Lord of Puluo

Chapter 87 Let’s see who can survive!

The helmsman Shi Boyu returned to the helm and sat in the hall without saying a word.

Something happened to Zhong Desong, which made Shi Boyu very upset.

Erduo lost another leader, which made him unable to hold his head high in front of the hall master.

But it was just irritation. Shi Boyu didn't feel annoyed. In his roster, these leaders would have to be eliminated sooner or later.

Hong Guan Xiang Guicheng has trouble getting along with him in person. This person deserves to be killed the most.

Patrolman Du Hongxi is no better than Xiang Guicheng. This man is already dead.

The sage Zhong Desong remained calm on the surface and never discussed with Shi Boyu when recommending talents, which shows that he did not take the helmsman seriously either.

Even his confidant Sun Xiaoan and Shi Boyu couldn't believe it. Every time he saw him smoking a hookah pot, Shi Boyu couldn't guess what he was thinking.

These people have all been poisoned by Shi Boyu's chronic poison. Those who are obedient can live a few more years, while those who are disobedient will be on the road after a few days.

But Zhong Desong suddenly had an accident, which puzzled Shi Boyu.

The Xianle Dance Hall was bombed, and the leader of the Yaowang Hall of Jiang Xiang Gang believed that it was neither Yu Nan nor Qin Tianjiu who did it.

There is another person involved in this matter, and this person's skill and scheming are simply not comparable to that of Yu Nan and Qin Tianjiu.

Following the hall master's instructions, Shi Boyu calmed down the matter immediately and secretly investigated for clues about the murderer.

According to the hall master's speculation, the murderer will soon reveal his true potential by letting down his guard.

As a result, the other party didn't reveal the truth and just took out the knife.

Now that the murderer has not revealed his clues, Zhong Desong got into trouble first.

No one is seen alive, no corpse is seen dead. Could this be done by the same person?

Why would this person take the initiative to attack Zhong Desong? Is he so crazy?

Where can this person go now?

Are you still in Ligou?

How can I find him?

While thinking about it, Shi Boyu suddenly felt a stifling heat and ordered his subordinate Xiao Mo (the helmsman's follower) to open the window.

A young boy came to the window and stretched out his hand, but could not touch the window.

He didn't dare to speak, so he could only push the invisible wall with all his strength.

Shi Boyu looked at the window impatiently, and a Dajiu (the leader of the helmsman) scolded: "I asked you to open a window, and it took you so long, how can you still do anything..."

Before he finished speaking, Dajiu suddenly noticed a trace of water under his feet.

"What kind of water is this..."

A young boy smelled the smell and exclaimed: "This is tea, this is Lao Zhong's magic weapon!"

Shi Boyu had never seen Lao Zhong's magic weapon, but only heard Sun Xiao'an mention it.

This magic weapon is very powerful. Zhong Desong once used it to kill a third-level cultivator and seriously injured a fourth-level cultivator. Obviously, it cannot be used head-on.

Shi Boyu hurriedly shouted: "Quick, go outside and hide first!"

The men heard this and did not move.

Shi Boyu said angrily: "You are all so deaf!"

He was about to leave the hall, but was blocked by an invisible wall. In shock, he heard a young man say from behind: "The helmsman, he is trapped by Lao Zhong's magic weapon. He can't get out. He is …”

Halfway through the words, Xiao Mo wailed and immediately jumped on the table, scalding his feet with the hot tea.

More than a dozen subordinates wailed continuously, some jumped on the sofa, and some jumped on the table.

Shi Boyu was a bit slow and was pulled onto the table by two of his subordinates. There were blisters under his feet.

Li Banfeng squatted on the beam, feeling that the situation was a bit strange.

According to shopkeeper Feng, Shi Boyu was born in Honggang and took over as the helmsman in Yaowanggou.

When it comes to beating with a red stick, why is Shi Boyu so weak?

Is it because my cultivation level is too low?

Shi Boyu's cultivation level is not low. He is a third-level cultivator.

But he is not a martial arts cultivator, a travel cultivator, or a physical cultivator with good skills. He is a third-level poison cultivator.

Shi Boyu stood on the table and shouted: "Does anyone know how to crack this magic weapon?"

Dajiu shouted: "Find the person who is using the teapot, grab the teapot, and don't let him rub it again, otherwise there will be no way to crack it!"

