Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 45: Another king-level life matures! Zhao Xing's sprint plan! (For automatic subscripti

Virtual world, independent space, inside the castle.

an hour ago.

"Ali, I'm sorry, the party you held yesterday didn't come to fruition. 35

A burly man is lying on the sofa with a robot massage behind him, which is also a paid service in the virtual world.

It can soothe the mind and let the spirit recover quickly.

"Pang Yun, what kind of difficult battle did you encounter?" Zhao Li looked at this friend, he looked a little tired.

"You can also see my state in the public area, from the day before yesterday to this morning, the battle went on for a full day and night.

Pang Yun shook his head and said, "The group organized by Xiao Lin and I has a total of 300 people, and we have also matched more than a dozen large and small teams, and the total number of students has reached 1,083! 35

"More than a thousand people?"

"How many times did you brush out the alien race?" Zhao Li asked~.

"5 times.

"It's miserable.

Zhao Li shook his head, in the intermediate area, the limit is also 1-10 times the amount of brushing.

However, in the intermediate area, it is not so easy to abuse vegetables.

After all, the middle-level alien lords are strong enough.

What's more, Pang Yun and Xiao Lin's team cooperated tacitly, but only 300 people.

In addition, there are more than 1000 teams composed of more than a dozen teams of different sizes.

Matching is definitely messy.

The number of alien enemies is more than 5,000.

"Then you didn't leave at first?" Zhao Li asked.

"I can't bear it." Pang Yun sighed, "It will cost 1 million points to send out urgently! 35

"If you don't let go of the gun, you run away, then don't open the group, and your heart will be scattered.

"So you fought hard, trying to force back some alien lords and recover some losses?" Zhao Li guessed.

"Yes, not only me, Xiao Lin and my team members also think so. 35

"While taking advantage of the chaos, earn some points, and then retreat, it can be considered to be able to recover some losses.

"As a result, we encountered a reorganized alien team." Pang Yun said with a wry smile.

"The reorganized alien legion... You mean it wasn't long after the battlefield was captured?" Zhao Li asked.

"Yes." Pang Yun recalled that scene at this time, and his heart trembled.

"Among the 5,000 alien lords, there is a complete alien army of 2,000 people!

"When they were attacking, they even played their own flag.

"The entire attacking process is well coordinated, and the mix of arms is also very reasonable.

"Because it was just captured by the Empire not long ago.

"They simply don't have enough points for emergency teleportation, and their will to fight is extremely tenacious.

"The direction of our regiment happened to meet this 2,000-strong alien army."

"However, neither Xiao Lin nor I were aware of the problem at the time.

"So in the first contact, the arms lost a lot.

"The more you lose, the more you want to make up for it."

"Finally, Xiao Lin and I are on top.""

Pang Yun sighed and said, "More than half of Xiao Lin's Shadow Leopard units have died. There was originally a Shadow Leopard King, and they have already entered the growth stage."

"Now I am also injured, which has affected my growth, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of money and time to recover.

"Tell me you need money." Zhao Li said solemnly, "You and Xiao Lin have the hope of hitting the top 10,000 people, so we can't be delayed.

Glory battlefield trials, the empire can not arbitrarily let people score points.

Victory, defeat, death, injury, are not uncommon.

It is indeed faster to open a group to brush points.

But a failure may also cause serious damage to the arms and greatly reduce the strength.

Instead, lose points.

If the points are not enough, it can only be traded privately through the virtual world.

Let others use points to buy things, and then use money to buy.

But the cost is much higher.

Because those repaired items are very precious, the average student has few available points and can't afford it at all.

Everyone is exchanging points for treasures to improve their strength.

There are not many students who can keep in their hands, and have a lot of points left, and are willing to privately trade and exchange them for star coins.

"Thank you, I don't need it for now. Xiao Lin and I both still have some savings."

"However, the strength of the Hundred People Group has lost a lot, and some people have left. I have to find some new talents."

"Come to the virtual world and tell you why I didn't come yesterday.

"We'll have to start recruiting people later." Pang Yun said.

"Lack of people? Then I'll introduce you to a master." Zhao Li smiled, "Just in time, he asked me yesterday. 99

"Oh?" Pang Yun asked, "How long have you been in the intermediate zone, what is your ranking, and what type of lord?"

"Entering the intermediate zone for a month, plant lord.

"It's only been a month, or the plant lord?" Pang Yun frowned, "Forget it, I don't want to be burdensome.

"Don't worry, listen to me." Zhao Lidao, "Although he has only entered the intermediate zone, his performance in the junior zone will definitely shock your jaw. 39

"He entered the Glory Battlefield, and there are still a few days left in three months."

"A month ago, before entering the intermediate zone, he rushed into the top 100,000!"

"It's alright." Pang Yun nodded, "But the first time I hit 100,000, it only took a month and a half."

