Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 3: Induction Exploding Poisoned Mushrooms?

Zhao Xing looked at the properties of this mushroom and suddenly thought.

The color-changing mushroom has four attributes: [Discoloration], [Poisoning], [Amplification], and [Explosion].

It's just that their proportions are different, and the main effect is still discoloration.

Among them, the effect of the attribute explosion is minimal.

It can't even be called an explosion, just like the peaches, watermelons, and other fruits that I have seen in previous lives, they will crack when they are fully ripe.

It is a normal expression of plant life that explodes after it is fully cooked.

"Inspiration allows me to arbitrarily amplify the effect of one of the attributes, and the variant is to give a new attribute."

"I need this plant life to have some combat effect."

"Then let's make it like this..."

An idea formed in Zhao Xing's mind.

"Increase the poison attribute!"

"Increase the explosion attribute!"

Zhao Xing's thoughts moved, and he felt that the mushroom in front of him was instantly connected to his own spiritual power.

Just like the talents of alien lords will also have an impact on alien beasts.

Then the entire mushroom structure became transparent to his eyes.

The interior has undergone tremendous changes.

A brand new mushroom species was born!

At the same time, Zhao Xing was also prompted.

[You have empowered the color-changing mushroom, and the attributes have changed! 】

【Color changing mushroom (mutant)】

【Quality: Elite】

[Status: Mature stage. 】

[Level: Level 40]

[Attribute 1: Explosion, entering the color-changing mushroom induction reaction, it will automatically explode, causing splash damage to the enemy. 】

[Attribute 2: Poisoned, discolored mushrooms release a unique fragrance, and emit paralytic toxins to enemies within a certain range. 】

[Attribute 3: Invisibility, the color-changing mushroom can be integrated with the surrounding illusion, and it is not easy to detect. 】

[60% poisoning, 30 explosions, 10% invisibility. (The distribution ratio of the ability attribute of plant life.)]

[Evaluation: A mutated mushroom seems to have some strange properties! 】

"Hey, you've reached the elite level!" Zhao Xing was overjoyed.

Since he only empowered the original attributes of the color-changing mushroom, he did not perform [mutation].

Therefore, the quality of the color-changing mushroom has been improved, and the level has been improved accordingly.

As a mature body, after the mutation, the energy level of the mushroom has reached level 40.

After eliminating the effect of the increase, the attributes have also undergone great changes!

Stealth, poison!

As a lord, Zhao Xing can also actively control its explosion!

If you don't control it, it will automatically perform a range-sensing explosion!

"The mutated mushroom of level 40, the poison brought by the elite quality, should be able to poison some junior lords, right?"

Zhao Xing would love to try it right away, but now is not the time.

There is only one mutated mushroom, and he has to use this one as a mother for breeding.

A single mushroom cannot move after being planted, so the threat is not too great.

But a bunch of mushroom groups, the lethality is very impressive.


Under the acceleration of a hundred times the time, the mutant mushrooms quickly began to multiply wildly.

1, 10, 100.


The world within the body trembled, and a vague thought came from the Time God Tree.

There is not enough energy in the inner world.

"Power stone."

Without hesitation, Zhao Xing used all three primary power stones.

Soon, the inner world stabilized.

Zhao Xing took one last look, and his consciousness left the inner world.

S-level talent, the consumption of spiritual power is not small.

He lay on the bed and fell asleep.


After sleeping until dawn, the refreshed Zhao Xing couldn't wait to enter the inner world and check his territory.

"Hey, so much?"

Zhao Xing glanced in shock.

I saw that the mutant mushrooms had grown over an acre of land.

There are thousands of them!

However, the 3 primary energy stones were also exhausted, and the mutant mushrooms also automatically stopped reproducing.

"Good guy, faster than I expected."

Zhao Xing was a little surprised, thinking that it should be the reason that the energy is sufficient.

The fertility of plants is amazing.

Zhao Xing once watched a video.

It is about assuming the extinction of human beings, within a few decades, the entire city will be re-occupied by plants!

Cars were overturned by plants, high-rise buildings became ruins...

In hundreds of years, plant life can completely erase the traces of a civilization!

Just like the Thousand Star Vine that killed a high-level mechanical lord.

The planet where it is located, Scarlet Star Empire speculated, there should be a technological civilization on it.

But from a distance, it's all green, and it's obviously a world of plant life.

"When the tenacious vines mature, you can consider doing quests, earn some power stones, and continue to multiply and strengthen my plant arms."

Zhao Xing was full of expectations.


Tenacious vines are expected to ripen at night.

Zhao Xing came to the lord library of Anping University.

This is a place to learn skills.

It links the center of the primordial realm, the primordial city.

The original city was built by the strongest lord of the empire, the Great Emperor Chiyan.

There are countless lord knowledge stored in it.

Of course, advanced knowledge is not free and requires points in exchange.

But novice lords can learn all primary skills and advanced knowledge for free.

The Primordial Realm is also full of various dungeons and rewards, encouraging novice lords to go and grow in it.

Zhao Xing still doesn't know how big the Primordial Realm is.

