Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 73: Surrender and admit defeat, 5 billion protection fee?! (For automatic subscription)

On Planet 106, a fire suddenly appeared in the thick atmosphere.

Soon it disappeared into the sky like a shooting star.

The lords who were exploring and fighting on the ground were not surprised either.

Every day, many people will come to life planet No. 106 to search for the source crystal.

In the western hemisphere of Planet 106, there is a huge volcanic group.

The mountain where the volcanic group is located is endless, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

Every crater is emitting ash, and the magma inside is tumbling.

Obviously these are active volcanoes.


The arc-shaped B-class guardian spacecraft quickly reached the edge of this volcanic group.

The spacecraft was set to panoramic mode, and Zhao Xing stood in the core control room, looking down.

"Master, this is the treasure land occupied by Lord 'Pulan' - the Tanas Volcano Group.

"There are hundreds of Tanas volcanoes in total, and sometimes they will increase, and they will erupt every once in a while.

"After the eruption, a large number of source crystals will erupt together and fall around the volcano group. 99

"At the same time, some unique 'elemental life' will be formed, elemental life, and there will be source crystals in the body.

"Elemental beings will instinctively dig and devour those source crystals. 55

"Lord Pulan waits until the fire element life is collected before harvesting.""

"He's been here for about two years.

No. 0 reports the collected data.

"Secondly, it is Lord Pulan himself. His information is also public and has been dug up long ago."

"Lord Pulan is a family from the Wolf Tooth Galaxy. There are seven or eight star lords in the family, occupying more than a dozen life planets.

"Lord Puran himself is not weak, it is said that he has an extraordinary mechanical force of 5,000.

"Leaded by 10 king-level arms, each mechanical arm has an increase factor of more than 50."

"The arms cooperate with each other, and they can also jointly perform a unique trick called 'Thunder Prison'."

"It was with this move that he defeated many lords who came to challenge. 35

Zhao Xing nodded.

Listening to the information, it is true that this Lord Pulan is not weak.

The combat power increase factor of 50 is an exaggerated increase.

Like Lei Meng and Zhang Yi, their combat power increase factor did not exceed 10.

And the arms cooperate with each other, and they can also perform 'combination skills'!

Zhao Xing has been in Yuanyuan for a year, and naturally he also has some understanding of these combination techniques.

Thunder Prison is one of the mechanical lord's classic combos.

Although many people know it, it is difficult to crack it.

It belongs to the kind of one who eats all over the world.


At this moment, in the high sky ahead, a mechanical army flew up.

The number of people is about 100, and they are all super-primary robots.

As soon as they appeared, they locked Zhao Xing's B-class spacecraft and issued a warning.

"The front is the territory of Lord Pulan, and it is forbidden to enter, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation!""

"Forbidden to enter, regarded as a provocation? Zhao Xing smiled slightly.

It's for the challenge!

"No. 0, open the battle record, and apply for a report to the 'Lord Mandang' of the patrol fleet.

"Yes, master." Zero excitedly sent the challenge declaration.

This is the official competition challenge.

As long as a star lord of the patrol fleet passes, the lord of the treasure land can be attacked by the light.

However, in order to save time, he sent the application directly to Mandang, the silver moon.

"Huh? Zhao Xing sent a challenge request like me to challenge the control of Tanas Treasure?" Lord Mandang received the news immediately.

A silver-moon-level lord, with a strong mental power, he is fully capable of doing everything with one heart, and can handle a huge flow of information in an instant.

Moreover, the competition for control of the treasure land has a relatively high priority.

Lord Mandang found out right away.

"There has been no movement for a year, and now when there is movement, you will challenge the control of the second-class treasure land?

"Tsk tsk, really confident."

Lord Mandang immediately confirmed the declaration and announced the challenge information.

The challenge of the treasure land must be publicized.

This is to facilitate the rest of the lords to understand and compete.

when he passed.

Inside a temporary base somewhere in the Tanas Volcanoes.


Blonde and blue-eyed, the body looks like a metal-cast Lord Pulan, and he opened his eyes.

"News from the patrol fleet.

"In the early stage of transcendence, plant lord?

"Hmph, here comes another one to die.""

Lord Pulan watched it expressionlessly.

Treasure land challenge, can not be rejected.

Of course, multiple people are limited to challenge at the same time.

At most, they can only engage in wheel battles, not group attacks.

Lord Puran has occupied this treasure land for more than two years.

Second-class treasures, few come to challenge.

After all, the amplification factor exceeds 50, which is still relatively rare among extraordinary lords.

"Extraordinary mechanical troops, attack!

On a gray ground, Zhao Xing looked at the detector.

The above shows that there are 500 extraordinary robots and a mechanical commander of the peak of the king level, gathering in front.

"You look down on me so much."

"His famous arms, there are five thousand extraordinary, 10 kings, only one tenth of them are sent out to fight?"

