Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 182 Ring of the North Wind

"Where have they gone?" Imrik asked in his heart, his voice as cold as the river water in winter, biting to the bone.

The broken magic crystal replied: "I'm not sure. The golden dragon transformed by the paladin may have exerted some power to take away the exploded body of the Dragon Queen."

"Is there any danger?"

Broken Demon Crystal said hesitantly: "It depends on where they are going."

Imric looked into the distance and sighed. The black-robed figure looked quite lonely among the crowd.

"Xiao Yi! Xiao Yi! Where is Jerome! Where has he gone!" Everyone from the Dragonlance Adventure Group ran over, and Domira asked anxiously.

Imric licked his chapped lips and said nothing. He didn't know how to answer. He didn't even know whether Jerome was alive or dead.

He tightened his robe tightly, and the power of the god brought a cold wind. The cold wind was as sharp as a knife, freezing the body and mind to a solid state.

Finally, he turned to look at them: "I will find him."

The mage's promise sounded as light as a feather, but everyone in the Dragonlance Adventure Group felt relieved after hearing this. They believed that this friend who had always seemed omnipotent, if it were him, would definitely be able to find Jerome. of.

Imrik didn't speak anymore. He stared blankly at the blood stains and dragon scales on the ground in the distance. He only felt that his mind was confused.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his heart.

"Mortal, are you willing to do me a favor?"

Imrik was so frightened by the voice that he raised his head suddenly, looked around, and then asked cautiously in his heart: "Who are you?"

"I have many names, Platinum Dragon God, Lord of the North Wind, Heavenly Dragon Paladin, Guardian of Pure Spells, etc. You can also call me - Bahamut."

Imrik was shocked, this is the unknown god!

"What help do you want from me? With all due respect, I'm just a little level 10 mage." Imrik said with careful words.

Bahamut's chuckle sounded in Imric's heart: "You are not simple, mortal. You are the first mortal that I can't see through. When I came here, I focused my attention on When it comes to you, do you know what feedback you give me? You are a mortal, a mortal with no power."

"But I know that you are not. In the multiverse, there are too many mysterious mortals like you who will eventually achieve great achievements. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that you were one of them. I even There is no need to expend divine power or travel time, and I can guess that your future will be bright."

"Mortal, accept my commission. I will increase your power. In exchange, you will go to Avernus, the first level of Baator Hell, for me to find my beloved chosen ones."

Imrik felt something in his heart after hearing this, and asked, "Is he in hell?"

Bahamut confirmed: "Yes, that is the devil's territory. Even I cannot bring him out unless he relies on himself or a power that even God cannot possess."

Imric understood at this time that he had the power to travel freely, which even a god could not possess. Only he could bring Jerome out.

"I am willing to help you, great god." Imric nodded and agreed readily.

Bahamut smiled with satisfaction and said: "In this case, I will give you the reward in advance. O lucky human being, try to walk on the road of becoming immortal. I look forward to the day when you join us. "

Subsequently, a stream of pure power continued to pour into Imrik's body. Imrik felt that his mental power became stronger, purer, and even broader. His brain thinking became clear, and countless incomprehensible things were revealed. The spell model is now easily understood at a glance.

Under the power of God, Imric's mage level jumped four levels in a row, reaching level 14 in an instant.

"I can only do this, mage. Spells are not my domain, mortals. Another point is that your spell power will be greatly limited in a hell without a magic network.

But I know that you seem to have an inseparable relationship with the magic network. This is a secret that even the goddess of magic does not know. Only the gods who are really watching you can barely peek through the curtain.

Take this, it will protect you in hell, and prevent you from beings like me discovering your secrets. "Bahamut's voice then disappeared into the cold north wind, and an exquisite platinum ring remained in place.

Imrik was shocked at this moment. Is the power of God so omnipotent? He always believed that there is no shortcut to the improvement of a mage, but now with the power of God, he really became a 14th-level mage, and even There was no difference. His mind automatically learned all the spell models he had mastered, and the mental power in the magic network perfectly withstood the pressure of the seven-ring magic network.

"Now, I have the confidence to go to hell." A smile appeared on Imrik's lips, and he would bring Jerome back from the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire.

Then, he picked up the ring from the ground and put it on his hand. In the dark, he understood the ring's ability.

Name: Ring of the North Wind.

Level: Advanced artifact.

Ability: With the rules of the North Wind's hidden divine power, the holder disappears from the sight of the gods.

Imrik was pleasantly surprised and quickly asked about the meaning of the artifact, the Magic Crystal.

"Master, this is a good thing. In hell, the magic network does not exist. If you exert the power to create the magic network, it is likely to attract the attention of powerful beings. After all, everyone will be curious about the sudden increase in energy in their home. What is the situation of the source, but with it, no god can find you in it, unless he sees you creating the magic net in real time with the naked eye on the spot. Because this artifact can put the holder in the omnipotent vision of the god disappear."

"Then I can also spread the magic net in the kingdom of heaven?" Imrik asked curiously. He had been coveting the charging time of the magic crystal for a long time.

After hearing this, Shattered Demon Crystal stopped him seriously: "It's best not, Master. First of all, the Goddess of Magic is an extremely powerful god, not on the same level as the Lord of Hell. Secondly, divine power is omnipotent. If the Goddess of Magic is willing to spend a lot of money, Divine power can still break through the defense of the Ring of the North Wind."

Imrik waved his hand after hearing this, he was just asking casually.

"Let's resurrect these dragons first." Imrik casually cast a few five-ring magic [Resurrection of the Dead], and the four slain true dragons were instantly reborn.

However, due to the price of death, the strength of each true dragon is greatly reduced after resurrection, and the entire body shrinks.

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