Lord Of Plants: Speed ​​Up Time By 100 Times At The Start!

Chapter 79: Changes one after another, ten months later, a message reminder! (Please customize)

When Moyun Teng broke through to the emperor-level life, the entire body did not expand, but shrank in a circle.

At the same time, the number of branches of the vines did not increase, but instead changed from 720 to only 72.

"Moyun, it has become like this?" Zhao Xing was stunned for a moment, a little worried about the change.

The second layer of all things grows. After all, he has just realized the threshold, and then cast it on Moyunteng to help it evolve.

Zhao Xing is also worried that it will lead to other problems in Moyun.

"Master, don't worry, I'm fine now." Mo Yun's voice was clear, "If you don't believe me, you can sense it."

Zhao Xing nodded and immediately checked Moyun's changes.

The spiritual force connects the imprint on Moyun's body, and then all kinds of data are presented in front of his eyes.

【Moyun Vine】

[Level: Early Stage Emperor]

[Growth Upper Limit: Imperial Peak]

[Combat power increase index: 1000 times (based on king-level life, it exceeds this standard by 1000 times.)]

[Void shuttle (war armor status): As an emperor-level Void Seed, Moyun Vine has acquired the ability to travel through the void, and can carry the owner for a short-distance void shuttle. 】

[Void extension (ontology state): The core body of Moyun Vine is integrated with the void, avoiding most attacks, and its tentacles can extend from the void to the other end, increasing the attack distance. 】

[Symbiosis for the Dead: In the battle armor state, Moyun Vine can take damage for the owner, and the owner will not suffer any damage until Moyun Vine dies. 】

[Combat skills: None at the moment. 】

[Evaluation: Symbiotic Void Vine, which can be turned into the owner's armor for personal protection, with excellent defense and attack power, as well as control ability! It seems to have broken the growth limit and become the king of Moyun Vine! 】

"Void travel, void extension? Symbiosis for the dead?" Zhao Xing was stunned. He didn't expect that after the evolution of Moyun Vine, he actually possessed such an ability.

"Master, I'll show it to you." Mo Yunteng immediately stuck to Zhao Xing's skin.

Then a cool feeling spread all over the body, and Moyun Vine turned into a transparent thin layer, which completely merged with the surface of the skin.

next second.


Zhao Xing found himself in the starry sky, and below it was the life planet of Teacher Gu Luohe.

However, the emperor-level vine is still very obvious, even if it is hundreds of thousands of meters high, it still can't see the top.

"In an instant, you traveled to outer space?" 9 Zhao Xing was overjoyed.

He doesn't feel any discomfort at all now.

The pressure of outer space, rays, are completely shielded, and breathing is also smooth.

"Crossing the starry sky is something that only star lords can do, but with the Moyun armor, I am equivalent to having the ability of star lords!"

Zhao Xing was overjoyed, and Moyun Vine was indeed a Void Seed.

"Okay, Mo Yun, go down first.



Then, with another swish, Zhao Xing instantly came to the ground.

Then he showed a second ability.

That is, the void extension.

The Moyun Vine in the ontology state, the entire core of the main body, is hidden in the void.

And its tentacles were instantly inserted into the void.

The other end sticks out from 10,000 meters away!

"Huh?" Zhao Xing stood beside the vine tentacles.

It seemed that Moyun Vine was broken into two sections.

The middle is completely empty.

The void seems to have become a 'pipe', and the tentacles of the magic cloud burrow in from one end and come out from the other end.

"After evolving to the emperor level, my tentacle attack can be within a certain range, ignoring the distance. 99

"For example, I am obviously 10,000 meters away, but within a second of my tentacles, I can attack a target that is 10,000 meters away, so I don't have to waste time shrinking like before.

"Moyun, what is your limit extension distance?" Zhao Xing asked.

"Extend as much as you want, I can attack targets 100,000 kilometers away from here, of course, this has to be fighting in the void, not blocked by sight.

100,000 kilometers?

Zhao Xing blinked.

The near-Earth satellite of a planet is about 340,000 kilometers (the distance between the earth and the moon is this range).

This attack distance is really heaven!

Of course, the most suitable combat environment for Moyun Teng is an unobstructed environment in the void.

Its shuttle distance is also slightly shorter, only one tenth of the derivative distance.

But also strong enough!

With all its power, it can shuttle three times in a row.

Traveling 30,000 miles in an instant, you can completely get rid of the powerful pursuers with the help of Moyun Vine!

"You Moyun vine, in the life of the emperor, is considered the top. 35 Gu Luohe also came to Zhao Xing's side at some point.

"Master." Zhao Xing saluted.

"Have you understood the second level?" Gu Luohe asked.

"Yes, I understand." Zhao Xing nodded.

"I guess so. Gu Luohe smiled happily, "Otherwise, you Moyun Vine will not be able to reach the early stage of the emperor level so quickly by absorbing the source crystal to evolve, and it also gave birth to such a powerful ability. 39

The growth of all things is to completely let Moyun Vine absorb the power of the source crystal!

