Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 21: Zhao Xing, Whose Ranking Has Soared! (Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Flowers, Monthly Ticke

The battle ended quickly, and the three alien lords died before they entered Zhao Xing's territory when the explosive fruit was thrown.

Elite-quality explosive iron trees, with thousands of shots, have an extremely wide radiation range, and there is no room for evasion.

The three alien lords landed from teleportation and died in less than ten minutes.

Among them, more than nine minutes are still the time to close the distance.

At this time, Zhao Xing's live broadcast room exploded.

[Fog grass, I have never seen a plant lord so violent! 】

[Ask the boss, what kind of arms are the anchors, why are they so powerful. 】

[Based on my many years of experience watching live broadcasts, the plant arms broadcast by the anchor should belong to the explosive iron tree! 】

[Impossible, how big is the fruit of the exploding iron tree? 】

[Don’t lie to me because I don’t read much, just looking at the stout trunk, it is three or four times thicker than the normal mature iron tree. 】

[Hi, are those tenacious vines? This is too long, so spiritual! 】

[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast! 】

Zhao Xing didn't notice this at all, and just ordered Tenacious Vine to loot the spoils left by the three alien lords.

Whoosh whoosh~

The tenacious vines quickly rolled back two pieces of broken armor and a broken knife.

"Three poor ghosts."

Zhao Xing looked at the loot that Tenacious Vines had searched for, and couldn't help showing an expression of disgust.

【The anchor has spoken! 】

[Hahaha, he actually dislikes the poverty of alien lords! 】

[Tsk tsk, these three alien lords are too miserable, they were killed, and they were also complained about being poor. 】

[Actually, it's normal. The alien lords who have lived for a long time in the Glory Battlefield are only a little oily. The general aliens are all poor. 】

[Have not started broadcasting for half an hour, but there are already 50,000 people? 】

[Cow wow, cow wow. 】

Just when the fans in the live broadcast room thought that after the battle, Zhao Xing would interact with them.


Zhao Xing just teleported away normally.

As soon as I returned to the base, the teleportation started immediately.

[As soon as you finish a game, immediately teleport to the next game? 】

[The anchor is so cold and doesn't say a word. 】

[This plant lord is a bit interesting. 】

Send again.

Still single player.

This time the number of enemies has increased a bit, reaching 5.

The environment is classic prairie terrain.

With enough distance, Zhao Xing still made the explosive iron tree form a circle.

The attacking lord will be solved from a distance.

Soon, 50,000 points are in hand again.

After searching for a wave of loot as usual, Zhao Xing didn't even bother to say anything this time.

The hatred is beyond words.

After leaving the combat state, directly start the teleport to leave.


For more than a dozen games in a row, Zhao Xing was not idle.

Basically, it is to finish the opponent, loot the spoils, wait for the battle state to leave, leave the normal teleportation, and continue to teleport to the battlefield...

He also completely forgot about the fact that the live broadcast was still on.

Every time Zhao Xing teleports over and spreads out the arms, he sits cross-legged on the spot, holding the power stone in meditation.

He is now a 15th-order junior lord, and the improvement of the lord's power is gradually slowing down.

He started a little later than the people of the same period. He was only 24 years old and only rank 15 as a junior lord. It was really slow.

Therefore, Zhao Xing also grasped the time and absorbed the power of the lord.

In the virtual network, there are many live broadcast sections, and the number of anchors is even more numerous.

Most of the new anchors have almost no traffic.

However, like Zhao Xing, who does not interact with fans in a word, and is a combat plant lord, it is rare.

Moreover, every time Zhao Xing went to the battlefield, after spreading out the plant arms, he practiced on the spot.

Completely ignore the alien lords.

These have instead become the characteristics of Zhao Xing.

After more than a dozen games, his fans have grown by more than 20,000.

Another battle is over.

While waiting, Zhao Xing suddenly received a prompt.

['Seventh Young Master' will reward you with 100,000 Empire Star Coins! You have received a total of 154,000 tips. 】

"Huh?" Zhao Xing suddenly froze.


Only then did he remember that his live broadcast was still on.

Originally, he thought that there would be no one today.

But look at this time.

good guy!

There are already 70,000 or 80,000 people in the live broadcast room.

Especially at this time, there are many people interacting and chatting in the live broadcast room.

[What's the matter, I watched this anchor three times and didn't say a word, is it dumb? 】

[Brother, you have only watched a few games, I have already watched more than a dozen games, and this big brother just doesn’t interact with the audience at all. 】

[Then why are so many people watching? 】

[He is awesome, a combat-type plant lord, no matter how many enemies are swept away, it's cool to watch! 】

[Interesting, he really doesn't speak? Let my seventh son give it a try. 】

Then, Zhao Xing saw the prompt.

Seventh Young Master rewarded 250,000 stars within two seconds.

Among them, 50,000 star coins are not prompted at all.

100,000 stars, prompted twice, and comes with a shouting function.

"The anchor speaks a few words? Say a few words, I'm giving a reward of 200,000."

Seeing this, Zhao Xing was also a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, someone would give a reward of 250,000 stars in order to make him speak.

However, with a word of 100,000 star coins, this person whose ID is Seventh Young Master is quite lavish!

