Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 172 Harvest a large number of high-level spells

"It's really troublesome." Imrik looked at the magic ball in front of him and said with a headache. He had just used [Advanced Dispel Magic], but it didn't work. This powerful nine-ring spell is obviously not that easy to solve. .

Imric looked at the mage in the distance. Since he couldn't solve the magic, he should just solve the person who cast the magic.

"Protunse!" Imric took out a golden ball and shouted to the golden dragon.

[Instant spell lasting - God's Blade! ], combined with [Imric's Legendary Spell Enhancement], the spellcasting level instantly reached level 24. The God's Blade strengthened the golden dragon's claws to the power level of a +6 magic weapon. The golden dragon accidentally placed the dragon's claws on it. On the ground, a deep mark was cut out like cutting through butter.

The golden dragon excitedly raised the strengthened dragon claw in front of him to study. The terrifying sharp aura even made his eyes feel a sting. The golden dragon roared and rushed towards Argus. The huge dragon claw carried a huge force from Shot hard from the air.

Agus laughed disdainfully, a low spell sounded, and an invisible force field wall appeared in front of the mage. But what Agus didn't expect was that the +6 weapon enhancement could break through the force field's defense. The shining magic aura produced an effect like a dissociation spell, completely tearing apart the force field wall. Argus's face changed drastically, but the dragon claw that was about to hit him could no longer make him think about anything.

[Teleport] was activated, and Argus's figure disappeared and appeared hundreds of meters away, but the purple-robed priest was not so lucky. Facing the golden dragon's claws, he only had time to pray to the gods before he was killed. The huge dragon claw was smashed into pulp.

"Damn it, how is it possible? Why can you break through the force field wall!" Argus' face turned ugly. The death of the purple-robed priest made him a little afraid of the revenge of those lunatics of the Dragon Witch Cult. He once again flipped the ring angrily, and the powerful Spell energy gathered in his hands.

Nine-ring energy evocation spell - [Bigby's Shattering Palm]!

A palm formed by a huge force field appeared. Under the control of Argus's will, the palm of the force field slowly struck the golden dragon from the air.

Imric activated the power of the broken magic crystal, and a same nine-ring evocation spell appeared.

[Ultimate Sky Wrath Fist]!

A thick dark iron fist appeared in the air. The iron fist was filled with the aura of darkness and hegemony. Huge power appeared in the iron fist, and it dropped hard towards Argus.

Seeing this, the Conjuration Master had no choice but to call back [Bigby's Shattering Palm], using a huge force field palm to resist the Dark Iron Fist's attack.

"Boom!" The Dark Iron Fist collided with the force field palm. A huge shock wave appeared from the contact surface and spread to the surroundings. The huge smoke covered the battlefield.

"Extremely effective and powerful - weak energy technique!"

A ray of green light shot out quickly from the smoke and shot at Agus. Agus's face changed drastically, but it was too late to avoid it. The powerful immortal energy of weak energy hit Agus, and he felt a steady stream of power. He is losing his strength and his caster level.

"No!" Argus wailed. His caster level has been reduced from level 17 to level 13. A large number of eighty-nine-level spells have lost the conditions for casting. Not only that, [Weak Energy Spell] is still continuously absorbing his energy. strength.

【Retarded technique! 】.

Another spell was shot from Imric's hand. This sinister spell that could reduce intelligence required a Will save, but Argus's poor condition at this time gave him no chance to save from this spell. Argus's intelligence was reduced to 1. point.

Seeing Argus there like a fool, "Abba, Abba." Imrik couldn't help laughing. The mental retardation spell is indeed the natural enemy of mages. No mage is willing to let himself become such a fool. look.

"What to do with this magic ball." The golden dragon flew over at this time, pointing at the ultimate destruction magic ball in the distance and asked, Imrik waved his hand and said: "Let it exhaust its power on its own, and it should disappear. "

Afterwards, Imrik took Argus and entered the mage tower.


The legendary spell was activated again. With a little intelligence, Argus was controlled by this spell without any resistance.

"Tell me, where is your spell book." Imrik asked. He had been looking forward to this spell master's spell book for a long time.

Argus took out a spell book and handed it to Imric. Imrik looked through it casually and found that there were indeed a large number of advanced spells that he had never seen before.

Among them, the five-ring spells include: banishment, summoning a group of timid demons, summoning a group of evil demons, freezing fog, and exploding emerald.

The six-level spells include: splitting, advanced dispelling magic, anti-biological force field, sealed portal, rainbow eye, and shadow sky.

The seven-level spells include: anti-magic ray, banishment, immunity to energy damage, ruby ​​reversal ray, dragon alliance, lightning storm, Mordenkainen's mansion, teleportation, seventh-level monster summoning, and advanced teleportation.

The eight-level spells include: Rainbow Light Wall, Wild Lions, Festantan Tilus's Portal, Burning Cloud, Labyrinth, Advanced Alien Oath Binding, Advanced Alien Teleportation, and Eighth Level Monster Summoning. Soul trapping technique.

The nine-ring spells include: Bigby's Shattering Palm, Ultimate Destruction Sphere, Disaster Blade, Gate to Another World, Higher Dragon Oath, Legion of Heaven, Legion of Hell, and Legion of the Abyss.

Imrik put away the spell book. Today was a great harvest. Even for Imrik today, it is very precious to have so much high-level spell knowledge at once.

Imrik sat down cross-legged. After these few months of careful instruction from the Magic Crystal, he was about to level up again. After half an hour of meditation, Imrik's spellcaster level broke through to level ten.

"Is there any way I can speed up my upgrade, Clinshinibon." Imric opened his eyes and asked about the broken magic crystal. He was a little dissatisfied with his slow upgrade speed.

"Great Master, there is no shortcut to improve the caster level, unless you find those books that contain a lot of mysterious knowledge and read them through, such as the Book of Chaos, the Book of Darkness, the Book of Arcana, etc., they can all allow you to Immediately increase the caster level by one level." Broken Demon Crystal replied.

Imrik nodded thoughtfully. It seems that books containing a lot of mysterious knowledge should pay more attention to this information in the future.

"Master, the madmen from the Dragon Witch Cult have summoned a large number of colorful dragons in the Well of Dragons. If you want to go, it is recommended that you be prepared." Argus has regained his consciousness at this time, and the legendary spell [Slavery] is powerful. The effect was to make him completely surrender to Imrik.

Imrik chuckled. This time the combined army was joined by several top forces in the Sword Coast. Unless the Dragon Witch Cult summoned their gods, there was basically no chance of winning.

I'm yang, I have a high fever.

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