Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 187 A pleasant bloody battle.

The two Imrik came to the tent of Squadron 137 and Squad 69. According to the devil, besides them, there were already three mercenaries joining them.

In the tent, three mercenaries were resting. A man with horns on his head was wearing a warlock uniform. He was a tiefling.

A humanoid creature made of wood and steel, with green eyes shining like a robot.

The last one was a man who looked like a human, but his skin was pale, showing two sharp fangs, and his pupils were dark.

"A tiefling, a vampire, and a... wooden lump?" Drizzt couldn't help but laugh.

The wooden lump suddenly made a buzzing voice and said: "You are so rude, Drow Elf, I am a machine man."

The tiefling stood up at this time, smiled and said: "He is a construct, from a world called [Eberron], we all call him Banhammer."

Imric nodded with a smile and said: "Hello, I am a level 14 mage, just call me Imrik. This is my companion, Drizzt, he is an eighteenth level warrior and Ranger.”

The pale man on the side made a tut-tsk sound at this time and said: "Oh my God, a 14th-level mage is here to participate in the bloody battle? You didn't accidentally enter hell and don't have the money to leave here, right?"

The tiefling interrupted at this time: "Yes, this, Imrik, I am a 17th-level warlock, this Rudolf is a 19th-level warrior, and Banzhao is a warrior who has taken up the profession and It's a level 17 mechanism structure. It might be a bit dangerous for someone with your strength to come here."

Imrik chuckled and did not answer. This was the bloody battle, the place where the largest war in the multiverse took place. There were all kinds of people.

"I'm here to find my companion. His name is Jerome, a dragonborn paladin." Imrik said.

"Jerome? I don't think I've seen it before." The tiefling scratched his head and thought hard for a while.

At this time, the machine man Ban Zhui buzzed on the side: "I have seen it before, can he turn into a golden dragon?"

Imric nodded quickly after hearing this, and Ban Hammer continued: "He was assigned to the legendary level team and has been on missions for several days."

"Legend?!" the vampire on the side yelled, and he said loudly: "Is your friend a legend? Oh my God! No wonder you come here to find him. Let him take you out of this ghost place quickly. Don't think about it. There’s a lot of wealth to be made here, but you’ll probably be dead before you even get it!”

Drizzt couldn't help but curiously asked: "What about you? Since the bloody battle is so dangerous, why do you still participate?"

The tiefling sighed after hearing this and said: "I was recruited by my father, a great devil, to join the war. As for the vampire, he did it to gain the force to break through the realm."

"And I'm just living in hell, not knowing where to go next." The agency man raised his hand and said.

After hearing this, Imrik couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is the Force?"

The tiefling said in surprise: "Which world are you a country bumpkin from? How come you don't even know the force?"

He then explained: "There are two supreme powers in the multiverse, namely order and chaos. In the bloody battle, no matter which side you work for, as long as you kill enough enemies, you will get each of the two supreme powers." The descended force, the force is the purest energy essence, which can improve the professional level of any profession at no cost, and even enhance the essence of your race."

"This is why many people who are close to the legend will join the bloody battle. If they don't succeed, they will become benevolent."

Imric raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that joining the bloody battle would have such benefits. Maybe he could join the bloody battle in the future when he encounters a situation that cannot be improved.

But this time, Imrik's purpose was to bring Jerome back, so he decided to cut through the mess quickly and leave after killing fifty demons.

"When will the legendary team come back?" Imrik asked.

Banzhui spread his hands in a humane manner and said, "I don't know either. Maybe you can ask those devil officers and give them something as a bribe. Maybe they will tell you when they are happy."

Imrik nodded, and just as he was about to bribe some devils to ask for information about the legendary team, a huge horn sound suddenly came from outside.

"Oops, the war has begun, prepare to fight." The tiefling suddenly stood up, while the vampire showed an excited expression.

Imric and Drizzt looked at each other, and had no choice but to prepare for the challenge. Anyway, the fifty demon quotas had to be completed, and it would be the same if they were completed now.