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing will order the intelligent light brain to point the live broadcast footage at himself one by one, facing the audience in the live broadcast room.

He came here just to make money. He just didn't expect it before, so it's naturally impossible to keep silent.

"Thank you for watching, the anchor did not deliberately not speak."

"But not long after the broadcast, I didn't expect so many people."

"Thank you for your support, Seventh Young Master, 100,000 Star Coins in one sentence is so good."

"Then let me say a few more words, otherwise I will feel bad about taking this money."

Zhao Xing said a few words with a smile.

When the people in the live broadcast room saw that Zhao Xing actually interacted with everyone, the barrage skyrocketed.

Seventh son did not break his promise, and gave another 200,000 stars.

With his beginning, the rest also gave small rewards.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Xing received a reward amount of 500,000 stars.

"No wonder everyone likes to broadcast live broadcasts of the battlefield. It really makes money." Zhao Xing secretly said.

Although he can only get half of the money, he has to pay taxes.

But it is also a very exaggerated income.

After all, it's only been a while.


After a few chats, Zhao Xing continued to teleport into the battlefield.

After all, live broadcast is not the main purpose, sprint ranking is the point.

In addition to waiting for the time to get out of the combat state, I will chat a few words.

Zhao Xing still focuses on fighting and cultivation.

On the first day, Zhao Xing played nearly 20 games!

Got 800,000 points.

The next day, Zhao Xing accelerated his pace and took the initiative to attack, instead of waiting for the aliens to come over, saving more time.

On this day, Zhao Xing played 43 games.

1.5 million points earned.

On the third day, 2 million points.

Day 4...


Zhao Xing became more and more handy. For ten consecutive days, he chose the fastest way to sprint, which was considered the most dangerous by junior students.

After all, the vast majority of students do not dare to use the refresh rules to hunt aliens and gain points.

At the end of the day, playing two or three games, even if it is very good.

But Zhao Xing dared.

The lord of the plant system is not afraid of environmental changes, and is the home court wherever he goes.

In addition, he has many elite-quality plant troops.

In the face of aliens, it is completely capable of crushing.

Even if it is a group of 10 who have reached the theoretical limit, Zhao Xing is not afraid at all.

Occasionally Zhao Xing also encounters mass teleportation events.

But for others, it is dangerous, but for Zhao Xing, it is an opportunity to earn points.

ten days.

Zhao Xing's Glory Battlefield total points reached 13.38 million.

An average of one million points a day!

The ranking has also risen rapidly from more than 870 million.

800 million, 700 million, 600 million...

In almost a day, it has risen by 100 million rankings.

When the fifteenth day passed, Zhao Xing's ranking broke into the 50 million or less!

Crazy way to practice!

Zhao Xing earns points at a rate almost a dozen or twenty times that of normal students.

Super fast promotion speed!

A rise of 100 million rankings in one day, which is almost rare after the opening of Glory Battlefield for half a year.

Not to mention that after entering 100 million, it is even more terrifying to be able to maintain a promotion of 10 million a day.

There are no longer a few people who have started the live broadcast of the battlefield, but it is rare to have such a fast promotion speed.

With the passage of time, Zhao Xing's fans in the live broadcast room have gradually increased.

Especially when Luo Ying and Aina's original fans found Zhao Xing.

On the fifteenth day, the number of people watching Zhao Xing's live broadcast has exceeded 600,000!


This extraordinary promotion speed quickly attracted the attention of many interested people.

Day sixteen.

"Di! You have an unfamiliar communication request."

Seeing the reminder of the smart light brain, Zhao Xing clicked it curiously.


The intelligent optical brain projected a virtual figure in front of him.

A man with eyes in a formal suit appeared in front of Zhao Xing with a smile.

"Who are you?" Zhao Xing looked at the man suspiciously, he didn't know him at all.

"Mr. Zhao, introduce yourself." The man with eyes said, "My name is..."

A minute later, Zhao Xing cut off the communication and then blocked the guy.

"2 million star coins a year, just want me to work in their company after graduation, and also ask me to promote their company on the battlefield of glory?"

"The reward share I have received now is close to one million." Zhao Xing shook his head.

2 million stars a year, it looks very tempting, but this is completely bullying him Zhao Xing doesn't know how to do it.

With the potential he showed at the beginning, Helianlie's price was 4 million star coins a year!

The Star Alliance and the Anyang Chamber of Commerce gave it a little higher.

What's more, now?

Zhao Xing's vision is not what it used to be. It is impossible for these small companies to be fooled by just a few words.

"Close unfamiliar communication requests."

After isolating the harassment, Zhao Xing walked out of the base.


Anping University, teaching area.

In the office, a report is going on.

"Principal, the total number of students entering the battlefield of glory has reached 107."

"How's the ranking?" the old principal asked lightly.

"The rest are in the hundreds of millions."

"Only Zhao Xing has the highest ranking!"

A mentor said excitedly: "In just half a month, he has rushed into the 100 million or less, and now it has stabilized at around 50 million."

"What?" The old principal was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"It took half a year for him to enter the battlefield of Glory, but in half a month, he rushed to the top 50 million?"

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