It not only cultivates the most basic talents of the empire, but also is full of mystery.

Because it has never been breached by Wanzu, and there have never been any internal spies or espionage incidents.

Some people say that the Primordial Realm may be the inner world of the Great Emperor Chiyan.

Coming to the lord's library, Zhao Xing showed his identification card.

Towards a middle-aged female teacher wearing glasses: "I want to learn lord skills."

"Hey, it's you." The middle-aged female teacher adjusted her glasses and looked at Zhao Xing up and down.

The meaning in his eyes seems to be written in one line: Why haven't you graduated yet?

"Yes, it's me." Zhao Xing was expressionless.

"What type of lord skills to learn?" the middle-aged female teacher asked.


"Okay." The middle-aged female teacher threw a sensor card over.

"Thank you." Zhao Xing took the proximity card, walked to the side, and swiped out a floating board.

The Lord's Library is very large, reaching a height of thousands of meters.

To flip through books, you need to step on the floating board to find them.

It is divided into areas, and the proximity card is the authority to enter the corresponding area.


With a soft sound, the floating board dragged Zhao Xing up and flew.

Looking at the vast ocean of knowledge like a starry sky, Zhao Xing couldn't help but admire the greatness of Emperor Chixing again.

If he is not a mechanical lord, but a beast lord, maybe the people are still living a life of blood and blood.

【Beginner Lords Area】

[Exotic Beasts], [Elements], [Martial Arts], [Variations], [Specials]

Zhao Xing flew through the areas and came to the plant lord area.

Even the relatively unpopular plant lords have hundreds of thousands of novice knowledge stored here.

However, Zhao Xing didn't need to look for it, he found what he wanted directly through the induction card screening.

During his five years at Anping University, Zhao Xing has never slackened.

He almost knows something about the popular and unpopular knowledge of this department on the Internet.

This is also the reason why he never thought about self-destruction and rebuilding.

To re-understand the lord's knowledge to the current level, it is not something that can be done in a year.

"My current lord power is fifth-order, and I can learn five skills."

Zhao Xing chose.

Too much is useless, novice skills, and those are the ones that are practical.

He already had a draft in his heart, so he made a quick choice.

[Savage Growth: Novice Lord Skill, Plant Department. At the expense of overdrawing the vitality of plants, the most plant troops will be enhanced for a period of time, after which the plant troops will die immediately. 】

[Mental Whip: Forms a long whip of mental power, whips the enemy, and affects the enemy's actions. 】

[All plants and trees are soldiers: You can rely on the surrounding environment to make the life of the surrounding plants form temporary soldiers, and the duration is related to the strength of mental strength. 】

[Energy shield: Use the power of the lord to form an energy shield to protect the lord or plant troops. 】

[Revival of Life: Heal the wounds of plant troops and restore vitality. 】

"It's done."

After choosing, Zhao Xing came to a quiet room and began to learn five skills.

It only took two hours for Zhao Xing to fully master these five skills.

Previously, it was because the power of the lord was too weak to learn.

But Zhao Xing has known it many times and has seen countless seniors' videos.

In addition, the skills and knowledge of novice lords are not difficult, and it is easy to master.


Leaving the Lord's Library and passing by the square.

Zhao Xing saw that the portal that had been sealed for a year has been opened, and many students have left the school one after another.

They will return to the Empire's territory to start a new chapter.

Reunite with your family, or go to the battlefield of ten thousand races, compete for resources, obtain merits, or serve the big family and the powerful.

And I have to stay here for another year.

"It's also the last year." Zhao Xing clenched his fists and turned to leave.

Zhao Xing also has family members. Although they don't keep in touch often, their relationship is still very harmonious.

Parents are running around for the resources of their children, and they are almost always in a zone where they cannot communicate.

This is also the norm for ordinary families in the Empire.

"But it seems to be coming back soon. I don't know what will happen when I hear the news that I still can't graduate."

Shaking his head, Zhao Xing quickened his pace.

Anping University became a little deserted.

But soon, the portal will open again, welcoming a new batch of students.


On the third day, the tough vines mature.

Thick vines and broad leaves crawled all over the ground.

Zhao Xing checked his backpack and came to the mission area of ​​Anping University in the early hours of the morning.

"I want to accept the E-level mission 'Wind and Thunder Canyon'!"

"Received successfully!" A mechanically cold voice sounded in his ears.

"Student Zhao Xing, you can go directly to Wind and Thunder Canyon through the portal."

"This task can be repeated 10 times. After 10 times, you can no longer get bonus points."

Zhao Xing glanced at the smart wristband on his arm, which showed that the task had been successfully accepted.

So he turned and walked to the teleportation corridor next to him.

There are a long series of gates in the corridor, and each gate corresponds to a task location in the Primordial Realm.

Recalling the battle mode of the plant lord in his mind, Zhao Xing took a deep breath and stepped into the gate representing the 'Wind and Thunder Canyon'.


The next second, Zhao Xing disappeared in place.

PS: Since it is a new setting, the lords here may be different from what you imagined. Next, we will show you the fighting methods of plant lords. Please be patient. Also, ask for tickets!

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