Outside the Bronze Fortress, an army gathered, and a large number of demons stood all over the mountains and plains. Imrik and many mercenaries came to the city wall. As mages, Imrik and Tiefling were assigned to the exclusive role of spellcasters. position, bombarding enemies with long-range spells.

Drizzt and the Machine Man were assigned to the front line of the city wall to guard the demons climbing up below. They were human shields to protect Imric and other mages.

As for the vampire, this guy volunteered to join the hand-to-hand group, which had the highest casualty rate, and went out to fight in the city. He and a legion of low-level devils guarded the city gate in front of the city wall.

Imric curiously touched the chair on his post. Each spellcaster's post was accompanied by a dark brown chair, which shone with a strong magical aura. The ground under the chair was filled with mysterious spells. Runes, one after another, connect the chairs of all positions together.

"This is a legion spell-casting weapon that the devils spent a lot of money to build. Sitting on the chair, the caster's casting distance can be infinitely increased by superimposing each other, thereby destroying the enemy at an ultra-long distance. Otherwise, with the casting distance of most spells, You can't start attacking until the devil climbs the wall."

The tiefling on the side said.

Imrik suddenly realized that this chair, like the magic crystal tower, could increase the caster's casting distance infinitely. No wonder the caster did not need to join the army under the city. He was originally curious about how to use spells with the casting distance of ordinary people. Fight those demons.

At the devil's urging, the casters sat on the chairs one after another. Although the two armies had not yet clashed, with the chair's casting distance bonus, this was a good opportunity to sneak attack the devil.

Imric sat on the chair, and suddenly, a clear view of the demon army in the distance appeared in front of him. He could feel that he could cast spells anywhere he could see at any time.

At this time, many spellcasters had begun to cast spells, and a large amount of fire, ice, acid, and sound waves appeared in the demon army. The demon army realized that those disgusting demons had begun to use their [Far-sighted Chair] to carry out sneak attacks, and hurriedly began Order the troops to set out and not remain as targets.

Imrik tentatively raised a hand and pointed to a place that appeared in his field of vision in the void, where there was a team of hundreds of Quasai Demons and dozens of Berserker Demons.

"Extremely powerful expansion - Bigby's high-five."

Imrik chanted a spell, and the triple-strengthening magic effect was added to a six-ring evocation spell. In the picture, a huge force field palm suddenly appeared in the sky where the demons were.

After the expansion of the metamagic expansion expertise, the size of Bigby's flying palms was greatly increased. Imrik controlled the huge force field palm and slammed it towards the Quasai Demon. A dozen Quasai Demons were instantly beaten to flesh. mud.

"It's quite interesting." A smile appeared on Imrik's lips. This fighting method reminded him of the game he played in his previous life. He pointed at random, and Bigby high-fived each Quasai demon to death. , with its strong physical strength, the Mad War Demon was able to compete with [Bigby Flying Clap], but without a solution, they could only watch the Quasai Demons in their team being beaten to death one by one.

Six-ring evocation spell, [Powerful and Extremely Effective—Rainbow Dharma Eye] × 10.

Imrik stretched out his fingers and clicked on the void again, and ten colorful eyeballs appeared around each demon.

As soon as these eyeballs appeared, they attracted the attention of the demons, but it was too late. Each eyeball emitted seven kinds of light, causing dozens of demon casualties.

Fire, ice, acid, lightning... etc. In addition to lightning, every burst of rays will take away the life of a demon.

[Spell Upgrade—Seventh Level Monster Summoning Spell].

Imrik casts a conjuration summoning spell, and the spell is upgraded to metamagic, which can turn the spell into a higher-level version. If there is one, if not, it will simply increase the various values.

Therefore, through spell upgrade, the seventh-level monster summoning technique was strengthened by Imrik into the eighth-level monster summoning technique. At this time, Imrik summoned a super large fire element through the [eighth-level monster summoning technique]. Then, the command fire element ring on Imric's left hand lit up, and the super large fire element was amplified again.

In the end, Imrik summoned the fire element elder who could only be summoned by [Level 9 Monster Summoning Technique].

