Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 63: Yunhou's suggestion, become the request of the lord of Beihe! (please subscribe aut

"Choose one of the emperor-level rewards, including arms, powerful equipment, and treasures.

"First of all, I don't recommend that you choose the emperor-level arms." Yun Duo said.

"If you choose a class, the empire will only give it to infancy. 99

"Although it is also precious, its value is completely incomparable to the rest of the treasures, because the rest of the treasures are matched according to the 'Emperor-level mature body' arms.

Zhao Xing nodded. Before the extraordinary, no one had conquered the emperor level, let alone the emperor level.

He had already heard of this probability.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Empire to provide him with a mature body.

"If you choose to choose the 'soldier type' reward, you will lose blood." Yun Duo said with a smile.

"I don't know how many years it will take you to cultivate the emperor-level arms to maturity, and you have to have this talent to make the emperor-level arms grow."

"As far as I know, you exchanged the A-level energy tower, but that can't support the full maturity of an emperor-level unit. You have to spend a lot of resources and time to cultivate it.""

"Especially if you are still a plant lord, the emperor-level seedlings of plants will take longer to grow, much longer than other categories.

"If you have to choose China." Yun Duo raised a finger and said: "There is only one exception, that is the mechanical emperor!

"Mechanical Emperor Soldiers, even if you don't have Mechanical Force blessings, they all have high intelligence, can act autonomously, and can also exert powerful combat effectiveness.

"It is possible to choose the mechanical emperor."

"Because of the mechanical emperor, there are not many mechanical lords of the Luminary level."

"With it, you can save your life without worry."

Life? Zhao Xing shook his head slightly, he already had a trace of the origin of the world bestowed by the Primordial Realm, and he could carry out 'emergency teleportation'

In terms of life-saving, the mechanical emperor's life-saving is not as strong as the teleportation of the original realm.

After all, if you bring a mechanical emperor by yourself, if you encounter a sun-level lord, you will still be finished.

And in the original realm teleportation, in the territory of the empire, the Void level has no way to kill himself.

"If you don't choose troops, what should you choose?" Zhao Xing asked.

"See what you want." Yun Duo said.

"If you want to have a strong sense of the rules, then you can choose a treasure that increases the sense of the rules."

"If you want to go on an adventure, you can exchange for a spaceship, an S-class spaceship, which can lead you to many dangerous places.

"If you want to increase the combat effectiveness of your arms, you can exchange life source crystals, which can allow your arms to break through the restrictions, continue to grow, or cultivate a group of armies. 35

"If you want to enhance your talent, for example, if your talent is only E-level, if you take a bottle of S-level Myriad Source Spiritual Liquid, after about ten years, your innate ability will reach S-level.

"If you want to break through the realm, you can exchange..."

Yun Feng said the names and functions of many treasures in one breath.

The big family is good for this. Although Yun Duo is only a star lord, he has seen many silver moon lords who can't keep up.

"Anyway, it depends on what you want.

After listening to Zhao Xing, he also thought.

Talent, he is S-rank himself, with the growth of the divine tree over time, his talent will continue to evolve, there is no need.

The realm, the arms, the internal world can't keep up, and the seedlings are encouraged. The realm that is improved by this kind of external force is not stable enough.

The same realm, the difference in combat power is also very large.

"I don't want to promote my own realm, and I don't want to exchange mechanical soldiers and spaceships..."

"I want to comprehensively improve my arms, internal world, and perception of rules." Zhao Xing said.

"Haha, your kid thinks it's beautiful." Yun Duo laughed.

"However, the choice of emperor-level rewards can indeed make your dreams come true. This is a reward for your hard work in the battlefield of glory, which is equivalent to the realization of your dream by the empire. 35

"Then I think, you can choose the S-level territorial energy tower." Yun Duo said.

"S-class territorial energy tower?" Zhao Xing was stunned.


"It was created by Emperor Chixing, and it can be said to be the pinnacle of territorial treasures!"

"You redeem it for two benefits. 35

"One, the S-level territorial energy tower is only used as a reward for military exploits. Generally, only the silver moon can accumulate enough military exploits to exchange for the S-level territorial energy tower. 35

"Because emperor-level treasures are usually not sold, the S-level energy tower created by Emperor Chixing is even more impossible. Even if you kill the lord who owns the S-level energy tower, you can't crack it, so there is no black market. have to sell.

"It's a rare opportunity that you can redeem now. 35

Zhao Xing listened quietly. He had exchanged A-level territorial energy towers in the Primordial Realm before, and of course he knew its benefits.

One of the links of the Million Extraordinary Corps is the A-level Territory Energy Tower.

S-rank and Primordial Realm cannot be exchanged.

"Second, among the many treasures, the S-level territorial energy tower has the most comprehensive functions~々."

"The growth of arms is carried out according to the optimal solution.""

"Let me give an example, 10 star-level lords with the same realm, and at the same time cultivate an emperor-level pyrotechnic dragon cub.

