Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 196 War Spells

"War spell?" Imrik raised his eyebrows. He really didn't know what it was. It sounded like a special war spell?

The mother of conspiracy was even happier when she saw that the mage didn't know the meaning of "war spell". She believed that the probability that the other party would be willing to cooperate with her in the future would be greater after knowing it.

"War spells are an advanced arcane technique invented by ancient magical civilizations. Their spell models are several times more complex than normal spells, and they have their own set of logic for weaving new spell models."

"Every war spell has a more powerful spell effect than ordinary spells, and a larger range of spell influence. It can influence the army even on the battlefield, so it is called - war spell."

"Typically, a spell that affects an area of ​​60 square feet to 100 square feet will have a war spell version that covers an area of ​​up to 10,000 square feet."

"Not only that, war spells can also improve the effects of spells. For example, summoning spells in war spells can usually summon far more than the number of normal spells. There is a legendary war spell called [Summon a Group of Monsters], which is [ The war spell version of Monster Summoning, and the number of summons it can summon is up to 25 creatures per caster level!"

Imrik was quite shocked. The effects of these war spells sounded even comparable to those of nine-level spells. This was too powerful: "What's the price? Even if the spell model of war spells is extremely complex as you said, I'm afraid it would take A huge price must be paid to achieve such an effect, right?”

The Mother of Conspiracy nodded in agreement and said: "Of course, war spells have increased the scale of spells through some complex techniques, but there is no doubt that spells of this level have reached the level of ritual spells. Therefore, all war spells , the casting time will take at least 10 minutes to an hour of ritual casting time, and the war spell version of all spells will be one level higher than the original spell."

"The most important thing is that each war spell consumes expensive casting materials. The calculation rule is roughly, spell level ×1,000 gold coins, which is one hundred and fifty-three thousand gold coins.”

Imrik thought thoughtfully, this so-called war spell actually greatly improved a certain aspect of characteristics at the expense of casting time and leveling up. But even so, the exaggerated range of increase of war spells, I'm afraid It is also related to the extremely expensive casting materials and the complex new technology of weaving arcane magic models, which ordinary mages cannot do.

"So, what do you want to invite me to do?" Imrik asked. He had a hunch that this green dragon might have clues about [War Spells].

"Of course I got this arcane skill. Knowledge can be shared. I am willing to share this knowledge to gain a powerful ally. After all, the enemies we have to face are not simple." Green Dragon said meaningfully said.

"Oh?" Imrik raised his eyebrows.

"In the center of this forest, there is an entrance to the Underdark. There, there is a drow city called Iredelin. According to the knowledge records in the ruins I obtained, the secret of war spells has been sealed. It exists in a tomb beneath this drow city, and the drow elves know nothing about it."

The green dragon sneered and said: "They have been sitting on such a precious treasure for thousands of years without finding anything."

"I want to invite you to destroy that drow city together and seize the secrets in that tomb."

Imrik was quite moved after hearing this. The description of the war spell made him extremely eager. Perhaps this kind of spell is a spell that ordinary mages would not use unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, the casting time is long and the casting materials are precious. , but these problems do not exist for Imrik!

Imagine that after possessing war spells, Imric can instantly cast spells covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet, summon hundreds or thousands of summons at will, and directly control thousands of enemy troops with one enchantment spell. One man becomes an army!

Not to mention, he couldn't even imagine the power of the legendary nine-ring war spell [Yangyan Explosion] when it was converted into a war spell. It would probably be no different from a real nuclear bomb, reaching the level of the legendary legendary spell. !

Yes, in Imrik's view, war spells are another weakened version of legendary spells. The unique technology allows these low-level spells to have the range of legendary spells. Of course, war spells generally do not enhance spells. In terms of damage power, under normal circumstances, there is no difference between the damage caused by offensive spells and the original spells.

"I agree, Mother of Conspiracies, you can call me Thor." Imrik said with a smile.

Mrs. Meiyan stretched out a hand and said with a smile: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Saul."


After the green dragon came out, it transformed into its prototype and flew away with wings.

Imrik walked out of the mage tower and said to Okul: "Take me to your master's territory. Next, I will lead your monster army."

According to the work assigned by Imric and the Green Dragon, Imric will lead the existing monster army to go ahead, occupy a territory, and recruit underground races as soldiers, while the Mother of Conspiracy will be responsible for snare giant monsters on the ground. monsters in the Demonic Roaring Forest, and brought the army from her distant hometown.

Yes, the Mother of Conspiracy, as an ancient green dragon who works part-time as a 19th-level mage, has a huge army of monsters even in her hometown, the Viper Forest in the Amn Empire. Although she did not bring any monsters with her when she was summoned by Drac's Horn. Any servants may have been in chaos at this time, but as long as she returns to the Serpent Forest and flaps her wings and shouts, those dependents will immediately bow down and surrender again.

"However, your power won't work in the Underdark, Clinshinibon." Imric asked.

"Yes, Master, my power cannot be exerted in places without sunlight. However, the characteristics of the Magic Crystal Tower itself will not be eliminated, whether it is the power to infinitely control monsters or the indestructible characteristics, as well as That increases the holder's ability to cast unlimited spells." The broken magic crystal replied.

Imrik nodded. As long as he still has unlimited casting distance and the power to control monsters infinitely, he can rely on a large number of monster armies and spells to deal with drow remotely. You must know that there will be mysterious creatures in every drow city. It's not a good idea to force your way in as a master of magic and divine magic.

Okul lowered his head in resignation. Even if he was as powerful as the Mother of Conspiracies, he had to compromise with the other party. What could he do?

I feel a bit uncomfortable today, so I won’t update it. I will update it tomorrow.

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