Lord of Puluo

Chapter 80 Let me see if you know the pain

Zhou Yujuan woke up from her sleep. She heard movement in the corridor, which seemed to be a fight.

She heard it right. Two of Du Hongxi's subordinates had a brief battle with Li Banfeng before they died.

Putting on her nightgown, Zhou Yujuan cautiously came to the door.

Putting her hand on the doorknob, she was about to push the door open, but took her hand back.

Through the door, she heard breathing.

Is it Du Hongxi?

Not like that.

The sound of breathing is lighter than that of Du Hongxi, and the position of the sound is higher than that of Du Hongxi.


There was a knock on the door.

This is not Du Hongxi. Du Hongxi never knocks on the door.

Zhou Yujuan returned to the bed and took out a pair of scissors from the drawer beside the pillow.

A first-level cultivator is not good at fighting, so Zhou Yujuan spent a lot of money to buy this special weapon.

The scissors, which are more than 20 centimeters long, are completely black, with only a few dark red blood stains on the blades.

The knocking on the door stopped. Zhou Yujuan listened carefully and found that the breathing outside the door was still there.


The doorknob turned and the man was about to come in.

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

Zhou Yujuan immediately cut her palm with scissors and threw the bloody scissors towards the door.

The scissors instantly lengthened, and the nearly one-meter-long blade opened wide, cutting off the head of the man standing outside the door.

This attack is fast and precise. As long as the timing of the attack is accurate, most practitioners on the first and second levels will have no chance to dodge or parry.

When Zhou Yujuan heard that there was no sound in the corridor, she cautiously came to the door and picked up the head.

Who could this person be?

Could it be that idiot who came to cause trouble at night?

This fool really doesn't know how to live or die, and he actually dares to take revenge.

Cutting off his head is really an advantage for him. Lao Du should be allowed to deal with him, let him die of torture, and then be made a ghost servant after death, and then let him...

Zhou Yujuan stared at the head carefully for a while.

This human head has no hair.

This head seems to belong to Lao Du...

How could it be his?

Lao Du was sleeping in his bed just now. Why did his head fall off?

Did I cut it off?

not me,

"It's really not me!" Zhou Yujuan shouted in panic.

"Don't be afraid, it's not you."

"not me!"

"I know it's not you."

"It's really not me."

Li Banfeng comforted him from the side: "Don't be afraid, it's not you, it's really not you, it's me. He has died a long time ago. I killed him."

Someone is coming in!

Zhou Yujuan suddenly woke up and used her limbs to crawl to the scissors.

Li Banfeng got the scissors first: "This thing is quite dangerous. I'll put it away for you first. Can you tell me where the money is?"

"What money?" Zhou Lijuan looked stunned.

Li Banfeng's eyes widened: "My money, you charged me a lot tonight, and you forgot it so quickly?"

Zhou Yujuan was stunned for more than ten seconds before reacting immediately.

She remembered who this person was.

Isn't this the stupid person who caused trouble?

Why is he back!

Did he kill Lao Du?

Seeing Li Banfeng's gentle smile, Zhou Yujuan didn't dare to think too much.

"I didn't forget, I didn't forget, I'm going to get it right now!"

With tears in her eyes, Zhou Yujuan took Li Banfeng to the counter on the first floor.

There is a mechanical cash register under the counter. Click, click, enter the password, and pull the lever hard. The friction between the gears and the drive shaft sounds, and the drawer of the cash register pops out.

Zhou Yujuan grabbed two wads of banknotes and handed them to Li Banfeng: "This is all your money, sir, keep it."

Li Banfeng took a look, frowned and said, "How much is this?"

"This is...two thousand." Zhou Yujuan extorted a total of two thousand from Li Banfeng, and now the money in her hand is much more than two thousand.

"Do you think two thousand is enough?" Li Banfeng's tone was exactly the same as Zhou Yujuan's tone when blackmailing.

"Not enough, not enough..." Zhou Yujuan poured out all the money from the cash register and handed it to Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng said without changing his tone: "Do you think this money is enough?"

"No, not enough..." Zhou Yujuan was very sensible and took Li Banfeng to the third floor and opened the safe.

There was more than 300,000 yuan in cash in the cabinet. Zhou Yujuan found a box to put it in and handed it to Li Banfeng: "The cash is all here. The other money is in the bank account. I can take you to get it."

"Do you think it's appropriate to go to the bank?" Li Banfeng couldn't go to the bank with her. If he walked out of this door with her, his life might be lost.

Zhou Yujuan was cruel, took out the key from the secret compartment under the bed, and opened a secret door behind the bookcase.

Inside the secret door is a secret cabinet, which contains more than a dozen gold bars: "Sir, this is my savings of more than ten years, all for you."

Li Banfeng frowned and said, "Is this enough?"

Zhou Lijuan cried: "I gave you all the money. I really gave it all to you. I beg you to let me go. I beg you..."

Li Banfeng snorted coldly, curled his lips and said: "Are you qualified to beg me? Are you worthy? Why don't you pee and take a picture..."


After saying these words, Li Banfeng regretted it.

There is a saying that if you ask for a hammer, you will get a hammer; if you ask for urine, you will get urine.

A trace of water submerged the soles of Li Banfeng's shoes.


Li Banfeng raised his feet, and the soles of his shoes were dripping.


