Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 32: Soul Devouring, Empowering And Strengthening! (Ask For A Ticket For Flowers, Ask For An

The wave of golden light emitted by the golden sunflower has the effect of life purification.

Blow the army of bones to pieces.

Wanton to show the power of extraordinary quality!

Within two hours of entering the battlefield of glory.

Zhao Xing's territory has always been safe and sound.

He was not idle either.

After discovering the restraint of the golden sunflower and the soul eater tree on the undead lord.

Zhao Xing immediately activated his S-level talent.

[Golden Sunflower] and [Soul Eating Tree] have been empowered to strengthen!

Golden Sunflower's level has changed from level 50 to level 60.

Reached the super energy level limit

The amplification effect of Golden Sunflower has been removed, and the effect of [Life Purification] has been enlarged.

It's like letting plant life embark on a 'polar flow'!

The energy level of the extraordinary limit, and all the power, is concentrated on the effect of life purification.

The strength has more than tripled!

Now Zhao Xing makes the golden sunflower burst out with all its power.

Naturally, Elek felt even more terrifying than two hours ago!

"Two hours have passed, and my mental strength has almost recovered."

"I also have a shot at the Soul Eater Tree."

Zhao Xing's thoughts moved, and his innate power was like a ripple, covering the entire Soul Eater Tree.

The Soul Eater Tree is a dull gray as a whole.

The trunk is black, and the edges of the leaves are also serrated black.

The level of the Soul Eater Tree is also extraordinary level 50.

The distribution of energy properties for the entire tree.

respectively in the two skills.

Soul Devour: 72%.

Soul Eater: 28%.

The former can form a soul vortex, forming a powerful attraction, pulling the surrounding soul bodies.

The latter skill is to control these soul bodies and become the puppets of the Soul Eater Tree.

However, the Soul Eater puppet does not control many troops.

A Soul Eater Tree can control 100 puppets.

But the level cap is not low.

If the conditions are met, these 100 places can control 99 elite lives and one extraordinary life!

"Soul Devouring, Soul Devouring Puppet, these two skills are good."

"Unfortunately, I only have one Soul Devouring Tree. Let's infuse this tree to strengthen Soul Devouring first."

Zhao Xing decided to get another Soul Eater tree after going out, specifically to improve the effect of Soul Eater.

And now, what he wants is simple and rude lethality!


With a thought, the entire Soul Eater Tree began to tremble and sway.

The trunk became thicker, and the whole body became dark black.

Including branches, leaves, also completely blackened.

And the whole shape has also undergone a strange change.

From a distance, tree trunks, branches, and leaves are arranged in accordance with mysterious laws.

The overall shape is oval.

The center of the leaf is darker, and the edges are slightly darker.

From a distance, it looks like a black hole!

"Brother Master, is this tree under your feet?"

Luo Ying glanced at Zhao Xing's position from the corner of his eyes, and was suddenly surprised.

I saw that the tree that was originally a little strange, now becomes even more strange!

Luo Ying looked at the tree and couldn't help but developed a strong curiosity.

He wanted to see more clearly, his eyes seemed to sink deep into it.

The footsteps also slowly walked towards the Soul Eater Tree.

"Brother Zhao's tree is so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful tree." Ayina also looked at the soul-eating tree.

At the moment when Soul Eater Tree was empowered.

Almost all the team members could not help but approach the Soul Eater Tree.

[Warning, you are taking actions that are harmful to friendly forces, please stop immediately! 】

At this moment, a cold reminder sounded in Zhao Xing's ear.

It is exactly the same as the warning sound when entering the battlefield of glory.

"Is this a rule warning?"

"When did I attack the friendly army?"

Zhao Xing was a little confused.

But he soon found out why.

Looking at the members under their feet, they were looking at the Soul Eater Tree with an obsessive look.

Unknowingly, they came around from a distance.

"So that's what happened." Zhao Xing was suddenly stunned.

He then ordered the Soul Eater Tree to completely restrain its power.

Immediately, Luo Ying, Aina and other members broke out of their immersion.

"I, what happened just now?"

"Hey, how did I get here?"

"Huh, why do I feel so tired, like I've been working all night."

"Me too, I feel like I just had a hard day's work."


The members of the group are very strange, how can it be like a dream in the daytime?

"Stay away, and no matter what happens, don't look directly at the tree under my feet."

Zhao Xing didn't explain, just ordered.

Only Luo Ying and Aina, after breaking free from the Soul Eater Tree effect, immediately realized what happened.

"I, I was influenced by this tree, Brother Master, just now?"

"Brother Zhao, this tree, he didn't even deliberately target us, just leaked a little power, and let so many people sink into it unconsciously?"

Ayina and Luo Ying looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Then quickly organized the manpower to retreat far away.


After the Soul Eater Tree was empowered, the level also reached level 60.

At this time, he has only one function at all: Soul Devouring!


Zhao Xing brought the Soul Eater into the inner world.

Then he performed [Jungle Jump], and he appeared at the front of the battlefield after a while.

Behind an exploding iron tree.