"And the lord himself did not show up. 35

Zhao Xing looked ahead, and it was obvious that Lord Pulan was confident enough.

Only by virtue of the troops themselves, they can repel the enemy.

"That's right, I'm just a little-known extraordinary early stage, how can he take it seriously.

Zhao Xing's thoughts moved, and the world projection suddenly pressed forward.

Lord Pulan does not pay attention to it, then you have to pay the price!


The world projection crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters in almost an instant.

Shrouded the 500-strong mechanical army!

At the same time, in front of these mechanical arms, there are green bamboos emerging from the rock ash!

The pinnacle of king level, Qianyinzhu!

Four thousand-tone bamboos, each more than 20 meters high.

Separated from each other, each occupies a position.

Surround these 501 mechanical arms.

"Four king-level thousand-tone bamboos, activate the energy shield!

The king-level mechanical commander immediately issued an order.

All the troops immediately propped up a blue-purple shield and wrapped it.

"Qianyinzhu's defenses are not strong, so I rushed over and chopped them!"

Then the mechanical commander immediately divided the team into four squads, turning into a streamer, each heading towards a king-level thousand-tone bamboo.

But the next second!

At the bamboo joints at the root of Qianyin Bamboo, a stream of energy rapidly condensed, one by one at the top.

An invisible wave shrouded the 501 mechanical soldiers.

The four thousand-tone bamboos are directional shrouded each other.

Completely formed the 'super energy infrasound field'!

The sky and the ground are completely shrouded.

When Qianyinzhu is activated...


The hard rocky ground turns into powder in a second!

Completely disintegrates from the molecular structure.

Due to the different heights of the terrain, rivers of quicksand were formed immediately because of the drop.

The shields on those extraordinary mechanical soldiers were shattered within a second.

Except for the king-level mechanical commander, everything seemed to be locked.

Stopped in place, then swallowed by quicksand.

Only the king-level commander flew up immediately and supported it crumblingly in mid-air.


Lord Pulan, who was watching the movement ahead, was shocked.

His figure quickly disappeared from the base.

At the same time, he soon appeared on the battlefield, wanting to cast a world projection and bless the king-level commander.

Extraordinary mechanical soldiers, lost is just a pain in the flesh.

Wang-level commander, that is distressing.

Must not!

"Extreme overload!

The mechanical force flowed on Lord Pulan, and then enveloped the king-level commander.

Zhao Xing did not stop either.

Seizing territory is one aspect, and watching the battle is another aspect.

He wanted to see how capable this Pulan lord was.


The king-level commander was blessed with the power of the lord, and the energy shield of the body suddenly stabilized.

Lord Puran breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, his 500 extraordinary arms, the mechanical damage degree exceeded 100%!

Even the mechanical body of a king-level commander exceeds 30%.

What is this concept?

His own mechanical arms, but after several upgrades and strengthening, even if it is an extraordinary level, are protected by a high-strength alloy coating.

There is also a B-grade alloy to protect the core of intelligent life.

Puran's perception of the rules of the world is relatively high.

One of the top rules he comprehended is called [Mechanical Force Reorganization].

As long as the unit damage does not exceed 70%.

Even if the body is scattered, it is still possible for the mechanical soldiers to quickly reorganize and form combat effectiveness.

However, the loss of 100% just now shocked him.

This proves that the mechanical soldiers have been destroyed at the molecular level!

Can't be reorganized at all.

However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, an anxious voice came from the mechanical commander of the king-level unit.

"Master, I can't fly!

"The energy shield will deplete in 20 seconds."

"Can't fly out? How can this happen?" Lord Pulan raised his heart again.

"The closer to the direction of the four thousand-tone bamboos, the greater the energy consumption, which is the strongest area of ​​high-energy resonance. 35

'If I forcibly break through, the strong super-energy sound wave field will clear my energy value in an instant.

"Can't even rush out?" Lord Pulan immediately dismissed the idea of ​​summoning the remaining mechanical troops.

He flew forward quickly and shouted in the direction of Zhao Xing:

"Your Excellency Zhao Xing, I admit defeat. If you have something to say, please let go of my king-level troops."

For fear that Zhao Xing couldn't hear him, Pulan shouted out completely.

Then 'expand' out through the world projection.

"Admit defeat?" Zhao Xing was taken aback.

Is this a loser?

You still have more than 2,000 troops.

It seems that there is more than one king-level mechanical commander that has been strengthened and modified.

"Admit defeat, admit defeat, the Tanas Volcanoes are yours!"

Lord Puran shouted anxiously.

The king-level mechanical commander is not so easy to build, and the beauty tools are all his treasures.

He has only 10 in total.

And it is also the core of the ultimate trick 'Thunder Prison'.

Without one, the power will be greatly reduced.

Without the treasure land of Tanas Volcano Group, with one's own strength, go grab another one.

