Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 60 Insufficient manpower

Colin looked at Nord's back, feeling moved and guilty in his heart. Lord Nord is different from the nobles Colin knew before. In Colin's perception, the nobles are a group of moody people who hold the power of life and death , so you have to be very careful when dealing with them.

But Nord broke Colin's impression of nobles. Colin has never seen such nobles, kind, humble, sincere, and intelligent. Especially Nord still maintains his trust in Colin, which moved Colin very much.

"Master Nord, it is my honor to serve you, and I will not make such a mistake again."

Colin now knows well that Lord Nord has seen through all the tricks he played before. In order to maintain the status of himself and Tammy Village, he is completely indifferent to Nord's plan to develop the mountain. It seems that he will It is better to work diligently.

"It's good if you understand. I came to you today to arrange a new task for you. I hope that I can do it with my heart as before. Don't play tricks anymore. There is a saying in my hometown for you, called Great wisdom is like stupidity, smart people never show that they are smart, I hope you can understand."

Nord told Colin seriously that, to be honest, Nord valued Colin far less than Lehman and Reed brothers, but Colin, as their father, had a very unique status, which made Nord have to carefully consider what to do with him. Colin's handling, I hope Colin understands his good intentions.

"Thank you Lord Nord for your trust. I understand that if you are wise, the person who can say this must be a wise man. I am ashamed of my previous behavior."

Colin had a thoughtful look on his face when he heard Nord's words. Nord's words seemed to touch Colin's heart. Ever since Colin returned to Tammy Village as the village head, he knew that he was Tami. He is the smartest person in Micun, and he is complacent about it. He didn't realize until today that what he did before was like a funny clown in the eyes of Mr. Nord.

"Okay, Village Chief Colin, the past is over, and now we still need your help in building a brand new Tammy Village."

Nord looked at Colin with a smile, and the meaning revealed in the words was to let him not care about the past, but to look forward.

"Lord Nord, I admire your magnanimity, and I will do what you ordered with my heart in the future."

Hearing Nord's comfort, Colin assured Nord that he would never make such a mistake again in the future. Nord nodded, and then began to assign tasks to Colin.

"I found not only iron ore in the forest yesterday, but also a valley full of redbud trees. Today you can take someone there to pick some and make medicinal powder."

"In addition, the iron mine is about to start construction, and you have arranged a group of people to do some preparation work."

Hearing Nord's arrangement, Colin showed a embarrassed look on his face, and after hesitating for a while, he still opened his mouth to report to Nord.

"I will arrange for people to do it, but Mr. Nord, there are not enough people in Tammy Village."

Nord was stunned. Due to too many things these days, he even forgot about this problem. When building the manor before, Nord felt that there was not enough manpower. Sure enough, the population of Tammy Village was developed to the maximum limit.

But the problem of population cannot be solved in a short while, which is why Nord values ​​those cottages more, because they can provide Nord with a large number of people.

But the distant water can't quench the near thirst, and Nord may not be able to mobilize even the people from the distant cottages, let alone other cottages. We still have to find a way from other aspects. The previous development plan for the cottage cannot be changed. Nuo De thought for a while.

"Then suspend other work for a while, give priority to concentrating manpower, and build iron mines and various workshops first. As for the problem of insufficient manpower, I will slowly figure out a solution."

This is the only way Nord can think of so far that can not delay the development. There must be a trade-off and concentrate on building various workshops first.

"Understood, Master Nord, I will first withdraw some people who build roads and plant yams."

Nord nodded to Colin, signaling him to follow him to the location of the workshop.

In the workshop area to the east of the village, besides the blacksmith shop, the foundations of the other two workshops have been laid. It seems that the fur and carpentry workshops can open in a few days.

Butler Abel was already supervising the work of the villagers on the construction site early in the morning. When he saw Nord and Colin coming, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Master Nord, Village Chief Colin, why are you here?"

Colin smiled shyly at Abel butler. Nord didn't see Colin's expression behind him, and looked at Abel with a frown, his tone a little dignified.

"Abel, if you are asked to take people to the mountains to build mines and brick workshops, how long and how many people will it take?"

Although Abel didn't know the reason for Nord and Colin's visit, but seeing the dignified expression on his face, Abel couldn't help but feel a little worried for Village Chief Colin.

When the manor was built before, the relationship between Abel and Colin was okay. During this time, Abel was constantly persuading Colin to reflect on himself. It was Colin who took the initiative to build roads and collect medicinal powder under Abel’s suggestion. , Seeing them like this, Abel thought Nord and Colin hadn't settled.

But as a loyal steward, Abel did not plead with Nord for Colin. The duty of the steward is to help his master solve problems, not to cause trouble for them.

Abel did some calculations in his mind. No one knew better about these construction matters than him. Since he came to Tammy Village, Abel has been responsible for the construction tasks.

"It will take about three construction teams, and it will take about four or five days. As for how many people are needed to operate the brick workshop and mine, I don't know."

Nord nodded to show that he understood. Abel’s calculation should not be wrong. Looking at the workshop area, there are probably two or three teams. When the manor was built before, it was divided into six teams in total, and it is still in use now. See Now the manpower has reached a very tight point.

"Abel, you first draw two teams of villagers from here. Village Chief Colin, you go back to the village immediately and call all the other teams over. We must build the workshop in the next few days."

Abel and Colin glanced at each other. Abel gave Colin an encouraging look, which warmed Colin's heart. Just as they were about to leave, Nord stopped them again.

"Wait a minute, you guys will tell the villagers later that you have worked hard these two days, especially the villagers in the mountains and forests. You can pay more wages as a reward. You can decide how much, Abel."

Nuode rubbed the space between his brows, feeling a little worried. Since there are not enough manpower, we can only improve a little efficiency first. Only by working overtime can Nuode further stimulate the working potential of the villagers.

Thank you for your unwavering votes for my recommendation. This made me very moved. In fact, I have been very upset these two days. Because of the problem of recommendation slots, my new favorites have completely stagnated in the past two days. My mentality is a bit explosive. But I will not give up updating, maybe because my book is really problematic, I am already reflecting on it, and then I will speed up the pace, try to have as many conflicts as possible, to make the plot more beautiful, it was too dull a while ago, maybe I I am a newcomer with no experience, obsessed with farming, and did not take into account the tension of the plot. Please believe me, I will definitely work hard to write this book well, and finally ask for recommendation tickets to collect, reward and invest every day. Please, save the child!

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