The Soul Eater Tree was released again and broke out of the ground.

Hide behind an exploding iron tree.


At this time, Elek commanded the undead lord of more than 2,000 meters to attack in a big way.

Taking the extraordinary white-boned beast as the vanguard, he just moved forward with the purification of life of the golden sunflower.

There is no way, it is unbearable not to take the extraordinary-level white bone creature.

Even an elite-quality bone creature, the fire of the soul cannot last for 10 seconds in the golden light of life purification.

Elite quality, in other cases, may be able to fight against extraordinary arms in quantity.

But in this kind of mutual restraint power struggle, there is no way.

This is a qualitative gap that cannot be filled with quantity.

"A total of 30 supernatural bone life."

"The highest level is 60, the lowest is 40."

"Beside the alien commander, there are only two supernatural guards left."

Zhao Xing understood at a glance that the other party was planning to compete.

Or they are forced to activate emergency teleportation to leave.

Or the alien lords fail to attack and use record points to flee.

But there are always some undead lords who have no record points and lose their extraordinary arms.

Forced by the rules, only suicide attacks can be carried out.


In the dark undead cemetery, a large number of bone creatures surrounded the rear.

30 superhuman bone creatures, some of which are like giant beasts, breathing out the breath of death and braving the flames of their souls.

Some are in giant form, holding huge bone knives.

Unite with each other to form a shield and charge towards a shimmering oasis.

4 kilometers, 3 kilometers, 1 kilometer...

The speed of the extraordinary white bone creature is very fast, even if the fire of the soul is constantly shaking, it is still approaching at an extreme speed.

The undead lords in the rear also stared nervously at the battlefield.

At this time, they were extremely eager that their own people could force the genius of the empire to leave under the leadership of Elek.

Otherwise, at least half of them would have to die.


There was only a gloomy gale whistling around.

Bone creatures can't make a sound, and Zhao Xing's plant troops don't have the conditions to make a sound.

The war is going on in a dull sense of oppression.

The members of Zhao Xing's side also seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

Staring at the terrifying white-bone creature, it gradually approached the line of defense of the explosive iron tree.

"It's almost there, now!"

Seeing that the 30 white-boned creatures were close to the explosive iron tree, the distance was only less than 400 meters.

Zhao Xing suddenly put away all the explosive iron trees!


The undead lords watched from a distance, with some doubts in their hearts.

Did the enemy give up?

Only Elek felt his heart beating wildly, and shouted fiercely, "Turn them all over!"

"Let them retreat!"

But it was too late.

The explosive iron tree was evacuated, and the defense line was empty.

On the empty land, there was only a black, round tree that rose against the storm.

Soon over 20 meters high!

The dark leaves and trunks swayed against the golden light.

Like a black hole.

"Soul Devour, Activate!"

30 extraordinary-level white-bone creatures suddenly froze.

The undead lords even looked as if they were caught in a black vortex that suddenly appeared.

It's too late to give any orders to your own troops.

Although Elek reminded his subordinates at the first time, it was still too late because he was also affected.

When he broke free, his subordinate undead lord was already in a coma.

Elek only came to fix the souls of his tribe.


After losing the superhuman bone creature controlled by the master, the fire of the soul dimmed immediately.

After that, in the body of white bones, a large number of soul flames broke away from the body and flew like a soul-eating tree!

Even the elite-level and ordinary-quality bone creatures in the distance were affected.

There seemed to be a 'meteor shower' composed of soul fires in the sky.

The source of all meteor showers is the Soul Eater Tree!

"The Soul Eater Tree! It's the Soul Eater Tree!"

Elek's face was pale, and he watched this scene absently.

He finally understood the source of his vague panic earlier.

Elek used his soul manipulation, trying his best to pull back the fire of 10 bone creatures to stabilize the army of bones.

Then, he gave the order in pain.


"Elek, you can't withdraw!" Batu looked at Elek in horror, "We withdraw, who will bless those clansmen without record points?"

Elek shook his head, "There's no way, if you keep going, everyone will die."

"That plant lord has no ability to pursue!"

"If you should give up, you must give up."

Elek's expression gradually became cold, "Those who have obtained permission to escape, retreat!"


10005 Base City.


Zhao Xing's figure appeared in his room.

The battle was over the moment Elek gave the order to retreat.

The extraordinary bone creatures suffered heavy losses, and he could not help those clansmen who had no record points and failed to complete their tasks to survive.

You can only leave with the clansmen who can leave.

The remaining undead lords also fell in front of Soul Eater Tree and Golden Sunflower after the suicide attack.

"As cruel as it is, this is a race war."

"Weak races are caught in the Primordial Realm and used as our whetstone, that is their destiny."

"If one day the empire is conquered, we will not end well."

"Only by becoming stronger and the entire race become stronger, can this kind of thing be avoided!"

Zhao Xing recalled the resentment and scolding of those undead lords before they died, and shook his head.

Concentrate your thoughts and open your only light brain.

"I don't know how many points I got this time?"

Zhao Xing is looking forward to opening the leaderboard.

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