"Did you really pee?" Li Banfeng was very annoyed, picked up Zhou Yujuan and threw her into the portable home.

"Hey~ My husband is shopping for groceries again. Let me take a look at these groceries..."

The record player was very happy at first, but not long after, a burst of angry scolding came: "Ah~ Where did this pickled woman come from? How dare you urinate in my room? Mr., you have to remove the feathers before buying a chicken. , but you didn’t clean her up before sending her back!”

Li Banfeng collected all the banknotes and gold bars into his personal belongings.

There are other good things besides banknotes.

Zhou Yujuan had a lot of fine jewelry, and Li Banfeng took all of it.

Li Banfeng also accepted two sets of exquisite solid wood tables and chairs.

There was a bookcase, and Li Banfeng put away the books together.

The candlesticks were also put away, along with the candles.

The wardrobe has been put away, but the clothes are not needed. Du Hongxi's clothes are too small, Zhou Yujuan's clothes are not suitable for Li Banfeng, and the record player cannot be used at the moment.

A set of sofas, collected.

Two high-quality vases. No flowers required. The vases have been collected and you can put the feather duster in them.

There were several oil paintings on the wall. Li Banfeng had just taken them back home and was burned to pieces by the record player.

"These shameless women are naked and show off their hair, how indecent are they?"

Li Banfeng sighed; "You shrew, you don't understand art!"

Li Banfeng moved the record player into his home. The steam record player demolished it on the spot and warned Li Banfeng: "Mr. Sir, I just listen to music outside. How dare you bring this thing home?"

He wanted to move things back again, but the record player was not happy with it: "Hey, sir, if you move any more, you won't even have a place to sleep."

The outer room plus the main room are all full.

If only I had another room!

Li Banfeng took out the explosives he bought from Shopkeeper Feng and placed them in various corners of the dance floor.

The knowledge from the university is not useless. Li Banfeng knows where the most appropriate place to place the explosives is.

The explosives in Puzhou are sometimes ineffective, and more should be placed in key positions.

After everything was arranged, Li Banfeng woke up Lao Gu, who was in charge of the record player.

Looking at the iron ruler in Li Banfeng's hand, Lao Gu was scared out of his mind: "Strong man, I have never done any bad things. I just make a living here."

Li Banfeng took out a pocket watch and said to Lao Gu: "I believe you haven't done anything bad. Look at this watch carefully.

I will give you ten minutes to send everyone in the dance hall out. If one person is left behind, you will have to pay with your life. "

"Okay! Okay! This is easy to talk about!"

This matter is really not difficult for Lao Gu.

In addition to controlling the record player, he also has another job. Every day at two o'clock in the afternoon, when the dance hall opens, Lao Gu has to greet the girls to come out to meet the guests.

Usually he would play a piece of music first, and after hearing the music, the girls would all go downstairs.

If someone stays in bed and refuses to come out, Lao Gu will play the trumpet again. The trumpet is loud and will definitely wake up all the girls.

There was no need to play music today, so Lao Gu just played the trumpet. After playing for less than two minutes, the whole building was awake.

Lao Gu shouted loudly: "There's a fire, everyone, go away, go away!"

As soon as they heard about the fire, some guests didn't even bother to put on their clothes and went out with the girls naked.

When they ran to the street, they didn't even see a spark. The girls complained to Lao Gu: "Are you confused by your sleep? Where did the fire come from!"

Lao Gu didn't know how to answer.

Someone else asked: "Where is our boss? Why didn't she come out?"

"Mr. Du didn't show up either. Lao Gu, are you kidding us?"

On the first floor, in the lobby.

Li Banfeng struck a match and lit the fuse on the ground.

He pulled up his collar, lowered his hat, put his hands in his pockets, and silently left the dance floor.

When he walked half a street, Li Banfeng lit a match again and lit a cigarette for himself.

The cigarette was lit.

The dance hall also burst into flames.

After a loud noise, nearly 30% of the explosives exploded, destroying half of the dance hall.

It's okay to blow up half of it, and leave the remaining half as a souvenir for Jiang Xiang's gang.

The guests and girls who escaped were scared to death. Some of them who were standing close were covered in bloodstains from the flying stones and rubble.

"Run! Run!"

They no longer blame Lao Gu, they even forget about Lao Gu. They forget about everyone around them and just run for their lives.

Li Banfeng looked at the Xianle Dance Hall and smiled.

boom! There was another loud noise, and the explosive that had not gone off before suddenly went off. A ball of flames shot out and engulfed Li Banfeng in an instant.

When the flames dissipated, Li Banfeng patted the flames on his clothes and hair.

Either blow it up early or don't blow it up at all. I really hate this kind of squib.

Fortunately, the pedicure was done quickly and no injuries were caused.

He wanted to take another puff of the cigarette and maintain his original demeanor, but the cigarette was burned out and only ashes remained.

Li Banfeng picked up the half-burnt hat on the ground, blew out the flames, put it on his scorching head, and disappeared silently into the night.

Jiang Xiangbang, if you don’t know the pain, we will continue to fight!

PS: Regarding the problem with Zhou Yujuan’s ears in the previous chapter, many readers think that this is the talent of Peeping Xiu, and her ears are relatively big.

I think this speculation is a bit too arbitrary. The problem at that time did not necessarily lie with Qi Xiu. It may also be that Du Hongxi was relatively young, which was probably the price of Night Xiu.

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