"I grew up in Twin City before. After my parents passed away, I left Twin City to run around and slowly started to become a small businessman."

There was a look of nostalgia on Love's face, probably thinking of his ignorant years back then.

"It must have been tough, being out there alone."

Nord can understand Love's feelings, and now Nord can still taste the taste of loneliness from time to time.

"Yeah, it was very hard at the time, and I had to eat and sleep in the open. After the last meal, there might not be a next meal, but I didn't feel too sad at the time. It may be because I was young, but I just felt that it was very happy to run around. There were too many people. The unknown is waiting to be explored by yourself.”

Nord can see the smile and nostalgia in Love's eyes. Although he has been saying that life was very difficult at that time, Nord can still see that Love misses what happened back then.

"As I got older, I gradually stabilized later. I just started a small business between Christenburg and Twin City, which could solve my own food and clothing problems, but the problem that followed was that I couldn't Do not deal with all kinds of nobles."

Talking about dealing with nobles, Love also carefully glanced at Nord, worried that he would make Nord angry.

Nord also noticed Love's little expression. He is also very familiar with the virtues of the world's nobles, and his wool-weaving skills are very good. It is estimated that Love, a small businessman, has not lived so comfortably these years.

"I can see that you are living carefully now."

Hearing Nord's words, Love froze for a moment. Looking into Nord's eyes, Love had a feeling of being seen through. The hidden emotions in his heart for so many years seemed to be excavated by Nord. For a while, Love With mixed feelings in his heart, after a long time, Luo Fu sighed slowly, as if he had relieved the burden in his heart.

"Sometimes I really miss the days when I was hungry and full. At least I don't want to live so cautiously now, but I have no choice. Now I have many guys who rely on me for a living, and I can't let them down."

Nord saw a sense of responsibility from Love's eyes, which made Nord value Love even more. This sense of responsibility can allow Nord to hand over the task to him with confidence, and will not trust others.

"I can give you a chance to choose."

Love suddenly raised his head, his eyes were completely puzzled, he didn't know what Lord Nord meant in his words, could it be...

Nord did not say directly, but asked tentatively:

"How do you feel about Tammy Village now?"

Love had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure. He held back the excitement in his heart and thought carefully about the question Nord asked.

Although he just arrived today, Tammy Village gave Luo Fu a lot of shock. Looking at this familiar village, he gradually felt strange, especially seeing the busy but very happy smiles of the villagers. I don't admit it, but I still feel a little jealous in my heart.

Jealous of their busy but very stable life, jealous of them being able to meet such a benevolent lord, Love's heart that has been wandering for many years is really shaken today.

"Master Nord, I have to say that you are a kind-hearted nobleman. I am particularly surprised by the changes in Tammy Village. I am very eager to integrate into the thriving atmosphere."

Love was touched by the changes in Tammy Village, and also responded to Nord's subtle solicitation. At the same time, Love was also testing Nord to see if he really wanted to let himself do things for him.

Nord was not surprised that Luo Fu understood his meaning. Years of business experience must have given Luo Fu the ability to perceive words and emotions, but what made Nuode happy was the meaning revealed in Luo Fu's words, expressing his desire to join Tammy Village come in the ranks.

"Yes, the current Tammy Village is developing at a high speed, and there is a great need for talents like you. I formally extend an invitation to you, and hope that you can come to work under my command."

Hearing Nord's invitation, Love couldn't help but be overjoyed, his happy smile was beyond words, and his excited hands trembled a little.

"Okay... yes, Master Nord, I... I am willing to serve you, and it is my honor to serve you."

The smile on Love's face didn't last long, as if he had thought of something, hesitant expression appeared on his face, it seemed that Nord glanced at him, and was a little embarrassed to mention it to Nord, for fear of making Nord angry, but very Quickly, Love took a deep breath, and his face became firm. After a period of inner struggle, Love made up his mind.

"Master Nord, I have another question. If I work for you, what about my fellows? Maybe my request is too much. Can you accept them together? I guarantee that they are all very capable men .”

Nord once again raised his evaluation of Love in his heart. Sure enough, he did not misunderstand the person. Nord was still a little confused before. After seeing the change in Love's face, Nord's heart sank. He was worried that there might be some changes, otherwise Why did Luo Fu, who was smiling at first, suddenly become entangled.

But the words that followed dispelled the doubts in Nord's mind. Love did not abandon his buddy who had followed him for many years because of his own future. Hearing Love's tone, I am afraid that if Nord does not agree, today He will not play for Nord.

This is not a threat, it just shows Love's attitude and determination. Nord is not angry in his heart, and he will not think that Love is sitting on the floor, or being spoiled. Nord understands why Love does not give up his brother. , This actually made Nord appreciate Love even more. If you want to be rich, don't forget each other.

"I can't ask for it. If they are willing to follow you, I will accept them all. But if you listen to the task I gave you, you won't ask me this question."

Love had a smile on his face again, and his demeanor became more relaxed. He was happy for his old buddies in his heart. He could have a good future and bring his brothers with him. There is nothing happier than these. Nord even felt that Love was happier now than before.

"Master Nord, you are a wise lord, no matter what tasks you arrange, I will do my best."

"I want you to go to Christenburg to recruit people for me, and to find out the strength of the Christen family, do you dare?"

The way Nord came up with was to recruit some civilians from the shanty town of Fort Christen, and they would come here without indecent assault. Anyway, there must be a battle with the Christen family, so don’t worry about it, dig them as much as you want corner of the wall.

Nord's eyes were fixed on Love, and Nord didn't want to see fear in his eyes, so Nord would be disappointed.

But Love only had doubts and incomprehensions in his eyes. In fact, the nobles of this era don’t pay much attention to the problem of population. Instead, they think that too many people will waste food. They only care about how much tax they can receive, and they don’t care about how much their territory is Civilians, even if all the civilians are dead, they don't care, but they don't think about it, how can there be taxes without the civilians.

Thanks to the people of Songming Mountain for the reward. The investment rewards have been issued yesterday. Look at my chapter name. Brother Meng, don’t just eat alone. For the sake of seeing me working so hard to update steadily, share it with me. I'm starving to death, and the recommendation position is not very good, woo woo woo, I'm crying, I ask for recommendation tickets to collect, reward and invest every day. (;`)

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