Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 153 Suppressing the Quasi-Legend

Afterwards, Imrik took out the locator of [Twilight Star], and undead creatures made by barbarians were summoned to the battlefield.

One, two, three.

In Ertu's unbelievable eyes, under the leadership of twelve zombie commanders, a total of 552 zombies of one life level appeared in front of him (the calculation method is in Note 1, I will not write the text, if you want to see it, You can check it out if you decide to make a party.)

Imrik chuckled lightly. With the increase of the self-created spell [Life Vortex], the upper limit of undead creatures he could control at this moment reached the level of a level 23 professional. With so many undead creatures serving as cannon fodder, even Ba Luo Yanmo is also going to have a headache.

But more than that, Imric once again summoned a large number of summons to join the battle. The vast army surrounded the Balor Fire Demon, without saying a word and looking at the demon in front of him in silence.

"Damn, this mage is so powerful." Balo Yanmo's face was uncertain. He was shocked by the exaggerated summons and the army of undead creatures in front of him. This is by no means something ordinary mage can do. It must have at least reached the level of To the point of being quasi-legendary.

Drizzt excitedly played with the two swords in his hands. Now the attackers and defenders had reversed, and it was the demon's turn to bear the huge pressure.

"kill him."

Imric ordered, and the huge summoned army rushed towards the Balor Balrog. Ertu roared loudly, and the muscles in his body tensed: "Who do you think I am!"

"I am the Balor Fire Demon! The secondary demon lord! The master of the Molten Land! The rightful owner of the Shattered Demon Crystal! How dare you, how dare you try to defeat me with these weak ants!"

Balor Balor shouted angrily, and the flames all over his body burned fiercely. He was extremely angry, not only because of the confident expression of the mage opposite him, but also because there was a slight fear in his heart.

"Burning Cloud Technique!"

Fire appeared.

It's not quite accurate to say fire. It was clouds and mist with the same color as fire, gathering in the air. Countless sparks and tongues of fire splashed out in the clouds and mist. With a "boom", the clouds exploded and formed a cloud. Huge flame-like mist.

It was like fire and mist, with extremely high temperature and extremely wide coverage. The summons and undead creatures around the Balor Balrog were all ignited by the smoke that was hotter than the flame, and burned to ashes alive.

With this move of Balor Fire Demon, more than two hundred summons were destroyed.

Imrik squinted his eyes. The power of this spell exceeded his imagination. If it were done again, all the summoned creatures would probably be dead.

We can't let him go on like this.

Imric made up his mind and raised a hand to aim at the Balor Balrog. The light sphere on his chest glowed extremely brightly.

Five-ring Druid magic: [Super magic instantaneous extremely effective and powerful penetration - freezing ray].

A perfectly shaped pentagonal ice crystal condensed from the air and appeared on Imric's fingertips. As the spell was completed, the ice crystal quickly rotated until its shape was completely unclear.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, the rapidly rotating ice crystal suddenly shot out a slender ice-blue ray. Wherever this ray passed, the air was condensed into ice, causing a long road of frost to appear in mid-air.

The [Freezing Ray] accurately shot on the chest of Barlow Balrog. The powerful and terrifying frost energy started from the demon's chest and spread to the whole body. Large swaths of ice appeared on the demon's body, even about to freeze him completely.

"Advanced Dispel Magic!"

When the ice was about to cover his head, Balor Balrog shouted a spell to lift the freezing effect of the spell.

Just as he was about to continue using [Burning Cloud Technique], Drizzt rushed over. He swung the frost scimitar in his hand, and it hissed like water dropped on fire, and it pierced Ertu's knee joint. The handle of the knife burned hot as it cut through the demon's flesh, almost burning Drizzt's hand. Then it suddenly became as cold as ice, as if it had extinguished Ertu's searing life force with its own chill.

The demon stared back in demented terror, then screamed in pain. It has never felt so painful! It jumped back and swung around wildly, trying to escape the terrifying attack of the knife.

But Drizzt, who had been enlarged more than ten times in size, was already strong enough to compete with Balor Balrog. He grabbed the scimitar tightly and used all his strength to fix himself with the scimitar stuck into Balor Balrog's knee bone.

Ertu raised the vortex sword in his hand and slashed at Drizzt frantically, but the scimitar held by Drizzt's other hand barely blocked his attack.

Fourth-ring spell: [Instant and extremely effective - Light of Heaven].

A door seemed to appear in the sky, and a strong and dazzling light rushed down, shining on the top of Ertu's head, as if it was corroded by sulfuric acid. Ertu screamed violently in this powerful positive energy, and his whole body was exposed to risks. The vaporized smoke came out.

He finally couldn't bear the pain, and pulled hard, breaking half of his calf. A large amount of blood flowed to the ground, making a "sizzling" sound, and Ertu rolled away from the Kingdom of Heaven. [Light], but the heavy injuries and the weakening caused by [Weak Energy Spell] made it miserable.

"Look, great Lord of Chaos, you are still going to die." Imric slowly walked towards him and said with a smile. The mage raised a hand and a light flashed again.

Three-ring magic - [Devil's Elegy].

An invisible positive energy suddenly appeared in Ertu's body and exploded. Ertu vomited blood. He felt that his internal organs were burning in the terrifying lava. But for Balo Balrog, the magma was also It's just hot water. This is an energy more terrifying to demons than magma.

As Imrik walked, he kept throwing out magic spells that specifically attacked demons. Ertu had completely lost his ability to resist at this time, and the spell resistance on his surface had no effect. [Devil's Elegy] easily caused Ertu's body again and again. An explosion of positive energy.

By the time Imrik walked up to Ertu, Ertu's body had been completely burned by positive energy. Even with the devil's unreasonable recovery ability, he was lying on the ground dying, unable to even speak. Come out, because his throat is also burned by positive energy.

"Cut off his head, Drizzt," Imric said with a smile.

The dark elf came over. At this time, he had returned to his original size. He raised his scimitar and said, "I am happy to oblige."

Just when he was about to take action, the devil struggled and uttered threatening words: "Don't be so proud. It's just a shame. You have expelled me. It's only been 99 years. I will come back!"

After saying that, the demon cut off his life and his body turned into a ball of light. Imrik's face changed drastically. He felt a powerful energy gathering and quickly pulled Drizzt back.

A huge explosion occurred, killing all the surrounding undead creatures. A [Force Field Wall] was erected in front of Imrik, blocking the aftermath of the explosion.

Imrik squinted his eyes. This is where demons are difficult to deal with. Those who come to the main material plane are their projections and cannot be completely killed. Even if they are killed once, they will be resurrected 999 years later. Although they are powerful drop.

But Ertu is a secondary demon lord, and the Will of the Abyss has special privileges for him. His strength will not drop significantly after death, and it only takes 99 years to come and project to the main material plane again.

But Imric is not worried, not to mention that if he wants to run away, no one can stop him, not to mention that now he can defeat this Balor Balrog. After 99 years, I am afraid he can even run away. The abyss pulled out his true form and destroyed him.

Life level 9 + spell 5 + brown bear soul 9 = 23. The upper limit of undead control is double life level, which is 46. 46 life level can control twelve corpse monsters with only four life levels as undead lieutenants, 46×12=552 .So 552 zombies can be controlled through the zombie.

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