Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 37: Sensational Base! Zhao Xing is crazy?! (For automatic subscription!)

Zhao Xing stretched out a finger.

Luo Ying nodded and said, "The same 100 people? No problem, I'll do it here.

"No, 1,000 people." Zhao Xing said lightly.

"What?" Luo Ying was confused, "Brother master, do you want a drag of 1000?

The rest of the people were also shocked. Usually, Zhao Xing was a drag of 100.

This is basically the challenge that most geniuses pursue.

Zhao Xing is better, more and more exaggerated.

1000 people now!

There was a sudden silence in the box, as if all of them were shocked by Zhao Xing's words.

If 1,000 members enter, the number of aliens may not be seven or eight thousand!

It should be noted that the greater the number of students, the greater the number of alien lords.

Because it's multiplied!

Go in alone, even if you brush 10 times to come out.

In the final analysis, there are 9 more people to deal with.

A thousand people can go in, if you brush 10 times the number out.

Then face 10,000 alien lords!

Ordinary junior students, it is a bit difficult to deal with an alien lord.

If it is true that 10,000 people are generated, is Zhao Xing all-inclusive?

The team members looked at each other, seeing that Zhao Xing didn't seem to be joking, and they didn't know how to answer.

Finally, Ayina said, "Brother Zhao, I believe in you!"

"I'll call someone for you.

"Fuck, I did it too!" Luo Ying said, "If it's a big deal, I will lose 100,000 points and send it out urgently. 55

"Yes, I'll go too, how can I miss this big scene without my old man Xu?" A thin monkey-like youth patted the table.

"Add me!"

Although the team members thought Zhao Xing was a little crazy.

But the trust over the past few days also made them willing to trust Zhao Xing.

Willing to go crazy with Zhao Xing!

Isn't that 100,000 points?

These days, the points earned by Zhao Xing have already exceeded 1 million.

"Okay, then it will be at noon the day after tomorrow." After considering the difficulty of recruiting, Zhao Xing gave a reasonable date.

If you can't get people together in two days, that's fine.

"Yes, it's a good time, because sooner or later you have to..."

"Xu Laoba, shut up your stinky mouth to the labor and management!


The group members left quickly and went to call for someone individually.

The free group is on such a large scale.

Most people have a hard time believing it.

So it's really not that easy to find someone.

But fortunately, Aina, Luo Ying and the others are very close friends.


In addition, Zhao Xing has been opening groups for free, and has also attracted a group of regular members.

That night, Luo Ying sent a message saying that the number of people had made up half.

Base 10005 has about ten thousand people.

Luo Ying and the others call friends like this.

Soon it spread.

In base 10005, discussions are taking place everywhere.

"Have you heard, in our base, someone is going to challenge the Thousand-Man Group!

"It's true or false, it's impossible, right? A thousand people, isn't that a death sentence?"

"It is said that it is not fake. I know one of the recruiters. He used to play with a master of the Northern River Galaxy. 55

"It seems to be called Zhao Hexing... Anyway, it's quite outrageous. I came in with my friend. He was three levels lower than me before. I haven't seen him for two months. Now his level is higher than that of Lao Tzu, and his equipment has been changed.

"There is such a good thing? Where to recruit people?

"The tavern next to the base lord's hall.

Chen Qing and Zhao Li, sitting in the box and listening to these discussions, were immediately surprised.

"Cousin, the Northern River Galaxy genius they were talking about was not Zhao Xing, right?" Chen Qing asked.

"It seems that I heard the name Zhao Xing.

"It even seems to have mentioned the blue star." Zhao Li was also puzzled, "But the Thousand People Group, this is too outrageous."

"We basically know the geniuses of Azure Star, and I have never heard of anyone who has done such a feat."

Zhao Li and Chen Qing both came from wealthy families.

Geniuses who can get high rankings in Glory Battlefield, as long as they belong to Azure Star, basically know or have heard of them.

After all, although Azure Star is big, there are not many people who may be called geniuses.

And most of them are concentrated in Daxia Academy.

"I'll ask Zhao Xing to see if it's him." Zhao Li, who originally added Zhao Xing's virtual world friend.

Occasionally chatted a few words, although there was not much contact, but the news came out.

Ask the situation, there is no problem.

"Okay, just ask." Chen Qingpu's eyes flashed, and the fire of gossip was already burning in his heart.

After a while, Zhao Li opened his mouth wide in shock.

"What's the matter, is it really him?" Chen Qing's eyes lit up.

"Yes. Zhao Li shook his head, "This guy is really a lunatic, the geniuses of Daxia Manor are not as dare to play as him.

"If you fail, it will cause others to lose points or even lose their lives, which will provoke public anger.

"Hmph, geniuses don't take the usual path." Chen Qing hummed, "Cousin, you are jealous of others."

"Hey, I'm your cousin, why are you talking to outsiders." Zhao Li was a little sour.