Sun Xiaoan told Shi Boyu about the method of cracking it, but Shi Boyu didn't remember it in his desperation.

After hearing what Dajiuyi said, Shi Boyu remembered it, but where was the teapot?

It must be in the hands of the enemy.

Where is the enemy?

Shi Boyu doesn’t know!

"Zhuzi, listen to the noise!"

Shi Boyu has a personal bodyguard named Kou Zhu, who is a first-level spy cultivator.

Kou Zhu listened for a long time but heard no movement.

Li Banfeng is a homebuilder on the second floor. With his talent of being a homebuilder who is easy to be ignored, he has escaped Kou Zhu's attention.

The water was getting higher and higher, and the feet of the disciple who stepped on the sofa were burned.

A disciple fell into the tea while wailing. After struggling twice, the skin and flesh on his body fell off, and there was no sound in the blink of an eye.

The water was about to reach the edge of the table. Dajiu initially protected the helmsman Shi Boyu, but Shi Boyu couldn't think of a way to escape. He could only think about himself first.

A red and spotted hard shell sprouted from Dajiu's back, and two black wings sprouted from under the hard shell.


Dajiu transformed into a ladybug, lifted his feet off the ground, and flew up.

He can protect himself and he will not die.

Unless Li Banfeng lets the water level keep rising until it reaches the roof of the house.

You know, the person using the teapot is trapped in a confined space. If the water level keeps rising, Li Banfeng will burn himself to death.

Dajiu looked down, looking at the pillar that had been scalded to death and the helmsman who was about to be scalded to death.

If the helmsman dies, he will definitely be implicated.

But no matter what kind of implication he gets, it's better than being burned to death here.

If it really doesn't work, just run away. One more day to live is one day.

"Ah~~" Kou Zhu wailed and died in the hot water.

Dajiu let out a sigh, and then felt that his wings were getting heavier and heavier.

He couldn't fly anymore.

Why can't I fly?

Dajiu focused his attention on the helmsman.

The helmsman, Shi Boyu, is releasing poison.

To find the teapot, you must first find the person holding the teapot.

If the person holding the teapot could not be found, he would be poisoned to death.

Shi Boyu's tactics are very clear.

But if he puts poison, it will kill everyone in the room.

Is it important?

For Shi Boyu, it is not important.

The lives of other people never mattered to him.


There were some sounds on the roof.

New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

When Shi Boyu looked up, he saw a woman with glamorous makeup, wearing men's clothes, squatting on the beam.

Yu Nan?

Is it really her?

This is not Yu Nan, this is Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng, who had been squatting on the beam, couldn't hold on anymore and almost fell down.

He was poisoned, and the three-level poison cultivation techniques almost made Li Banfeng lose consciousness.

He used his talent as a traveler to squat on the beam with difficulty and kept rubbing the kettle.

Li Banfeng's idea is very clear. At this time, it depends on who can last until the end, between him and Shi Boyu.

The kettle is still spraying water, the water level in the room is still rising, and the hot tea has flooded the table and seeped into Shi Boyu's shoes.

Shi Boyu endured the severe pain and ordered Dajiu to kill the woman on the beam.

Dajiu's face turned green, he glanced at Li Banfeng, the wings behind his back suddenly stopped waving, and he dove into the tea.

House cultivators are resistant to toxins. Li Banfeng has a second-floor house cultivator, and it is so difficult to withstand it. Dajiu is only a first-floor body cultivator, how can he sustain it.

Seeing Da Jiu fall at his feet, Shi Boyu fished him out of the hot water with one hand, placed him on the table, and then stepped on Da Jiu to buy himself some time.

Li Banfeng took out the blood-stained scissors from his waist and threw them at Shi Boyu.

This is a spiritual weapon. As long as it is not hit too far, it can cut off Shi Boyu's head.

Shi Boyu fished another corpse out of the water and blocked it in front of him.

The scissors cut off the corpse's head, and the head fell into the hot tea.

This is the difference between a spiritual weapon and a magic weapon.

Cutting off a person's head counts as completing the task. As for whose head it is, the scissors don't care.

Shi Boyu sprayed a mouthful of poisonous mist towards Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng jumped on the beam to dodge, but soon found that dodging was unnecessary.

The magic weapon was still operating, and with only such a large space under the invisible wall, the poisonous mist quickly spread.

