Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 176 Archmage Staff

"What is that?" Imrik asked.

Argus looked at the staff in the hands of the supervisor in the mirror and said with envy: "Master, that is the legendary secondary artifact, the Archmage Staff. It has a large number of high-level spells engraved on it. By consuming the energy in it, you can Release these spells."

He then explained to Imric the specific capabilities of the Archmage's staff.

This staff has a maximum charge of fifty rounds. Some spells require charging and some do not.

Spells that do not require charges include:

·Detect magic


·Sealing the door


·Mage Armor

·Hand of the Mage

The following abilities consume one shot:

·Dispel magic


·Ice storm



·Lightning beam

·Wall penetration



·Spider Web

The following abilities consume two rounds

·Level 9 Monster Summoning Technique

·Transportation to other worlds


It can be said that the ability is extremely powerful. Although the spell table is much worse than the broken magic crystal, it is better because it has more charging energy. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"No wonder." Imrik nodded thoughtfully. He had also heard about this artifact. It is one of the few mage artifacts that has been proven to be replicable. Even on the continent of Faerûn, there are more than one. exist.

"However, even the person in charge of Ser is not worthy of possessing such an artifact. This may be an artifact belonging to a certain Chief of Ser and was borrowed to support the Dragon Witch Cult." Agus deduced.

On the battlefield, the supervisor is still massacring the human coalition forces with this staff. Even the arcane knights sent by the elven forces cannot sustain for long in the face of this offensive.

Naturally, Imric would not sit still and wait for death. He called the broken magic crystal in his heart and ordered it to cast an extremely powerful evocation spell.

Nine-ring energy evocation spell——[Rainbow Rainstorm]!

The supervisor in the distance stopped. As a powerful mage of level 19, his keen intuition allowed him to smell a different smell. Magic power was surging and violent, and some powerful spell was being cast.

On a clear sky, light rain suddenly began to fall, and strands of light fell from the sky like raindrops, each drop exuding crystal clear charm.

The supervisor looked at the scene in front of him and seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was. After a long time, his expression suddenly changed. He remembered a nine-ring spell recorded in an ancient book, which was very similar to the scene in front of him. resemblance.

The supervisor quickly set up layers of protective spells for himself. No matter how sensitive a mage is to spells with unfamiliar and unknown effects, they cannot be overestimated.

At this time, more and more light rain fell from the sky. The monster coalition in the valley raised their hands curiously and tried to catch these light rains, but they were invisible and without substance.

Then, in the dazzling rain of light, the Magic Crystal Tower summoned a huge, shining rainbow on the horizon.

As soon as the rainbow appeared, it emitted thousands of colorful rays of light, seven-color rays of light shot towards the monster army, and a column of light with rainbow-like colors swept from left to right.

These rainbows look beautiful, but their power is actually terrifying and painful. Each color has a different power. All the monsters caught in the light beam suffered different effects. Some were burned alive by the flames, and some were killed by the flames. Corroded by strong acid, some were turned into coke by lightning, some were petrified into stone, some became lunatics running around, and some just disappeared into the main material plane after a flash of purple light, without knowing their whereabouts. .

This rainbow-like beautiful spell killed more than two thousand monsters in one blow. A large number of kobolds were scared to run around because they were afraid of the power of this spell, until they were killed by the giant at the end of the army holding a wooden stick. After beating dozens of people to death with the stick, he finally stabilized.

"What a beautiful power." Argus sighed in the Magic Crystal Tower as he saw the beautiful scenery outside the tower through the mirror.

Imrik stopped moving after releasing the spell. He looked at the red-robed mage in the distance with interest. Protected by the magic crystal tower, he was already invincible. Unless it was a legendary spell, he would not be able to win. It is possible to break through the defense of the magic crystal tower, and you can pour countless magic powers into it.

The person in charge looked ugly, and looked at the Magic Crystal Tower again. He knew that he had to deal with the mage in the tower, otherwise the other party would hide inside and cast spells at will, and his own army would not be able to bear it. Don't forget, the ten demons in the sky The dragons have not yet decided the winner, but there is a high probability that the evil five dragons will not be able to win. The gap in strength is not easy to make up, and they must gain the advantage on the ground.

The supervisor picked up the cane and tapped it lightly, and activated the [Level 9 Monster Summoning Technique]. A 40-foot-tall fire element elder was summoned. The furious fire element elder was ordered by the mage to attack the human coalition forces with his will. Then, he began Concentrate on chanting spells and prepare to attack the magic crystal tower.

His figure flashed and appeared near the Magic Crystal Tower.

"Extremely effective - dissociation technique!"

The supervisor knew that in the face of this unknown substance and unknown defense, dissociation was always the best way. He strengthened the super-magic extreme effect and used a nine-ring spell slot to cast [Extremely Effective Dissociation].

Thick dark green rays shot out from the staff in his hand and hit the magic crystal tower not far away. However, when the [Extremely Effective Dissociation Technique] he had high hopes for came into contact with the magic crystal tower, no changes occurred. The magic crystal Only a trace of light was generated on the surface of the tower, sweeping down a layer of aperture from top to bottom, cleaning away all the dust.

"How is that possible!" The supervisor was shocked. He didn't expect that something could defend against the disintegration ability of [Extremely Effective Dissociation Technique]. Then he had a bad premonition that he seemed to be too close to the enemy's base camp.

The supervisor immediately prepared to use teleportation to leave, but it was already too late.

[Dimensional Anchor].

An invisible space barrier covered the surroundings of the Magic Crystal Tower. The supervisor's face turned pale. He felt that his [Teleportation Technique] had failed. As a powerful mage at level 19, he guessed that the other party had used [Dimensional Anchor]. .

"Do you think you can defeat me?" The supervisor yelled angrily. Then, he forced himself to calm down and began to chant a spell.

However, just as the spell was halfway through, the top of the magic crystal tower lit up again, and several thick bolts of lightning struck the mage. The supervisor had no choice but to give up chanting, and raised the ring on his left hand to trigger [Higher Endurance Elemental Energy (Thunder) ], blocking the power of the five [Lightning Beams] that suddenly appeared.

The supervisor felt a little helpless. He seemed to have made a bad move and fell into the opponent's control. He could not escape, but there was nothing he could do about it. Even the [Extremely Effective Dissociation Technique] could not break through the substance. The supervisor saw that I've never seen one before, not to mention that most spellcasters don't have the unlimited casting distance of the Magic Crystal Tower, so they simply can't cast spells from such a distance.

The supervisor gritted his teeth and looked at the huge magic crystal tower in front of him. The heavy magic power radiated from the tower, making him breathless.

There is one more chapter, I am still writing, I am dizzy, I am writing slowly, please forgive me.

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