How long has this cousin been in contact with Zhao Xing, she has completely become a little fan girl.

"You are indeed my cousin, but Zhao Xing is the real man." Chen Qing laughed.

"What am I..." Zhao Li had a toothache and was connoted by his cousin?

"I'll go first." Chen Qing did not continue joking with his cousin, and was about to get up.


"Go to join the group!" Chen Qing's eyes were shining, "I have a hunch that this time it must be a big move, I want to witness it with my own eyes!"

"The big deal, it's about 100,000 points.""

"Hey, wait for me, I'll go too!" Zhao Li also quickly chased out, "Hmph, I want to see if he is really that manly.

The virtual world, in a luxurious hall.

A group of teenagers gathered in groups of three or five.

This is where the geniuses of Azure Star Daxia Academy often communicate.

The Primordial Realm cannot enter and exit at will, and geniuses can only exchange experiences and gather in the virtual world.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters Zhao Li and Chen Qing, who had registered their names, also appeared in the hall out of thin air.

"Zhao Li, Qingqing." A handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes greeted him, "You guys are late today.

"Molo." Zhao Li and Chen Qing also greeted.

Moruo is the first genius of Daxia Mansion, and also a descendant of a consul family.

Although in the same class, Moruo is already a high lord!

Assigned to the Premium Zone!

At the same time, he is also the person who presides over the party. Only when he organizes the party and everyone shows respect, can he gather so many talents to communicate with each other.

"Don't mention it, there is a lunatic in our primary area base." Zhao Lidao, "To open a free group, you have to drag a thousand!"

"My cousin, you have to pull me to sign up for the tour."

"One drag for a thousand?" Mo Luo's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Cousin, I didn't pull you, you have to speak with conscience." Chen Qing sneered, "Just signed up, you are the most active."

"Sign up, still need to squeeze?" Moruo was even more puzzled, and the rest of the geniuses also gathered around.

Many of them are intermediate lords and senior lords, there are seven or eight.

"Zhao Li, what's going on?

"That's it..."

Zhao Li recounted what he saw today.

"Are you crazy, one for one thousand, or a free tour, a fool will believe it! 35

"Really, I heard it too, it seems to be at base 10005, there are people queuing up? It's unbelievable!

"Perhaps that person has some strength. He can drag one hundred, but one can drag one thousand. It's two completely different things!"

"Hahaha, the primary area, there are such things, it is really interesting, our advanced area is much boring."

A group of geniuses spoke up.

Moruo was also curious: "We don't know such a genius?

"Zhao Xing is from Jiangnan District." Zhao Lidao, "It's normal that you don't know each other, and I've only dealt with them occasionally.

Moruo nodded and looked at a thin and ruthless young man next to him: "Heng, you are also from Jiangnan District, you got a military B-level contract, do you know?

"I don't know." Zhang Heng shook his head suspiciously, "I've never heard of this genius."

Zhang Heng, a high-ranking lord, is also the only one in the Jiangnan District who has received a military B-level training contract.

However, he got the training contract much earlier than Zhao Xing, and he was not from Helianlie's faction.

So I don't know Zhao Xing at all.

"Interesting." Moruo said, "Zhao Li, Qingqing, you two made a recommendation, just as Zhang Heng is here, he should not refuse.

"no problem."

Base 10005, Teleportation Plaza.

When Zhao Xing appeared here at noon, he was stunned.

"Why are there so many people today?"

When Zhao Xing approached, Luo Ying immediately shouted.

"Brother master!"

Swish, swish~ Numerous eyes suddenly focused on this side.

Among them are Chen Qing and Zhao Li.

Although Zhao Xing has changed his appearance, he has done fine-tuning.

But Chen Qing often watched Zhao Xing's live broadcast, so he recognized it at a glance, this is Zhao Xing!

"What's going on?" Zhao Xing wondered, "look at me no matter what. 35

"Brother Master, don't you want someone?" Luo Ying said, "Thousands of people are not so easy to find. I can only mobilize my friends to call someone together."5

"As a result, I don't know why, it spread, and now there are many people who came to watch the fun.

"Watching the fun?" Zhao Xing was helpless, "Okay, let them see, are there enough people?"

"Enough, there are more, but I only selected 1,000 people. Brother Zhao, you can watch the team channel now." Luo Ying nodded.

Zhao Xing saw that there were already a thousand people in the team channel.

When Luo Ying handed over the interim commander to himself.

Immediately, the team channel was boiling.

"Are the real masters finally coming?"

"Whose subordinate is actually so brave, he wants to open a thousand-person regiment?!

"Zhao Xing, plant lord, is this the real head?"

"As for the main team, are there 10 main teams, wouldn't it really have to drag one to a thousand?"

"Knock Lima, and I will retreat.


Zhao Xing frowned when he looked at the messy team channel.

