Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 49: Conquering the king-level life! Mingyanhua! Shocked! (Please subscribe automatically!)

"Say my mother is naughty?"

In the virtual world, Fang Qingxue saw Zhao Xing's reply and couldn't help muttering: "I was originally a woman.

However, Fang Qingxue also realized that Zhao Xing probably treated the 'Seventh Young Master' as a man.

Preconceived notions, even if she occasionally reveals flaws.

Zhao Xing never thought that the seventh son was Fang Qingxue.

"This guy, haven't chatted with me for a long time."

"Everything about him is hidden, and the permissions are so high that I can't view it.

Since Zhao Xing broke into 1,000 people, the security level and authority have been greatly improved.

Fang Qingxue could no longer check Zhao Xing's every move on the battlefield, including rankings, points, etc.

Even if Zhao Xing is willing, geniuses within a thousand people can block all the battle records on the battlefield.

It cannot be recorded by video, nor can it be broadcast live by others.

However, Zhao Xing never did this, because he, the commander, was hiding in the back.

As long as you don't open the combat record from the first perspective, others will not know who the arms belong to.

"Give me a gift, but you haven't chatted with me for a long time, what does this mean?" Fang Qingxue looked at a sapphire necklace in her hand, and was also a little confused.

Before Zhao Xing entered the intermediate zone, he exchanged a treasure from the treasure house of points that was beneficial to the martial arts lord.

It is this sapphire necklace that can increase the energy factor gathering speed in the inner world of the Martial Dao Leader.

Because this sapphire is inlaid with a fragment that was born at the origin of the world.

100 million points worth!

Fang Qingxue could naturally see the preciousness of this treasure.


Just when Fang Qingxue was thinking about it.

A communication request prompt sounded.

Then Fang Qingxue exited the virtual world and passed the request.

A holographic figure appeared, it was Zhao Xing.

"Qingxue, why did it take so long to answer the communication, are you busy?" Zhao Xing asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm very busy, even busier than you." Fang Qingxue hummed.

"Oh, then you are busy first." Zhao Xing nodded and cut off the communication.

"..." Fang Qingxue was stunned.

Can't this guy hear the angry words?

Soulless, so angry!

Fang Qingxue was even more depressed.

in the base room.

"It seems that Qingxue is also working hard to cultivate.

"The things I gave her should come in handy.""

Zhao Xing smiled. As soon as he connected the communication, he saw Fang Qingxue watching with the sapphire necklace.

It's not cultivation, what is that?

Can the other party Qingxue have an effect, and prove that I sent it right.

"I also have to practice hard, I can't still be an intermediate lord. 35

Fang Qingxue is already a high-ranking lord, in fact, she doesn't like cultivation very much.

Because when Zhao Xing and her were still classmates, Fang Qingxue was an intermediate lord!

Fang Qingxue's family is also one of the top 501,400 families in Azure Star.

Although it is not as good as the family of the planetary archon.

But also strong.

Genius is only a genius after all, but the family is already a strong family!

It is precisely because of this that although Fang Qingxue is highly talented, several brothers and fathers can support the family.

He doted on her very much, so he chose to enter the Primordial Realm and become a tutor at Anping University.

Instead of letting her go outside.

After all, Fang Qingxue is the lord of martial arts. Without the protection of arms, it is still very dangerous to run around on her own.

After coming out of the room, Zhao Xing sent a message to Pang Yun and the others.

Not participating for the time being.

Then walked to the lord's hall of the base.

"Try to conquer king-level life, if not, I can also use life plunder to destroy king-level plant life. 99

"Destroy it, naturally it won't affect my follow-up progress. 99

Zhao Xing decided to exchange the adult king-level life.

Because of his inner world, there are now four king-level beings.

And the tree of time.

Using life plunder can plunder the life of a successful king!

He already has a king-level mature body, so he dares to do this.

If you were like other students, you wouldn't dare to try like this.

"In short, if you fail, at worst, it's just a waste of points and won't affect yourself. 35

"If it does, the strength of the king-level arms will be enhanced, but there is no doubt."

Coming to the lord's hall, Zhao Xing began to choose the arms to exchange.

There are also thousands of varieties of mature king-level life forms of the plant system, and the exchange treasure trove of the Primordial Realm for students.

There are hundreds of emperors, but all of them are seedlings.

Mature king plants, starting with 100 million points.

A strong king-level mature body can be as expensive as seven or eight billion.

According to the introduction, the price of the seedlings exceeds that of the emperor, and it is comparable to some mature adults.

Of course, there are very few king-level lives that can rival the emperor-level.

Nor was it Zhao Xing's choice.

After all, the more expensive it is, the stronger it is, and the harder it is to conquer.

"First buy this king-level mature body, Mingyanhua.

Zhao Xing looked at the exchange list.