"In the end, the Pyro Dragon King with the S-level territorial energy tower has the fastest combat power, and the rest of the nine-headed Pyro Dragon Emperor can't be beaten together."

"What, such an exaggeration?" Zhao Xing also has an A-level territorial energy tower, although he also feels powerful, such as allowing some elite troops to become stronger after a few generations.

But I didn't expect that the S-level territorial energy tower is so much stronger than the A-level.

"The S-level territorial energy tower has a very high increase in the combat power of the arms.

"Because it observes and collects countless samples of the life of the arms, from the data, it automatically matches the most suitable evolutionary cultivation route.

"And it is cultivated according to the samples of the strongest arms in that ethnic group.

"And, with it, your inner world territory will also be improved, plant lord, it is a real bargain to exchange it. 39

"Increase in combat power." Zhao Xing muttered.

The blessing of the internal world rules can increase the combat power of the arms.

The S-level territorial energy tower is equal to the increase in the basic combat power of the arms.

The higher the foundation, the more terrifying the final combat power will be when the rules are added.

"I see." Zhao Xing nodded. "Thank you Yunhou for your guidance.""

He is truly grateful.

With Yunhou's guidance, he can avoid many detours.

The geniuses of many planets are of ordinary origin, even if the consul of that planet is willing to give pointers.

But the star lord's own vision may not be able to give appropriate advice.

Yun Feng, however, can easily point out various advantages and disadvantages.

Yun Duo's spaceship soon brought Zhao Xing to Beihe Star Base.

When the almost endless base floating in the cosmic starry sky appeared.

Zhao Xing was also shocked by this peak technology.

"The SSS-level war base is the second strongest war base in the Scarlet Star Empire." Robot Mark introduced.

"In addition, only a few first-class galaxies and large-scale external wars will have higher-level Void-level bases.

"Its energy system, if it is not used to deal with the enemy, is completely self-contained."

"Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed and no one is managing it, it can run on its own."

"You plant lords should be able to understand." Mark Robot smiled.

No, I don't understand... Zhao Xing's heart is empty, but he nods on the surface.

He is a plant lord of the combat system, and he does not have a deep understanding of auxiliary roads.

I only heard that the powerful assistant to the plant lord can transform a barren planet into a life planet.

And establish a super stable ecological cycle!

The plant lords of auxiliary roads are very popular in high wars.

The plant lord who can reach the late stage has a completely different status from the early stage.

There is a saying that describes it like this: out of ten plant lords, nine are proud, and one is a god.

This is also the reason why Zhao Xing will buy the ancient tree of life and prepare to assist the legion all the time.

Of course, his current strength is far from enough to build an ecosystem.

"There is still a lot to learn.

In emotion, the spacecraft began to land in the central area.

"Here. 35

"We'll see the big guys later.""

"Don't be afraid, be bold.

"You are the strongest genius in the Northern River Galaxy, so don't be frightened."

Yun Duo encouraged.

Zhao Xing nodded and puffed out his chest.

Under the gaze of countless people, Zhao Xing came to the very center of the base.

There is a huge building like a lighthouse, floating in mid-air.

"That's the starry sky tower where councillors often hold meetings.

"The entire North River Galaxy, whether it is a war call or a major decision, is sent from here." Yun Duo introduced.

"It looks small, but it's actually very big, and it can accommodate hundreds of millions of people."

Zhao Xing also looked over, and there were endless magnificent buildings below, towering into the clouds.

Under the deliberate publicity, his appearance and name can be seen everywhere.

"I don't have this kind of treatment..." Yun Duo also muttered. "I knew that I had practiced well in the beginning."

"Let's go, I'll take you to the planetary rest area first.

In the Azure Star rest area, Zhao Xing met two star lords, Mo Feng and Pang Long.

And thirty-six waiting geniuses.

"Zhao Xing?

"Brother Zhao."

"It's Zhao Xing here."

Now Zhao Xing is famous, everyone who knows his experience knows.

Zhao Xing is the oldest, and almost all the geniuses in the same class are younger than him.

"Zhao Xing, it's so hard for you to hide it from us." Pang Long stared, "Who would have thought that we were the last to know this news."

"Okay, Lao Pang, Mo Feng, don't disturb Zhao Xing, the ceremony will be held in a while, you old guys, don't disturb their young people gathering." Yun Duo said.

"What Yunhou said makes sense. 35 Mo Fengdao. "You guys talk.

Then Mo Feng, Pang Long, Yun Feng and others left.

And Moruo, Pang Yun, Xiao Lin, Anna, Zhang Heng, Ling Chen... The thirty-six geniuses of Azure Star looked at Zhao Xing.

It's like looking at an antique.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. Zhao Xing said hello, there are many acquaintances, at least half of them know each other. "I made you wait for a long time. 39

"It's not too late, Brother Zhao is serious."

"Yes, if you don't come, what's the point of this award ceremony?"

