing, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on the ground, transferring his spiritual power to plant troops.

Attacked all the alien lords at the same time!

"Whoosh whoosh~"

The first to be dispatched were those exploding iron trees outside.

Thousands of explosive fruits exploded in the alien crowd.

The spikes and the aftermath of the explosion immediately affected all the alien lords.

[Warning, you have entered a state of battle! 】

[In this state, normal teleportation can only be used after leaving the combat state for five minutes. 】

[Spend 100,000 points to activate emergency teleportation. 】

In the intelligent light brain, a prompt came.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Xing's mouth.

Entering a state of battle by oneself means that those alien lords have also entered a state of battle.

Alien lords, the same rule applies to "the battle state cannot be teleported away normally".

"Bang! Bang bang bang!"

The sturdy trunk of the tenacious vine swept across, and a dozen lords were immediately swept away.

Even their troops were killed one after another.

For the units of the Plant Lord, the level cap itself during the growth period is higher than most units.

What's more, the units in Zhao Xing's territory have been enhanced by talent and have entered a state of maturity.

Grade rolling, quality rolling!

The tenacious vines were pumped, and a boulder on the ruins was smashed.

Not to mention the mortal lords.

On the spot, more than a dozen lords were photographed so bloody they couldn't die any longer.

"Quick, rush to that tall building and kill him! Quick!"

Baruch roared, the sudden appearance of the plant lord.

It made him feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

After hundreds of battles, Baruch has never seen such a strong junior lord.

Looking around, the surrounding city ruins have almost become a world of plants.

The ability of this plant lord to spread the field is also too terrifying, and everything is carried out quietly!

In addition, his troops are also powerful enough to make people desperate.

Baruch's Zerg troops, the strongest is an elite quality, level 29 "plasma mother insect".

He was shot flying just now and almost didn't die!

He was so frightened that he immediately put the female worm into the inner world.

He understands that he cannot fight with these plant troops.

Only by solving this sudden appearance of the plant lord can this crisis be resolved!

"Come with me—" The words of the Baruch organization were suddenly interrupted.

"Baruch?!" An alien lord next to him glanced back at the temporary commander.

I saw that Baruch's head had completely disappeared, and green blood spurted out.


The remaining half of Baruch's body collapsed.

A verdant sword bamboo was exposed not far away.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the alien lord actually found that there are such strange bamboos everywhere in the glass reflection...


As soon as Baruch died, the alien lords appeared in a very short period of time with two strong men, trying to organize an attack.

But in just an instant, Zhao Xing took control of Jianzhu and struck with precision, killing the organization in the cradle.

The battle is completely one-sided, unable to resist!

face such a situation.

The alien lords, finally collapsed!

They shouted and ran away, not daring to approach Zhao Xing's position.

At this time, these aliens are no longer bound by the rule of 'must be hunted' because they forced a large number of students to teleport away urgently.

Instead, there is no belief in victory.

The flight occurred almost instantly, and they all wanted to leave this strange plant territory far away.

The alien lords can teleport away normally after 30 minutes of leaving the battle.

The instinct of survival prompted them to flee.

However, the explosive iron trees on the periphery, and the invisible mushrooms on the ground, started the second round of massacres.

The number of alien lords is rapidly decreasing.

Aina, who was watching from a distance, was stunned.

Her intelligent light brain kept reminding that the number of alien lords was rapidly decreasing.

200, 184, 145, 74...

It was soon wiped out most of the time!

"What, what's the situation!"

Aina controlled the flying dragon to get closer, and then she saw an unforgettable scene.

A silver figure stood proudly above the tall building.

Below, there are countless vines swimming.

At the outermost edge, the exploding iron tree is throwing the fruit all over the sky.

As far as the eye can see, the ruined and ruined city is full of life, but a bloody massacre is going on.

"This is called the lord!"

Such a thought came to Aina's mind, and she forgot to interact with the fans watching the live broadcast.

The barrage also exploded!

The fans were supposed to leave.

After all, it is impossible for Aina to face so many lords.

After that, you will definitely choose to teleport back to the base normally.

But the scene that is happening now has suddenly attracted countless fans to ask questions.

More and more fans are watching this scene.

the other side.

The mechanical lord was excited to interact with the fans.

"Wori, today's eyes are opened!"

"Brothers, this is a fighting plant lord!"

"Hey, do you know what my detector just found?"

"Those plant troops, there are more than 500, almost all of them are above level 30!"

"Seventy percent of them are elite quality!"

"The plant lord who is rare in ten thousand encounters was actually met by me, Luo Ying, today, it's worth it!"

Luo Ying was extremely excited, and both Ayina and Aina watched from a distance.

They dare not approach because they know it well.

Such a genius is absolutely impossible to allow someone to rob monsters.


After half an hour, the battle was over.

On the rooftop, Zhao Xing received a prompt in his ear.

[You killed 184 alien lords and earned 1.84 million points! 】

[Current points: 1.86 million points. (The original points in the college are not counted)]

[Current ranking: 850,456 (change in real time)]

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