The loss of the king-level commander? Plan can not bear.

"Om~" Zhao Xing waved his hand, causing Qianyin Zhuka to stop the attack at the last second.

"Whoosh~" The scarred king-level commander flew back to Lord Pulan's side.

"Hi~" Lord Pulan glanced at it, the lower half of the commander's legs had disappeared.

This is the first 30% of injuries.

However, Lord Pulan did not dare to complain in the slightest.

He had also seen Qianyinzhu, and he was quite famous among the Bamboo series of arms.

But four king-level thousand-tone bamboos can reach this level?

Totally incredible.

Even if he casts more than 50 times the rule blessing, he can't escape under the limit load!

"`, Your Excellency Zhao Xing." Lord Pulan bowed his head obediently, daring not to complain at all, "Now this Tanas volcano group is yours."

"I'm willing to give up, I'll go, I'll go.""

"Wait a minute." Zhao Xing said, "Lord Pulan."

Lord Pulan suddenly stopped and looked over suspiciously.

"Sir, is there anything else?

"If you're worried about my actions, then you can absolutely rest assured.

"Second-class treasures and above can't be destroyed.

"Even if I blow it up with a fire cannon, it will recover."

"This is the influence of the rules of the source world. The place where the planet is nurtured is not so easy to be destroyed.""

"Not this." Zhao Xing shook his head. "I want to make a deal with you, Lord Puran.

"Deal?" Lord Pulan asked in confusion, "Your Excellency, please speak.

"Although the Tanas Volcanoes are a good treasure, I don't have that much energy to dig."

"Lord Pulan, the control of this fast treasure land still belongs to you.""

“You only need to hand me three months’ worth of mining. 35

Zhao Xing looked at Pu Lan, occupying himself, it was too troublesome.

They have to mine and excavate themselves, and they have to send troops to guard them.

Also have to deal with possible challengers.

"Three months of mining, this treasure still belongs to me?" Lord Pulan was stunned.

"This Zhao Xing has no intention of occupying the Tanas Volcano Group, and is only here to extort money?"

"How about Lord Pulan?" Zhao Xing advised, "You have occupied this place for two years. With your strength, it is very easy to continue to defend this treasure.

"You can still keep it for three or five years.

"You only need to hand over the mining amount for three months, this treasure is still yours, and you don't have to go to other planets to run away."

"It's also very troublesome for you to change the treasure land.

Lord Puran was also a little moved.

Indeed, the treasure land of Tanas Volcano Group is very good.

There are more than 800 second-class treasures, and its ranking is 365.

In terms of output, it is at the middle and upper levels.

If you want to change the treasure land, Lord Pulan believes that he can grab other treasure land.

However, this has two troubles.

The first is that those who rank higher are not likely to have the strength to grab it. Among the masters, the actual strength is almost the same. Even if you can grab it, it's a tough fight.

The second is that the environment of the treasure land is different. To mine the volcanic group by yourself, you also purchased a group of special arms. In two years, the efficiency is already very high.

If you change to a treasure land, there is a high probability that you can only change to a lower ranking, and the total output and mining efficiency will also be reduced.

However, he also felt distressed when he suddenly took out three months of mining output.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't want to agree." Zhao Xing saw that Lord Pulan remained silent for a long time, so he deliberately said, "Lord Pulan, let's go and see if we can grab that treasure!"5

Lord Pulan was startled, and quickly said: "Hold on!

"Your Excellency Zhao Xing, I am willing to agree to this condition."

He was also afraid of offending this Zhao Xing.

If he is targeted by such a pervert, looking for trouble for him everywhere, then he will not try to grab any treasure.

Take a step back.

After all, it's only three months' worth of mining.

This Tanas treasure is still very good.

Lord Puran comforted himself.

"That's right." Zhao Xing grinned.

I don't want much, which is completely acceptable to Lord Pulan.

If it is a treasure land of the third or fourth rank, it may be unwilling. After all, the competition itself is frequent, and it may be robbed within a few days of defending it.

However, it is still rare for a second-class treasure land to change hands.

This is already a handful of people at the top of the extraordinary level.

"Your Excellency Zhao Xing." Lord Pulan flew over, then waved his hand, and appeared in front of a mountain-like source crystal.

"This is 5 billion primary source crystals, which is equivalent to the Tanas Volcano Group, and the mining volume is hot in three months."

"Thank you." Zhao Xing waved his hand and put away the 5 billion primary source crystals.

"Your Excellency Zhao Xing, if you want to occupy a second-class treasure, the glazed lake ranked 197 is a good choice.

"I see." Zhao Xing looked strange.


Lord Pulan watched Zhao Xing's spaceship leave, and seemed to be heading in the direction he said.

For some reason, he suddenly felt more comfortable.

"Hmph, you can't let me be unlucky alone.

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