"Think about it again." Zhao Li smiled, "He came in from the middle, not as soon as the Glory Battlefield opened.

"At this time, he was already half a year late for scoring points.

"However, it rushed into 100,000 in two months. Do you still think you were better than him in one and a half months?"

Pang Yun's face changed and he realized it.

Yes, it took him two months to enter 100,000, but he came in as soon as the battlefield of glory was opened.

At that time, everyone's points were on the same starting line.

And Zhao Xing, came in half a year later.

At this point, the points are already too far behind.

But only two months into 100,000!

what concept?

It is equivalent to others running for half a year, Zhao Xing running again, and then catching up.

"It's true or not." Pang Yun said suspiciously, "It's so exaggerated? Who is it, do I know?"

"I can guarantee it is absolutely true." Zhao Lidao.

"His name is Zhao Xing, from Jiangnan District, I can introduce you to him."

"If you agree, I'll call him over and you two can talk.

"Okay." Pang Yun was also curious about the person Zhao Li said.


A figure appeared in the castle.

"Look, he's here." Zhao Li got up with a smile, and Pang Yun also got up to meet him.

"Ali." Zhao Xing greeted each other. They had known each other for a while, and the relationship between the two became familiar, so they called Zhao Li together with their friends.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

"This is Pang Yun. He is from the 'Jia Lan Academy', which is as famous as the Daxia Academy. The lord of the mechanical department, Pang Yun now has a total score of more than 40,000.""

"Pang Yun, he is Zhao Xing, a genius from Anping University in Jiangnan District. 35

"I know Anping University." Pang Yun smiled and shook hands with Zhao Xing, "Ten years ago, there was an amazing and brilliant genius named Helianlie, but I didn't expect another one to appear now.

"Brother Pang Yun has won the award." Zhao Xing smiled modestly, "Senior Brother Helianlie is the pride of Anping University, I can't compare with him.

Anping University is not well-known among the many universities in Azure Star.

Many people haven't even heard of it, but with Helianlie graduating ten years ago.

In the past ten years, he has made great progress all the way, made many military exploits, and became the earl of the empire.

At the age of 25, he became an extraordinary lord, and Helianlie was only 29 years old now.

The advancement of a Martial Dao lord is much more difficult than that of a normal lord, and being able to become extraordinary is also much stronger than ordinary extraordinary.

He has not even reached the age of 30, and he has achieved extraordinary martial arts, which is of course amazing enough.

As a result, Anping University was also constantly mentioned.

It can be said that Helianlie really made the academy proud of him.

"Haha, stop standing, sit down and chat. Zhao Li greeted the two of them to sit down.

Then the topic was brought to the matter of group formation.

"Zhao Xing, you are Ali's friend, so I won't go around the corner." Pang Yun said directly: "In our regiment, there are four middle-level lords who broke into the top 100,000.

"There are another six, around 150,000."

"The rest of the team members all have good records, and they all have at least one extraordinary arm."

"However, there was a fierce battle the day before yesterday, many troops were lost, and many people were gone, so a new batch of members had to be brought in.

"So I need a master who can lead the team!"

"At least it must be guaranteed that with 9 members, it can cope with more than 40 alien lords.

"I owe you a favor if you can help."

After Pang Yun finished speaking, he stared at Zhao Xing, his words were straightforward.

He wants to be a master, not a mess.

If you can't do it, say it as soon as possible.

If he can do it and is willing to help, then Pang Yun owes him a favor.

With his Pang Yun family background and his own talent, human favor is still very valuable.

"This request is fine." Zhao Xing nodded, "Yes.

"Okay. Then thank you Brother Zhao." Pang Yun smiled happily.

After all, before Zhao Xing came.

Pang Yun also watched Zhao Xing's battle replay in the primary area.

Thousands of people can handle it!

Although it is said that the strength of the enemy in the intermediate zone and the primary zone is different.

But just judging from the kinds of extraordinary arms that Zhao Xing showed.

In the intermediate zone, it is also very powerful!

"Brother Zhao, what are your requirements?" Pang Yun asked, "For example, distribution of spoils, money compensation or something.

"You can bring it up."

"No." Zhao Xing smiled, "Brother Pang, how you distributed it before, you can distribute it as you like, and you don't have to mention the money."

"I have only one request. 99

"Please speak." Pang Yun said.

"When you are supplementing my team members, try to find some more people for me."

"Find more people?" Pang Yun frowned, "If you find more people, there will also be more enemies."

"The 100-member group will randomly find some small teams, and we must also control the risk.

"I know that Brother Zhao, you are very powerful in the primary area, but the intermediate area is different after all, and the enemy's strength and rules have also changed.

"Brother Pang, just look at the arrangement." Zhao Xing didn't say any more.