The feeling of being poisoned on the Bitter Mist Mountain came back again, including dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision, and poor coordination...

Li Banfeng didn't dare to move any more. He might fall from the beam at any time.

How did you survive on the Kuwu Mountain?

He didn't make it through.

When this situation occurred, Li Banfeng couldn't bear it any longer and went back to his home.

Not only he couldn't stand it, but many people besides Xiaopang couldn't stand it.

Little fat...

By the way, Fatty’s blood!

There was Fatty's blood in the pendulum. Li Banfeng unscrewed the pendulum and drank the blood directly.

The dizziness was significantly relieved, and Li Banfeng rubbed the teapot vigorously.

The water level continued to rise, submerging Dajiu's body. Shi Boyu dragged another body, placed it under his feet, and continued to poison Li Banfeng.

Li Banfeng continued to drink blood, but this time the effect was not so obvious.

Xiaopang is a first-level food cultivator. His blood can strengthen the body, but it cannot remove toxins.

There is a huge gap between the first and third levels. The speed of physical strengthening is far less than the speed of toxin erosion.

Shi Boyu continued to salvage the corpses around him and put them under his feet. The corpses were stacked higher and higher, shaking a little.

Seeing Shi Boyu staggering, Li Banfeng wanted to wait for an opportunity to get close and kick him into the water.

A stream of green juice seeped out of Shi Boyu's body, flowed to his feet, and continued to spread along the body.

The corpses seemed to have developed a layer of glue, sticking together tightly.

What method is this?

Glue repair?

Li Banfeng was shocked.

This is not glue repair, this is the venom released by Shi Boyu that corrodes the corpse and makes the bones and flesh of the corpse stick together.

Shi Boyu, who has experienced hundreds of battles, still came up with countermeasures in such a bad battle situation.

The venom was much more powerful than the poisonous mist. If Li Banfeng dared to get close, he would be killed on the spot if he got even a little bit of venom.

Seeing Li Banfeng drink up the blood in the pendulum, Shi Boyu also fished out the last body he could get.

Li Banfeng's face turned green and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Shi Boyu smiled, he won.

Seeing how fast the water level was rising, Shi Boyu firmly believed that this charming woman would definitely fall from the rafters before the water level reached the last body.

When this person dies, the magic weapon will naturally become ineffective.

"I didn't want to burn myself to death, so I put the teapot away. When you drop it, it will be too late to regret it." Shi Boyu looked at Li Banfeng with a smile.

Li Banfeng didn't put the kettle away, he threw the kettle into the water.

Shi Boyu was startled and didn't understand what Li Banfeng was going to do.

His eyes were focused on the teapot, and he wanted to fish it out immediately.

Li Banfeng took the opportunity to take out the key and returned to his home.

The teapot was too far away for Shi Boyu to reach.

He raised his head and found that Li Banfeng was missing.

Where have you gone? Why did it disappear?

Shi Boyu lowered his head and looked at his feet. The water level was still rising.

Didn't the teapot fall into the water?

The teapot did fall into the water, but it would take five or six minutes for the teapot to stop pouring water. This is the characteristic of this magic weapon.

Shi Boyu shouted desperately: "Someone, come quickly! Someone is missing, hurry! Bring me the teapot, hurry!"

He is the backbone of the Jiang Xiang Gang. He rose to the third level in his early thirties and became the helmsman, with a bright future.

He won the trust of the hall master, and he believed that he would definitely accomplish something in Yaowanggou.

The boiling tea water covered the body and the feet.

Shi Boyu couldn't bear the severe pain and jumped up.

With this jump, the bodies stuck together under their feet collapsed.

Shi Boyu fell into the boiling tea.

Pain, unimaginable pain, Shi Boyu seemed to have fallen into a pool of molten iron.

With his third-level physique, he swam towards the table with all his strength. The moment he touched the table again, all the skin and flesh on his hands fell off.

As long as you catch that person on the rafters, you will surely become famous.

If you can catch the out-of-state person the gang is looking for, you can definitely become the hall leader.

I am the one who wants to be the leader of the hall, how could I just...

Shi Boyu lost consciousness in the boiling water.

Li Banfeng was vomiting constantly in his portable home.

PS: Saturday morning is so beautiful, dear readers, talk to Salad.

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