Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 96 Building the South Shanzhai [First update] (for subscription)

A group of people climbed up the Southern Boundary Mountain with excitement. After hearing Lord Nord's reassurance, these mountain people finally felt relieved. Besides, they could also feel Nord's meticulous care for them along the way.

People's hearts are fleshy, Nord treats them sincerely, how can the mountain people not feel it, especially compared with the previous commander Scarface, it is simply a world of difference, the mountain people can feel who is Sincerely treat them well.

So after getting the guarantee from Nord, the mountain people dispelled their worries and decided to follow Lord Nord in the future. At least these two days of competition made them very happy to watch and made them look forward to their future life even more.

Soon, Nord brought the group of mountain people to the flat land before the South Boundary Mountain. Nord planned to let them clean up the bushes in this open space today, and then told Marco to hurry back Tammy Village.

The main task is to report to Tammy Village that it is safe, and then escort the butler Abel over, and bring some tools here by the way, because Nord is really a little powerless, and he didn't expect that managing these mountain people is such a troublesome thing, so he had to go back Please help, take Xitian Tathagata Buddha... oh no, specially invite Butler Abel to sit in charge.

Just when Nord entered the mountain, the previous work of Abel's housekeeper was coming to an end. The houses of this group of new villagers had basically been built, and these villagers had gradually learned the process. stared there.

Moreover, the tools used by these villagers in Nanshanzhai are also too crude. Nord saw that they were still using stone axes to cut trees, and it felt like the Neolithic Age. According to their efficiency, I am afraid that the whole winter has passed. Whether the house can be built is still a problem, so Nord still needs tools from Tammy Village, especially after the opening of Hansen's blacksmith shop, some apprentices can now make some simple tools, but the quality is not good enough, but they are barely usable , anyway, at least much stronger than the stone ax in Nanshanzhai.

So Marco's trip is imperative, he hastily bid farewell to Nord, and only brought ten soldiers of the guard, it seems that he can't wait to share the victory with the villagers.

At this time, Lehman told Nord that the mountain people had made a new discovery. It turned out that when the mountain people were clearing the bushes, they found some wooden piles buried deep in the ground. Nord walked in and realized that this should be A remnant of some kind of building, because it's clearly not a tree root in the soil.

Instead, it looks like a wooden stake driven into the ground. It seems that there was a cottage on this plain before, but it was abandoned or destroyed by someone later. Nord thinks that Harlan must know about it. , After Abel's housekeeper arrived, Nord planned to go to the remote village again to meet the wise old man.

But let’s settle these mountain people now, Nord told them to ignore these things and continue to clean up the bushes, but Nord still took a sneak peek at Wagner. When he came to this clearing, there was nothing on his face. Abnormal reaction, but I don't know if he really didn't understand, or pretended not to know, but Nord didn't force him to ask him. Instead of asking Wagner, Nord wanted to ask Harlan face to face.

With the efforts of everyone, the bushes on this piece of flat land were cleared up very quickly. The main reason was that there were so many people and strength, and four or five hundred people cleared it at the same time. It took a day for the mountain people to clean up the place.

The terrain of this flat land is indeed very superior. I didn’t expect that there would be such a flat land on the mountainside. After removing the shrubs, the whole land can be seen at a glance. When building a house, you don’t need to consider the terrain at all, just follow the flat land Build the same.

Moreover, the surrounding tall trees also block the cold wind blowing outside. If a bonfire is lit, the mountain people can persist in the days when there are no houses these days, and they don’t have to worry about getting sick due to the cold weather.

At night, the mountain people gathered around the bonfire according to their respective teams. Some mountain people still learned from yesterday's trials, wrestling each other's arms with their companions, watching them having fun, and temporarily forgetting the current conditions The hardships, and the sadness of being away from home.

Next, within two days before Abel's housekeeper came, Nuode took people to do some preparatory work, such as planning the two intersection roads and the large square in the center of the cottage. They rammed the foundations, and they had to find something to do anyway.

Don't be idle. It's not that Nord is cruelly exploiting them. It's that once people are free, they will think wildly and cause trouble. Especially for the hundreds of people now, if there is something wrong, they will make trouble. The simplest The way is to arrange work for them.

As long as you get busy, you won't have time to think about so many things, and you won't feel sad when you think about the things in Heimu Village before.

Fortunately, Steward Abel did not keep Nord waiting for too long. On the third morning after Marco left, Steward Abel rushed back with a crowd of people. There were quite a few people who came this time. They brought two construction teams from Tammy Village, and each of them carried large and small tools in their hands.

It seems that Abel is more considerate. The construction team in Tammy Village is considered to be rich in experience. It must be more efficient than these mountain people, and it can also play a role in bringing the old to the new, and can speed up the construction of the South Village.

After Butler Abel came, Nord was freed, and he didn't have to do so many things every day, as long as he grasped the overall plan, this kind of work became free.

After Butler Abel arrived, the efficiency increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few days, several small wooden houses were erected, and the mountain people in the South Village became busy and orderly. All are moving in the normal direction.

Seeing such a scene, Nord also has time to visit the Yuanshan Village. Nord wants to see it very much now. Harlan will be angry or helpless when he learns that Nord has built the South Village, but it will definitely be very funny.

Far cottage, Harlan's house.

Nord and Harlan sat opposite each other. Harlan's previous reaction disappointed Nord. Regarding Nord's choice, Harlan did not say much, or even if he had any thoughts, he would not express them easily. At least with Nord's schadenfreude expression on his face.

In the end, Nord couldn't hold on anymore, and asked Harlan on his own initiative.

"Harun, what do you think of my decision to move Heimu Village to South Boundary Mountain?"

"very good!"


There was a brief silence in the room, and Nord was a little speechless in his heart. Just two words, let Nord instantly think of several meanings. Is this a serious compliment to me? Or are you expressing dissatisfaction with me? Is it possible that you are playing tricks on me? Or all three?

Nord's mind turned, but Harlan saw through it all. He had a kind smile on his face, quietly looked at Nord who looked a little embarrassed, and spoke slowly.

"I don't mean anything else. You have indeed done a good job. The geographical location of Nanjie Mountain is very superior. You must have seen it. Although it will have some bad effects on Yuanshan Village, from your point of view Say, it's really good!"

Today's first update, thank you for your reward, and thank you for the monthly pass of Guiying Guiming. Today's update may not be so fast, but I guarantee that there will be no less than one of today's fifth updates. Yesterday's subscription is considered to be a It met my expectations, the first subscription was just over a hundred, and the subsequent chapter subscriptions are hard to describe... Haha, that's all I said, I hope everyone who still has a monthly pass can vote for me, thank you.

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