Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 479 Powerful

The 220,000 troops marched mightily to the western grasslands of the Kingdom of Sine. Nord could clearly feel the desolation and desolation here. Although the pastures were growing very vigorously, he did not see anyone here. Grazing is completely different from the scene around Lucca.

Nord seems to be able to smell the smell of blood from the air, especially in the evening, under the atmosphere of the setting sun like blood, the western grassland in Sine area is even more desolate, just the third day after Nord entered the occupied area , near a Sinnen gathering place, Nord saw a group of naked centaur warriors.

These centaur warriors are exactly as Nord believed. Their upper body is the torso of a strong adult man, but the lower body is a streamlined body of a war horse, and judging from their equipment, the centaur society The level is very low, and there are no such things as clothes.

Moreover, the weapon used is also a kind of bone spear, which seems to be taken from the body of their own kind. Compared with humans, these centaurs seem to be in a primitive society. After encountering these centaur squads, Nord immediately Let the knights under his command rush forward, wanting to test the specific combat effectiveness of these centaurs.

The Eagle Knights rushed out first, followed by the few Twilight Knights and Sine Gun Knights. The two knights of the Kingdom of Sine have not many members, because in these few wars In the middle of the battle, the two knight orders of the Kingdom of Sine suffered heavy casualties.

When they were in the city of Olilorisin before, the Dusk Knights suffered heavy casualties in the battle with the Dawn Knights, and then participated in the war with the centaur army again, so now the Dusk Knights are no longer in ten.

But their old enemy is even more miserable. The Dawn Knights have been wiped out by the soldiers of the Demon Kingdom. Although the two knights parted ways for some reasons, whether it is the Dawn Knights or the Twilight Knights, the beliefs of their members all the same.

In the face of difficulties, especially when they are in a desperate situation, their choices are the same and they will never compromise. Faced with such a big loss, the Dusk Knights still insist on participating in the next battle, without worrying about Dusk at all. Will the Knights be destroyed in this war?

But when he heard that the Dawn Knights had been wiped out by the Demon Kingdom, the head of the Twilight Knights didn't show any joy on his face. Instead, there was a little melancholy on his face. The relationship has always been endless, but when the Dawn Knights were really destroyed, they couldn't be happy.

Because the Knights of Dawn fulfilled their oath, just like the Knights of Dawn, they never compromised, and eventually the entire army was destroyed. Because of the unwillingness to admit defeat, the Knights of Twilight resolutely joined this battle, even among them Many of the knights were wounded all over their bodies. Even though there were not many members of the Twilight Knights, they still wanted to participate in this war.

But under Nord's command, these dusk knights may not be of much use, because the number of Eagle Knights in the Demon Kingdom has been expanded to 6,000, only limited by the limitations of war horses and considerations in terms of troop structure. De didn't make all of the elite department transfer to become a knight.

Because Nord needs them to become the cornerstone of the expansion of the army, Nord cannot recruit all the elite soldiers into the Knights, and the 200,000 troops under Nord still have to wait to be led by these elite soldiers. The middle and lower-level officers in the army are all these elite soldiers. With such a skeleton, Nord can easily fill it with soldiers.

In the face of ordinary wars, six thousand knights are enough. The largest Dawn Knights on the mainland before was only more than six thousand people. When he was a centaur warrior, he would definitely continue to recruit the Eagle Knights.

Before Nord felt that the members of the Eagle Knights were enough, but facing the centaur warriors who were born cavalry, the knights were a bit stretched, but it was too late to expand now, even if the Sine area can Support a lot of war horses for Nord, but it is too late for Nord to change jobs and train.

It takes at least three or four months of training for the eagle knights to change jobs. Compared with the training of other knights, the function of the Nord knight training camp is already very bad. Usually, it is impossible for a knight to use a few It took a few months to train, even with those elite soldiers who have fought many battles.

The members of the Eagle Knights went out, and the centaur squad with only a few hundred people in front turned around and fled. Knowing that the war horses under the command of the Sine Knights are definitely very good, they are definitely much stronger than the war horses of the Eagle Knights before they have been upgraded.

However, the upgrade function of the mount and slash system is still very powerful. These were very ordinary war horses, but after several upgrades, these war horses have become very good. Therefore, these ordinary war horses chased after the centaur warriors, and then the Falcon The knight kept shooting the fleeing centaur warriors with his excellent longbow.

Nord was also following behind on a horse, but after seeing the centaur warriors who were shot with arrows still running non-stop, Nord understood why these centaur warriors are so powerful, their bodies are very strong , can fully make up for the lack of equipment.

Falcon Knight has been chasing for a very long distance before destroying all these centaur warriors. Nord looked at the densely packed centaur warriors under him who were shot by bows and arrows, and was a little silent. If there are so many arrows in a normal person, They died a long time ago, but these centaur warriors ran a full dozen kilometers.

It is already so difficult for three thousand falcon knights to deal with hundreds of centaur warriors with bows and arrows in their hands. What would it be like to face thousands of centaur warriors? Nord did not dare to think about it, no wonder The troops of the Kingdom of Sine were defeated so cleanly before.

Nord's face is very ugly, because he feels that the next battle may be very difficult. These centaur army is definitely the strongest enemy Nord has encountered. No matter in terms of numbers or combat effectiveness, the centaur army is definitely very tough a bone.

Looking at the ferocious faces of the centaur warriors under the horses, Nord's eyes flashed with determination. No matter how powerful and difficult these centaur warriors are, Nord will not let the centaur army continue to continue in the Sine area. If they can't be completely wiped out, Nord will also drive out all these centaur troops.

As the Demon Kingdom's army continued to deepen, it encountered more and more squads of centaur warriors. Nord had no intention of showing mercy, and wiped out all these centaur warriors. The knights under Nord's command did not suffer any losses. Because after seeing the huge army of the Demon Kingdom, even the centaur warriors with a relatively low social level knew that they had absolutely no chance of victory, and escape was the only choice for these centaurs.

Thank you, please call me four tickets for Mr. Shenjingbing, one for Chunjiang_Qiuyue, one for Ma Jiahua, and two monthly tickets for Mianmian and Junwu.

Tomorrow I will finish and open a new book, ah, rushing.

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