But that's just how improvised groups are, with no rules.

After a pause, Zhao Xing turned on the mute of everyone.

Then began to speak.

"Thousands are about to begin. 35

"If you don't trust it, or you don't have enough points to send it urgently, it's too late to quit now.

"Everyone knows the rules of the free tour.

"I will give everyone a chance to get points, but if anyone acts privately, what goes wrong, they will bear it."

After posting, Zhao Xing waited quietly.

Sure enough, in a short time, hundreds of people retreated.

However, this is not a problem.

Luo Ying and Aina, anticipating this situation, immediately filled a group of people in.

It was repeated several times, but no one left the group.

Zhao Xing nodded and started mass teleportation.

On the teleportation square, 1001 people disappeared instantly at the same time.

In the square, a large area was immediately empty.

Seeing that someone was so crazy, the square was suddenly full of discussions.

Glory battlefield, in a desert.

The scorching hot weather made the yellow sand scalding hot.

The dark river of quicksand is constantly surging.

Occasionally a scorpion and sand snake burrowed out from under the sand.

But soon, a white beam of light fell from the sky.

They seemed to be frightened, and they burrowed back into the ground one after another.

[Your team has entered the battlefield of glory. 】

【Number of teams: 1】

【Total number: 1001】

[Please familiarize yourself with the terrain and surrounding environment as soon as possible, and think about countermeasures. 】

[Refreshing the number of aliens: 8000!]

Zhao Xing looked at the prompt with a calm expression.

This transmission is not bad.

There is no other team, there is only one team.

The number has not reached 10 times the limit, only 8,000 people.

As for the terrain? Maybe bad for other lords.

But he is a plant lord, and he is not afraid of environmental factors at all!

"This is the primary area, although eight times the number of people came out."

"But the 8,000 lords of alien races, who have extraordinary arms, are probably less than 1/10." Zhao Xing was very relaxed.

A well-known battlefield map like the undead cemetery, with 2400 undead lords.

Extraordinary arms, a total of 40 heads.

The ratio is only one sixth.

But this is just a conventional map, and the extraordinary arms are estimated to be about one-tenth of 137.

"There's a little pressure, but not much.

Zhao Xing smiled and began to spread out.

In Anping Academy, Fang Qingxue was looking at a flower and grass in front of her.

Since Zhao Xing's breakthrough, he has also become curious about plant troops.

The rest of the lords can also raise pet animals or plant troops, but they are not as powerful.

And this plant life was given to her by Zhao Xing.

Just an elite-quality fragrant flower.

Its effect, in addition to refreshing the mind, does not have much effect, and it is more ornamental.

"Drip! 99

Suddenly, Fang Qingxue's intelligent optical brain reminded her.

"Fang Qingxue, the chief instructor of Anping University, your student has entered the battlefield of glory.

"According to the rules of the original realm, as its main instructor, you have the right to receive reminders when students practice in public areas.

Fang Qingxue opened it casually, this is the rule of the Primordial Realm.

The public area copy, after all, is dangerous.

If the trainee is injured, the instructor should know it as soon as possible and be ready for treatment and assistance.

In the unfortunate event of death, the family is also obliged to notify the family.

"This guy has taken a rare two-day break and started to earn points again?" Fang Qingxue opened it casually.

Originally, she didn't take it to heart, but when he saw the situation after Zhao Xing entered the battlefield.

Immediately startled.

"Thousands, 8,000 aliens...is this bastard crazy?!"

Fang Qingxue's chest rose and fell, and she was emotional.

She was originally a laid-back temperament and had a good temper.

But she found that since she met this man, her emotions seemed to be often influenced by him.

Zhao Xing often does amazing things, which makes her uneasy.

"Bastard... When I become your chief instructor, I will be scared to death sooner or later! Fang Qingxue bit her lip.

Although he cursed angrily, he still clicked on the battlefield record.

In the desert, in the white beam of light.

"It's started, it's started!" Chen Qing looked excited, "8000 aliens?"

"Eight times the number of enemies!

"Wow, does this hold up?

"If I were to rescue Zhao Xing at the juncture of crisis, would I... oh, 8000 aliens, forget it, if he is in crisis, then I have to teleport and run away urgently.

Chen Qing dismissed the strange thoughts in his mind.

Azure Star, Military Department.

In a training room, Helianlie stood in the center of the field, his figure fluttering up and down.

200 times gravity is displayed on the wall.

"Bang!" Helianlie punched the last battle robot to pieces.

Landed among hundreds of robot wrecks, and a siege training ended.

"Not bad, one minute faster than last time." Helianlie walked out of the training room contentedly.

At this time, the adjutant ran over with a look of panic.

"What's the panic, what happened?" Helianlie frowned.

"Sir, it's Zhao Xing, look!" The adjutant opened the light curtain.

"Huh? What! Helianlie looked surprised, "My little junior brother, how crazy?"

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