【Name: Mingyan Flower】

[Level: King Level]

【Type: Plant Life】

【Status: Mature period】

[Explanation: Mingyan flower must be in a hot environment with a temperature of more than 8,000 degrees to give birth to flower buds after a hundred years, and to fully mature after 200 years. 】

[Once matured, the flaming flower will have 100 stamens, which can burst into high-energy laser beams! 】

[The strong penetrating force can penetrate the B-grade alloy, and the A-grade alloy will also be high temperature, making its internal temperature rise. Only the armor made of special heat-resistant materials can resist. 】

[Points required for redemption: 200 million. 】

[Warning: King-level life has a strong resistance to spirituality. The strength of the students is difficult to conquer king-level life. If it is not a plant lord, it will be even more difficult to tame! It will even affect life, please be careful when exchanging it! 】

"Mingyan Flower." Zhao Xing clicked on the video next to it and watched.

The empire is thoughtful, and the exchange of arms is accompanied by text descriptions and videos.

It can let the students intuitively see whether the attack method of the arms is suitable for them.

in the video.

A long red rhizome, black variegated flower, just closed.

When it spreads out, it burst into a dazzling light.

At the same time, the black stamen in the center also instantly became hot, black and red, and then turned from red to bright white.

Quietly, a beam of light spewed out of the Underworld Flame Flower.

The speed is the same as the speed of light, but in an instant, a piece of B-grade alloy thousands of meters away is pierced and melted.

Then the light passed through the B-grade alloys of 10 kilometers, 30 kilometers, and 50 kilometers respectively.

But the above shows that the power of the high-energy beam weakens when it reaches 30 kilometers, and it takes 10 seconds to melt.

And at 50 kilometers, it can no longer penetrate the B-grade alloy.

It can also increase the temperature of the B-grade alloy to 1000 degrees!

"Even 50 kilometers away, there is a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and the temperature at 10 kilometers is 10 times higher, reaching tens of thousands of degrees! 39

"Extraordinary martial arts lords, who are thick-skinned and thick-skinned, can't resist unless they wear special heat-resistant mechas." Zhao Xing secretly said.

Due to the high concentration of the beam energy of the Mingyan Flower.

So every time it is sprayed, it takes about a year of rest before it can be fired again.

Buying a single Mingyan flower alone cannot be used as a conventional weapon, and it must be in large quantities.

This is also why the price of Mingyan Flower is only 200 million points.

"But this restriction, for me, is not a problem.35

"Only once a year, for me, it only takes two and a half days."

"Cultivation environment? That's not a problem anymore. The 10-point A-level energy tower is not just for fun. It can automatically match and transform an optimal growing environment. 35

Zhao Xing did not hesitate and immediately chose to buy.

At this time, a handsome middle-aged man in formal clothes walked out.

"Respected intermediate lord Zhao Xing, you have purchased a mature king-level plant life 'Mingyan Flower', do you confirm the risks and consequences of conquering the king-level life?

Zhao Xing knew that this middle-aged man in formal attire was actually an intelligent robot, and nodded immediately, "I confirm."

The robot drew a light curtain: "Please confirm again."

Zhao Xing clicks OK.

Then the robot took out various data, such as the probability of conquering the king-level life, etc., and persuaded Zhao Xing for half an hour.

Finally, this part of the process is over.

"Please forgive me." The robot said, "The Empire places great importance on every student who can enter within 1,000 students.

"If you are out of 10,000, the purchasing process will be simplified."

"It is precisely because you are a genius that the empire will try to persuade you.""

"Now I ask you one last time, do you confirm the purchase?

"Confirm." Zhao Xing was helpless. He has confirmed it several times just now, and this is the eighth time!

"Please come with me." The robot stopped persuading.

Then Zhao Xing came to a quiet room.

Inside is a transparent box.

About five meters high.

Inside is a living flower.

"This is the Mingyan Flower you want."

"It's dormant now, but after it's been brought into your body. 99

"Without isolation, the power and resistance of king-level life will immediately erupt.

"You can do it here (abed) without any interruptions.

"I wish you success.

After the robot finished speaking, it went out.

Leave Zhao Xing alone in a separate room, watching quietly.

Take a deep breath and adjust the spirit to the best state.

Then, the world projection came!

Wrapped the Mingyan flower, and took away the soil along with it.

But the box was intact and disappeared immediately after taking away Mingyan Flower.

at the same time.

Zhao Xing's eyes were tightly closed, and his mind immediately came to the territory of the inner world.


When the Mingyan Flower was buried in the ground, the temperature around it immediately rose.

Even the space seems to be distorted.

At the same time, the spots are also slowly unfolding, one petal, two petals…

A consciousness is also awakening.

If 9 petals are fully unfolded.

That Ming Yanhua will attack indiscriminately.

At this time, the Mingyan Flower has already bloomed to half.

The flowers turned slowly, as if looking for a target.

Zhao Xing's heart tensed, and he quickly ordered Moyunteng, Qianyinzhu, and Colossus Tree to prepare for the king-level oppression.