The fire element elder fell from the sky among the demons, and the flames burst out in all directions and burned a large number of timid demons. It continuously spit out flames and burned the demons with its flame-filled body, causing a large number of casualties.

Suddenly a demon who stood 12 feet tall and clutched a huge ax carved with intertwined mystical symbols and with a ruby ​​on the end noticed the elder of the fire element.

This demon has crimson skin, claw-shaped hands, and a tall, demonic coyote-like head with drool-covered fangs. A twisted snake head protruded from the side of the demon's neck, coiling menacingly and hissing.

He rushed over suddenly, carrying a frightening and powerful aura. He split the fire element elder in half with one axe, and then smashed the ax crazily until the fire element elder was struck by the vicious magic contained in the axe. The body was washed away and disappeared into hell.

"Interesting, a wolf-snake demon?" Imrik looked at the demon in the picture with interest. This was the first high-level demon he found. The wolf-snake demon's challenge level is as high as 19, making it the most dangerous and cruel. They are feared by many tanar'ri demons and even the fearsome Balor Balrog.

"Extremely effective and powerful spell penetration - dissociation." Imrik chanted a spell in a low voice, grasped the handle of the chair with a little force, and a dark green ray appeared from the void and shot towards the wolf-snake demon.

The Wolf Snake Demon felt a sense of danger of impending disaster. He quickly activated [Advanced Teleportation]. His body appeared hundreds of meters away. He saw a ray of dissociation appear from the void and accurately hit where he was standing. The place.

"Roar!!" The wolf-snake demon roared at the sky and patted his chest in demonstration. He knew that a powerful spellcaster on the city wall was eyeing him.

This was the second time he participated in the bloody battle. He was very aware of the demon army hiding on the city wall and casting spells. He became cautious, always paying attention to whether there were spells shooting at him above his head.

Imrik looked at the nervous wolf-snake demon on the screen and chuckled. He casually activated the [Dimensional Anchor] instantly.

The invisible space barrier came to the side of the wolf snake demon, his face became ugly, and the [Advanced Teleportation Technique] failed.

He started running suddenly, trying to run out of the range of [Dimensional Anchor] at a fast speed.

"Bang!" A force field wall suddenly appeared in front of him. The wolf-snake demon was knocked dizzy, and the powerful recoil sent him flying backwards.

"Extremely effective and powerful spell penetration - dissociation."

Imrik chanted the spell again, and this single-target spell with terrifying damage was once again aimed at the Wolf Snake Demon. This time, the stunned Wolf Snake Demon lost the ability to escape. He watched helplessly as the dissociation spell penetrated. own head.

After being strengthened by the super magic with triple enhanced spell damage, the spell effect of this dissociation spell has been strengthened to the limit, easily penetrating the head of the wolf and snake demon, turning this terrible demon into ashes.

Creatures killed by the [Dissociation Technique] have no possibility of resurrection except for the Full Resurrection Technique, because their bodies have been reduced to ashes.

Imric then "rolled names" one by one on the battlefield. Every unlucky person he noticed would receive at least one super-enhanced version of the [Dissociation Spell], and finally turn into ashes and die. In a short time , Imrik exceeded the conditions of the contract.

At this time, the tiefling warlock on the side suddenly stood up and said: "I can't do it anymore, I have run out of spell slots."

A devil came over and arranged for another spellcaster to take his place. Before the tiefling left, he noticed that Imrik was still there and asked in surprise: "Have you not exhausted all your spell slots? There are some left." There is no need to waste circle spells and cantrips, they won’t have any effect.”

Imric glanced at him, smiled and shook his head. He was currently addicted to killing demons remotely and didn't want to go offline.

"Ah, a Balor Balrog!" Imric said excitedly.

He saw a Barlow Fire Demon, and the opponent of the Barlow Fire Demon was an equally powerful Hell Fiend. These two rare top evil demons were surrounded by a large number of subordinates. They each locked onto each other and He became the prey of his own war.

"What spell should I use to deal with him?" Imrik thought distressedly.

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