Moruo also sighed: "Zhao Xing, I expected you to be a pervert, but I didn't expect you to be so perverted... The overall ranking is 68!"5

"Hahaha." Pang Yun said with a smile, "Lao Mo, now that you know me and Xiao Lin, why are the points rising so fast?"

"I just said that Brother Zhao took us, you still believe it."

"Bring you within 10,000 in the intermediate district?" Morrow shook his head, "Who would believe it before it happened."

According to Moruo's estimation, Pang Yun, Xiao Lin, and Anna from the Jialan Academy would not be able to make it into the top 10,000 at all.

The best is Pang Yun, more than 30,000 people.

Unexpectedly, it finally reached less than 10,000.

"Don't say that, it's also Lao Pang and Lao Xiao that you have the strength." Zhao Xing said.

Anna: Hey, don't mention my name, I'll hug my thigh when I co-author it! 55

"Hahaha." The crowd laughed.

The atmosphere among the geniuses is relatively harmonious.

In a circle, the character and attitude of the strongest person often determine the atmosphere of the whole circle.

They are all from the same planet again, and even Ling Chen, who has experienced drastic changes at home, showed a smile.

"Zhao Xing, congratulations, and thank you.

Ling Chen knew that Zhao Xing secretly asked Pang Yun to help him and handed over a large amount of money.

"Brother Ling, congratulations to you, you have obtained the opportunity of the Beihe Origin Realm assessment.

Zhao Xing also looked at Ling Chen, and since the last time, he has also been silent a lot, no longer cheerful.

However, he still managed to reach within 10,000, and he was given the opportunity to be assessed in the Northern River Origin Realm.

"It's just a chance to get an assessment." Ling Chen said, "The seven of us, I'm afraid only Mo Luo can hope to enter. 35

"Unlike Brother Zhao, you were able to get the quota directly.

The Northern River Origin Realm is generally an extraordinary level, and only with sufficient merit can he be eligible to enter.

Below the Extraordinary level, it must be a genius, such as Zhao Xing.

"Zhao Xing is a pervert. I think he will become the planet lord of our azure star in the future, and even has the hope of becoming the lord of Beihe." Moruo stared at Zhao Xing.

"Lord of the North River?" Zhao Xing's heart moved.

"Big Brother Mo, what is the Lord of the North River?" Several students asked, they didn't know this rule.

"The Empire has a stipulation that for second-class galaxies, third-class galaxies."

"If you can achieve the Luminary level within 200 years and meet the requirements for military exploits, you will automatically become the lord of the galaxy!

"In 100 years, you can reach the Silver Moon rank, meet the requirements for military exploits and record, and you can also become the lord of this galaxy.

"The moment the galaxy lord appears, the council is automatically dissolved!"

"All lords in the galaxy must obey the command of the galaxy lord."

"To accept the Empire's call for war as a whole.

Moruo explained: "Only such a lord can convince all the forces in the galaxy.

"Only qualified to integrate all the forces of the galaxy.""

"Can't geniuses from other galaxies come over to be lords?" someone asked.

Moruo smiled and said: "No, there has been a precedent before, but it won't work (get Zhao).

"The major forces in the galaxy only accept the genius of this galaxy to be the lord.

"Because only geniuses born in their hometown will consider the interests of the entire galaxy.

"If you force it, you won't be convinced when you get to the battlefield... Suppose now you are going to follow a genius from an alien galaxy to your heart's content, are you willing?

"I don't want to." Moruo said, "unless that person grew up in our North River Galaxy since he was a child.

"Yes, I don't want to either." The rest of the students also nodded.

Zhao Xing also nodded slightly, although he had some opinions on this similar grassland tribe system.

But the empire is in the expansion stage, and this method has a very powerful combat power.

"The empire has countless planets, huge territories, and different galaxy environments, creating different lives and cultures.

"The difficulty of fusion is much more difficult than that of different countries on the same planet." Zhao Xing secretly said.

Pang Yun touched his chin and said, "I still have a ray of hope that I will become a Silver Moon within 100.

"However, the required military exploits are too high, and it also requires a record of killing the Luminary-level alien lord.

"In 200 years, it will be more difficult to become a Sun-level, and I guess there is no hope at all.

Anna sneered: "Who is talking about you? What Moruo said is that Zhao Xing has hope.

"You woman, your mouth is getting more and more powerful." Pang Yun said angrily, "Can't you let me fantasize?"

"Which man dares to want you in the future?"

"Pang Yun, I think your skin is itchy!" Anna rubbed her fists, "Come on, make two moves! 39

"Hey, hey, forget it, come on, stop!

"Ha ha ha.

Amidst the laughter, a mechanical voice suddenly echoed in the rest area.

"Everyone please get ready, the award ceremony will start in an hour.

"After the award is completed, you will be able to choose the reward for the corresponding ranking. 35



"1-99, awarded to the Earl of Glory, 1 billion star coins, optional emperor-level treasures."

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