Some kings break the growth limit and may take a long time to mature, and eventually become the early emperors.

But Moyun Vine is directly at the early stage of the emperor level, and there is no obstacle in the middle, late stage, and peak of the emperor level. Once the time is up, it can be reached naturally.

At this time, Zhao Xing also realized how powerful the Dharma that Master taught him was.

Comprehend the second layer of the growth of all things, it brings more than the breakthrough of Moyun Vine.

The rules of his own inner world are also more perfect.

The strength increase that can be blessed by the arms has also jumped a step from 3000, reaching 5000 times!

This has not been fully understood, obviously if the second level is fully understood, there is still a lot of room for improvement!

Time passed, and Zhao Xing was 10 days later.

Raise Qianyinzhu to the early stage of the imperial level.

The growth limit of Qianyinzhu is also the peak of the emperor level, and there is no longer any obstacle from the initial stage to the peak.

At the same time, Qianyinzhu's [Super Power Infrasound] ability has also evolved into [Super Power Particle Resonance].

The lethality has reached a higher level, and the increase in its own combat power has also reached 1,000 times.

At this time, Zhao Xing's all things grew to the second level, and his understanding was also improved.

The technique is proficient, and in the next 10 days, the colossus tree, the water magic mushroom, and the dark flame flower are respectively evolved one after another.

Among them, the high-energy polar beam of Mingyanhua, within the maximum power range, can explode with a temperature of nearly 100 million!

This is completely stellar temperature!

If it is not the star lord of the martial arts department, or the fire lord in the element system.

I can't handle the heat at all!

After the Water Magic Mushroom became an emperor, its poison became even more terrifying.

Due to the overlap of its fighting ability and reproductive ability, it spreads toxins in the form of spore diffusion.

After becoming the emperor-level water magic mushroom, its spores can fission by itself in the water.

To truly be able to turn over an ocean with poison, it is not necessary to change places with Zhao Xing constantly as before!

The emperor-level colossus tree can give birth to the leader of the king-level tree person.

It doesn't have any new special abilities.

One king-level leader can be bred every year.

So far, Zhao Xing has four royal-level mature combat arms.

An emperor-level assistant, an ancient tree of life.

On the contrary, it is the two growth-level emperors of Xingxing and Biluo.

After another 10 days, Zhao Xing felt that his understanding of the growth diagram of all things had fallen into a bottleneck.

So, he flew out from the inner world of Gu Luohe teacher.

"The increase in rule perception index reached 6,000, and the speed slowed down.

"It's time to study the combat skills of the arms.

Zhao Xing flew out of the Lord's Hall and walked towards the exchange hall.

Today, he still has 12 million high-level source crystal deposits.

In addition, there is a treasure land that can produce about 800,000 high-level source crystals every month.

It can be said that in the extraordinary area, except for the 24 people in the first-class treasure land, there are few extraordinary people richer than themselves.

"Number 0, open the exchange list, and search for the secret method of arms."

"Yes, Master."

The intelligent light brain pops up a light curtain.

Then there is a dense list on it.

The secret law category is a major category of exchange in the source world.

It includes what troops and lords can learn.

Arms are the secret method of transcendent to emperor level.

The lord is the transcendent to the sun level.

The categories are also varied.

There are individual soldier secret techniques, combined secret techniques, and even legion secret techniques for violent soldiers.

Zhao Xing first looked at the secret method of the unit.

[Extraordinary Secret Technique: 100 Advanced Origin Crystals - 10,000 Advanced Origin Crystals. 】

[King-level secret method: 10,000 high-level source crystals - 1 million high-level source crystals. 】

[Imperial Secret Technique: 1 Million Advanced Origin Crystals - 100 Million Advanced Origin Crystals]

[Emperor-level secret method: 100 million-100 billion high-level source crystals]

The secret techniques that the lord can learn by himself are also within this price range (abed).

"Let's first look at the secret techniques that the lord himself can learn.

Zhao Xing immediately opened the [Lord Secret Technique]

At the same time, he chose a secret technique above the silver moon level.

As for the extraordinary level, it is not enough to see his own improvement.

After all, he is already able to sweep the same level invincible, and the supernatural secret method is not very useful.

To choose, naturally choose the high-rise building.

Star Secret Technique, Zhao Xing just looked at it a little.

After all, the secret techniques that his teacher Gu Luohe passed on to him were at least at the Luminary level.

Once the horizon is high, it is naturally difficult to continue.

He mainly looks at the Silver Moon and Lunar Grade Secret Techniques.

for example:

[Stellar Body Forging Method (Silver Moon Grade): There are two layers in total. 】

[Any lord can learn it. After learning two layers of secret techniques, his body will be strengthened to the cellular level, with super activity. Even if he is not a martial arts lord, he can set foot in the Perseverance Center. 】

[The first layer of exchange: 1 million high-level source crystals]

[Second-tier exchange: 10 million high-level source crystals]

The advantage of this silver-moon-level secret technique is that it enables all types of lords to practice, because it strengthens itself with the power of rules.