As if the power was cut off, Mingyanhua suddenly closed the piebald again.

"Huh? What's the situation?" Zhao Xing was stunned.

He could feel that Ming Yanhua suddenly disappeared!

At the same time, the entire flower slowly moved in one direction and slowly lowered.

"Who is it bowing its head to, there is clearly nothing in the center... not right!"

Zhao Xing suddenly realized that there was nothing in the center of the territory.

On the contrary, there is a very unremarkable, but terrifyingly high-quality plant life - the tree of time!

Zhao Xing smiled.

Yes, the tree of time.

What could be higher than the divine tree of time?

Only the seedling state is god-level!

The upper limit of plant life recorded in the empire is the god level.

And that is just a record, as for whether there is a god-level within the empire?

No one has ever seen it.

According to the records, it was only the complete body that reached the god level.

The tree of time, the seedlings are god-level!

"I didn't expect you with thick eyebrows and big eyes to bully the soft and fear the hard?"

Mingyanhua shook gently.

A wave of consciousness came.

Zhao Xing could feel it, it was the consciousness of fear.

It is the instinct of life, the fear of another higher life!

As the owner of the divine tree of time, Ming Yanhua naturally did not dare to make trouble with Zhao Xing again.

Not to dare to be 'arrogant' next to the Time God Tree.

After trembling for a while, Ming Yanhua didn't dare to move at all.


Zhao Xing immediately covered his spiritual power slowly.

Ming Yanhua's consciousness, instinctive resistance.

Any wild king-level life would not be willing to succumb and become a unit controlled by others.

But it is also afraid of death, the oppression of the time tree.

Both are instinctive, constant confrontation.

Zhao Xing could clearly feel that this confrontation also made it difficult for him to conquer.

Spiritual power, bit by bit, erodes Ming Yanhua.

In the end, it left a trace of its own spiritual power on its life core imprint.

At this point, the confrontation disappeared.

Mingyanhua stabilized.

Spiritual power thoughts, slowly awakening, and constantly absorbing energy.

Get out of hibernation completely.

The consciousness became stronger and stronger, but this time, what was passed on to Zhao Xing was a feeling of intimacy.

"Lord, Lord."

Ming Yanhua's consciousness fluctuated, expressing this meaning.

"Very good." Zhao Xing grinned.

"Master, I need to absorb energy.

"Suck it, just absorb it." Zhao Xing pointed to the A-level energy tower, "Don't worry about grabbing the nutrients of the Time God Tree, it doesn't need it."5

"Yes." Ming Yanhua began to absorb energy to the fullest.

And the A-level energy tower, after detecting the new king-level troops.

Immediately it radiated light.

Actively provide energy to the king-level Mingyanhua.


While providing energy, the soil environment around Mingyan Flower is also rapidly transforming.

Zhao Xing's mind rose, and in the quiet room, he opened his eyes.

"I didn't expect that I could conquer this king-level life with no effort at all."

"The mental power consumed is not as exhausting as fighting a battle. 35

Zhao Xing was overjoyed.

Conquering a king-level life...

He can also be considered to have achieved many things that are difficult for supernatural beings to do.

"The focus is on the tree of time."

"Without it, I might not have been so easy to conquer. 35

"So, even if I encounter an emperor-level life in the future, I can still use the time tree to conquer it? 99

Zhao Xing flipped through the exchange list of emperor-level life.

There are hundreds of species of royal plant life.

But all seedlings.

1 billion points start, the highest 100 billion points!

"Didn't the empire provide the mature form of imperial plant life?" Zhao Xing called the robot over.

"You actually succeeded." The robot smiled, "This is really the luck of the empire."

"As for the problem you describe.

"The mature form of emperor-level plant life, in the history of the Primordial Realm, for thousands of years, there are only three successful examples.

"One billion students every year, thousands of years, only 3 cases.

"Probably, it approaches 0 indefinitely."

"Close to 0, but not 0." Zhao Xing waved.

"What you said makes sense." The robot respectfully said, "But that's what the empire stipulates."

"I won't provide a royal-level mature body for students to try and conquer.

"If it is exchanged, the students who can exchange for the emperor-level mature body will earn astronomical points. 99

"If this kind of amazing talent dies in a low-probability event like subduing an emperor's life.

"The empire is equivalent to losing a mature emperor and a genius lord at the same time.

"Then why are king-level lives allowed to be subdued?" Zhao Xing asked.

"You just said that under the extraordinary, the probability of conquering a king-level life is only 1.5%."5

The robot still smiled and said respectfully: "As you said, the probability tends to 0, but it is not 0."

"Students who can buy a king-level mature life form are basically those who enter the top 100,000."

“With a 1.5% probability, 1,500 people will be born every year. 35

The robot did not continue to speak, but Zhao Xing already understood what it meant.

"I understand, thank you for your answer. Zhao Xing nodded.

"You're welcome."

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