Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 167 Meteor Explosion

Their strong obsession with spells causes them to engrave spells on every scale on their bodies. These scales are like spell scrolls, and the spells in them will be preserved forever if not used.

If the spell-storing dragon is willing, they can cast all the spells on their scales at once at any time. The storage capacity of a spell-storing dragon's scales is approximately equal to his daily spell slots. In other words, each spell-storing dragon can Has double spell slots.

"White Dragon, hand over Drac's Horn, otherwise, I will replace my lord Lathander and bring glory to you!" The holy sword in Jerome's hand emits a strong light, and he takes it coquettishly. A dazzling silver helmet filled with divine radiant energy.

Arauther Bingjiao glanced at him disdainfully. As a magic-storing dragon and an ancient white dragon, he did not think that this paladin who believed in peacocks could punish him.

"Stupid golden dragonborn, let's take you and your stupid god's faith and fall into the nine hells!" Arauther took a deep breath, and sprayed out a stream of extremely low-temperature freezing cold water from the huge dragon's mouth. The breath of this ancient white dragon freezes the air into ice cubes, even on the ice and snow.

Hearing the white dragon's blasphemy against Lathander, Jerome angrily picked up the holy sword. He rolled sideways to avoid the breath, and the holy sword in his hand burst out with extremely strong light and rushed towards Arauther.

"Advanced to the Holy Slash!!"

The holy sword ignited with blazing flames. The white dragon swung out its huge claws and collided with the small holy sword. However, the holy sword and the flames on it easily cut off the hard nails and penetrated deeply into the dragon's claws. .


The white dragon was in pain and withdrew its claws, but the holy sword was too small compared to the white dragon's size, and the damage caused was not worth mentioning. The white dragon swung its tail hard and knocked Jerome away. up in the air.

Seeing that Jerome was injured, Zach anxiously picked up the war hammer and rushed forward, but Bailong just looked at him with disdain, and one of the scales on his body shone slightly, then dimmed.

Fourth-ring spell——[Ice Storm].

Countless hailstones mixed with hurricanes surrounded Zach. The dwarf struggled to hold the shield in his hand over his head to resist the hail attack. The white dragon flicked its tail again, whipping Zach away like a long whip.

Suddenly, he noticed that the mirror in the hand of the bard in the distance shone brightly, and a figure appeared from it, a mage wearing a gorgeous black robe.

Alauser narrowed his eyes slightly, a little unsure of the origin of the mage who appeared in the mirror.

The mage greeted him: "White Dragon, where is Drak's horn."

Arauther suddenly realized that it was another human being who came to snatch the artifact. He did not answer, but coldly said in dragon language: "Bigby High Five."

An invisible force field appears and forms a palm. The force field palm formed by this six-ring plastic spell is extremely powerful. Combined with the damage of the force field attribute, it is enough to make any mage's spell resistance useless. It is a countermeasure. Very wise spells for mages.

The force field palm flew quickly towards Imric. At the same time, another scale on Alauser's body lit up, and a red light shot towards the mage.

Fourth-ring spell——[Mind-Retarded Spell].

Imrik didn't make any move, he just looked at the two powerful spells flying towards him indifferently. An invisible [Force Field Wall] suddenly appeared in front of him, and the powerful [Bigby Flying High Five] slapped it hard. On top of the force field wall, his power was exhausted, but the force field wall also disappeared.

The moment the ray of [Retarded Spell] was about to hit Imrik, [Teleport Spell] was activated, and the figure of the black-robed mage disappeared from the place and appeared hundreds of meters away.

Alauser couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that both spells didn't work. Counting the scales on his body, he still had five sixth-level spells and a large number of low-level spells. Therefore, although the two spells were cracked, he was still I am confident that I can defeat this mage by relying on my spells and my own true dragon physique.

"You guys! Get rid of that paladin and his companions!" Arauther ordered the ice trolls and kobolds around him to attack Jerome and others who had recovered at this time. He wanted to concentrate on dealing with the mage in front of him.

"Level 6 Monster Summoning Technique!"

Alauser chanted dragon language and summoned a huge water element. In this ice-covered sea, the water element could receive extremely powerful bonuses.

Imrik chuckled, he had never been afraid of anyone other than summoning.

He pointed casually, and the command fire element ring in his hand emitted a strong light, and the [Level 5 Monster Summoning Technique] was activated. After the increase of the fire element ring, the medium fire element was strengthened into a large fire element.

The summoned water element was furious when he saw the ring and the fire element in Imric's hand. The water in his body rippled. He summoned a huge water column from the sea and shot towards the fire element.

"No, no, no, be fair." Imrik said softly, and the Shattered Magic Crystal activated its power.

Nine-ring energy evocation spell - [Meteor Explosion]!

Imrik was suspended in mid-air, and four huge molten fireballs the size of tires appeared around him. He pointed casually, and the fireballs hit the surroundings of the water element and the white dragon.

Arauther's eyes widened. He didn't expect that this mage could actually cast nine-ring spells. He broke into a cold sweat. Even as an ancient white dragon, he still had to be careful when facing the power of [Meteor Explosion].

Another scale on Arauther's body was extinguished, and his figure flashed, appearing on the iceberg peak a thousand meters away. He chose to use [Teleportation] to avoid its sharp edge.

Four huge molten fireballs bombarded the ice, and the fusion of water and fire caused a terrifying explosion.

Flames and lava were flying in the sky, covering nearly a thousand square meters of the battlefield. Imric deliberately moved the [Meteor Explosion] away from Jerome and others, but the terrifying explosion shock wave still hit all the kobolds around Jerome. Blown to the ground.

The extremely hot flames melted the ice crazily, forming water vapor all over the sky. Violent earthquakes occurred on the iceberg island, and it seemed that the entire Iceland was falling apart.

Imrik pointed casually, and a strong wind appeared, blowing away all the water vapor. Arauther saw the ground bombarded by the [Meteor Explosion], and his eyelids jumped. The center of Iceland had completely disappeared, and a huge ball A hollow appeared in place, and beneath it was the deep and endless sea of ​​floating ice.

Imrik's spell blasted a huge hole out of the entire Iceland!

The consequences of the high temperature are still spreading, and the constantly breaking ice indicates that this iceberg island may no longer be able to support a second bombing.

The large fire element was leisurely in the high-temperature steam. It rushed into the ice trolls, spraying flames everywhere, burning these fire-fearing monsters and running around with their heads in their hands.

[Super Magic Expansion—Dimensional Anchor].

Imric cast a large-scale dimensional anchor, covering the iceberg. Standing on the top of the iceberg, Alauther felt breathless. Now he must face a fight to the death with a mage who can cast nine-ring spells. situation.

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