The disadvantage is that it is too expensive.

However, the first layer can be tried.

Zhao Xing remembered it, and then continued to look at it.

[Yan Shen Jue (Sunday Grade): Spiritual Power Method, there are three layers in total. 】

[The first layer: It can temper the spiritual power, so that the spiritual power can be divided into 100 parts, and it has super explosive power at the same time. 10 million Advanced Origin Crystals]

[Second layer: Spiritual power is divided into 10,000 parts, each of which has super explosive power. 1 Billion Advanced Origin Crystal]

[The third layer: Mental power can be transformed into more than one million, control arms, distract calculation, completely unaffected. 100 billion advanced source crystals]

"Sunday-level secret method, cultivating spiritual power?" Zhao Xing couldn't help but be interested.

As the lord of the plant system, the main thing is to strengthen the control, after all, there are millions of extraordinary legions at every turn.

If the mental power is not strong enough, there is no way to distract and control so many arms.

Even if each unit takes one second to convey an order, millions of seconds will pass.

The day lilies are cold.

The flow of violent soldiers is not so easy to go, and the mental power is not strong enough, so it can only be controlled in general.

Don't talk about combos.

"Look at the price." Zhao Xing was still very moved, and immediately looked at the price of this secret method.

[Exchange price for the first layer: 10 million high-level source crystals]

[Second-tier exchange price: 1 billion high-level source crystals]

[The third-tier exchange price: 100 billion high-level source crystals]

"Wori, it's really expensive." Zhao Xing was speechless after reading the price of this day.

He is now enough to buy the first tier.

But then he saw a line of words below the price.

[Note: On the first 60 planets of the source planet, those who have obtained special achievements can have different levels of discounts, and the maximum can be free to learn. (For details, please click to view)]

"Huh?" Zhao Xing was stunned, a special achiever?

He opened it right away.

[The earliest 60 life planets born in the source world have now produced powerful civilizations one by one, giving birth to magical places everywhere. 】

【Get special achievements in it, you can get discounts, the following is the list of special achievements. 】

【Planet No. 60: In the ancient god civilization, you can get the title of 'Ancient God Messenger', you can get a 10% discount on the purchase of silver moon level and above secret arts and treasures, the ancient gods protect the law, you can get a 20% discount, and the ancient gods guard , get a 50% discount. 】

【Planet No. 59: Breaking into the forbidden sea, within 10,000 miles, you can get a 10% discount, 100,000 miles, you can get a 20% discount, and 1 million miles, you can get a 50% discount. 】

【Planet No. 56: Hunt 10,000 Tinder creatures, you can get a 20% discount, hunt 100,000 Tinder creatures, you can get a 50% discount, and hunt 1 million Tinder creatures, you can get a 10% discount! 】

【Planet No. 55: Catch 'Iceland Snowfish'...】



Looking at them one by one, Zhao Xing's whole person was also an eye-opener.

The first 60 life planets are the earliest life planets in the source world of Beihe.

The history of its birth is very long, even more than 10 billion years.

And at the evolution speed of the source world.

The first 60 life planets also gave birth to various civilizations and unique cultivation systems early!

On each planet, there are various difficult tasks.

Or become the messenger of a certain civilization, or to collect a certain kind of treasure.

Or go through the gate.

In short, the empire sets these special achievements to screen out geniuses and encourage them to take risks.

Even the original messenger had such an attitude. He gave the emergency teleportation function, and also hoped that the geniuses would feel at ease to go through the experience.

Although it is given protection, fundamentally I still hope that geniuses will go ahead and grow through training.

"No wonder Beihe Origin Realm is a famous treasure land in the entire empire."

"It's really unique, but these places are also very dangerous. Basically, it is recommended to enter only if you reach the strength of a star lord."

"And on these living planets, their own civilizations have been born, and there are also superb powerhouses.

"The empire just sent Void-level powerhouses to sit here, prohibiting them from leaving the planet, but it does not prohibit their activities on the living planet.

"Only when the 'Void-level' powerhouses try to walk out of the planet, the empire will kill or suppress them."

"Hmm... this is a complete captivity of a civilization. 35

Zhao Xing's eyes were a little shocked. Even the Void level could not be born. Even if these civilizations developed for a long time, they would not be able to get out of the source world.

It has completely become the base for the empire to cultivate talented and strong people.

"Hold back, Marquis Yun has suggested that now is not the time for me to go to the star lord area."

Zhao Xing resisted the impulse and suppressed it.

In the end, he spent all his 12 million high-level source crystals and purchased several sets of arms secret techniques.

As for the secret methods of the lords, they were put aside for the time being.

After purchasing these sets of military secret techniques, Zhao Xing returned to the Mist Swamp for training.

Before I knew it, it was ten months later.

On this day, Zhao Xing was training the Arms Secret Technique.


"Drip! 35

"Master, there is an important news reminder!

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