After all, Pang Yun, who has never followed and experienced a defeat, will definitely have some psychological shadows.

0 asking for flowers......

Follow the group to fight once, and then mention this, it is estimated that the other party will accept it.

"Okay." Pang Yun said, "I'll make arrangements now, Ali, I'll take my leave first."

"I'm leaving too." Zhao Xing also got up, "Brother Pang can call me.

"Walk slowly." Zhao Li waved his hand and watched the two leave the castle.

He is also very happy to facilitate this, so Pang Yun and Zhao Xing have to thank him as the middleman.

The meaning of hosting a party is here.

For Zhao Li, the favor of geniuses is the most precious.

Intermediate area, base 100.

"I didn't expect that things would come to an end so quickly."

"Originally, I was thinking that it would be very troublesome to find a group.

"Now, not only found, but also made Pang Yun owe me a favor." Zhao Xing looked at the message sent by Pang Yun.

His team of 300 people basically came from Jialan Academy.

Pang Yun and another person, Xiao Lin, are the leaders of all the students.

A fierce battle, but the students lost their arms, and even many martial arts lords were seriously injured.

And all of this was due to Pang Yun and Xiao Lin's decision-making mistakes. Originally, they only needed to lose 1 million points.

Now the number is far more than that.

Those Martial Dao lords, but without arms, all went to charge.

The members of the group trusted so much, but this was the result. Naturally, Pang Yun and Xiao Lin felt guilty and wanted to make up for it.

"The students of our Anping University are not in the same class as me, nor have any feelings for them."

"My strength is poor, and I am also very poor."

Zhao Xing shook his head, he didn't have to bear the expectations of Pang Yun and Han Lin.


The teachers and principals of the school have never mentioned this to themselves.

"Zhao Xing." Fang Qingxue's phantom appeared in front of Zhao Xing, "How is Ruoruo's situation today?

"I have arranged for a friend to take her into the battlefield of glory." Zhao Xing smiled.

In the primary area, Fang Qingxue was the one who Zhao Xing contacted the most, because he asked about his sister's progress, followed by the 'Seventh Young Master' in the virtual world.


When Fang Qingxue looked for him, she used the name of her sister Zhao Ruoruo every time.

The two were tacitly approaching.

"Oh, that's good." Fang Qingxue said, "She has the treasure you bought for him, and the super beast Sirius has also reached the growth stage."

"As long as she doesn't imitate your brother, she thinks about picking one hundred every day, and having your friends take care of her, it shouldn't be a big problem." Fang Qingxue said.

"Don't scold, don't scold, it's already being changed." Zhao Xing also knew that Fang Qingxue, as the main instructor, would receive a reminder that the students entered the battlefield.

"Look at me now, it's been more than a month, and I've entered the battlefield alone."

"Hmph, that's not certain." Fang Qingxue rolled her eyes and said, "You go into the virtual world every day to think about the video of Lord Lion."

"I'm afraid it's just preparing for team teleportation."9

Zhao Xing: "The weather is really nice today."

Fang Qingxue: "... Soul Dan, you're too blunt on this topic!

Zhao Xing: "Cough cough.""

After turning off the communication, Zhao Xing sat quietly for a while.

Chatting with Fang Qingxue can calm his mind.

It seems to be a habit developed over the years.

Perhaps for more than five years, Fang Qingxue has been taking care of herself.

He was never able to graduate.

Fang Qingxue did not despise him, even in those most difficult times.

Her words, "Come on, try this method again", warmed Zhao Xing for countless days and nights.

"Guardian stone." Zhao Xing dug out a crystal stone.

This guardian stone was given to him by Fang Qingxue at the beginning of the year.

Although Zhao Xing didn't need it for a long time, it was not precious to me now.

But he stayed.

"I heard from her a while ago that she has broken through to a high lord.

"I still have more than 100 million points, and I should buy something for her. 39

Zhao Xing thought of Fang Qingxue and couldn't help showing a smile.

For two consecutive days, Pang Yun did not contact Zhao Xing.

Early on the third day, Pang Yun sent a message.


Zhao Xing, who was immersed in the inner world, watched the evolution speed of several king-level arms, and opened his eyes immediately.

"It's old Pang."

"The news came at the right time. 35

Zhao Xing sensed the troops in the inner world.

The Water Magic Mushroom and the Colossus Tree, just this morning, entered the mature stage one after the other!

Zhao Xing cultivated the earliest four king-level life.

Magic Cloud Pain, Water Magic Mushroom, Colossus Tree, Thousand Sound Bamboo.

Under the A-level territory energy tower and 151 times the time acceleration.

The first three are fully matured!

Only Qianyin Bamboo is left, and it is not far from maturity.

"There are still three months and three days until the battlefield of glory closes.

"The sprint ranking plan has officially begun!

With a whistle, Zhao Xing disappeared immediately.


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